Chapter 2: Origins of Pomerlane

Born Pomernius Rainpuff-Greifswald in 1074 to Pomulus II of Greifswald and Pomeria, daugther of the Prince of Pomerfeld, the man we know as Pomerlane had relatively humble beginnings beyond what it seems. Greifswald was a small principality located near the Grand Duchy of Pomura in the central plain of Ninisani. Beyond that, constant civil wars had left the principality desolate and depopulated for the most part. Pomerlane was only 16when the Grand Duke of Pomura, Pomurius IV, decided to annex this tiny principality into his own realm; using the false flag of a Dragoonian invasion as a pretext for it. In the chaos surrounding this, Pomulus II was captured, deposed and beheaded by Pomurius, who took offense at his stubborn resistance.

Pomerlane himself managed to escape and spent the next few years as a nomad, bandit and then a mercenary to whomever paid the best. By 22, he formed his own Mercenary Company himself. He grew up to be a charismatic and dashing young man, who had a natural aura about him that caused many to follow him. When he was fighting in service of a Dragoonian Prince, he would be wounded in the leg, which gave him his nickname Pomernius the Lame, or Pomerlane. This battle would also mark another turning point in his life, as after the battle, the Dragoonian Prince refused to pay Pomerlane and his company at all out of greed. Pomerlane, enraged by this betrayal of trust, and contract would soon get more than even with this arrogant Prince.

After leaving the Prince's army during the day, Pomerlane and his men would launch a night attack upon the sleeping army. The Dragoonian Prince was slew and his men scattered like birds into the countryside. As the story goes, Pomerlane would feast at the princes table and would retire to the Prince's tent that night, absorbing the glory of his victory. It was when he laid down to rest that the Goddess Pomu herself entered his tent and presented herself before him. Pomerlane arose and kneeled before the Fairy Goddess, asking her "Why do thy come to me this night, my Goddess?" Pomu asked for him to stand and replied "Pomernius Rainpuff-Greifswald, my child, thou art destined for glory that will rival your ancestor Pomeranius. You will destroy these heathens who desecrate my land. No mercy must be shown to these blasphemers, nor the weak in your conquest. You will destroy the three families which have fornicated with Pomura to produce the evil in Pomerania and cleanse my temple of their heresy. Many will oppose you in this, but I am with you and so long as I am with you, thou shall conquer all. As I gave birth to Petra, you shall give birth to an Empire that will rule over all of Ninisani and beyond. My blessings are upon you, child. Go forth, and do your duty."

Pomerlane did not sleep at all that night, shocked by the encounter but when he arose the next day, he revealed what happened to his friends. At first, none of them believed him and told him he must had too much alcohol and Pomuleaf the night before but Pomerlane's conviction soon would convince them all of his destiny. They all pledged to loyally service him and Pomu during the times to come.

It was thus that Pomerlane would set forth on his journey, to do as the Goddess had asked. But to fulfill his destiny, he first had to build support for his cause and carve out his own domain. After thinking over it, Pomerlane knew exactly where he would start.

To be continued.
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Pub: 18 Jun 2022 14:24 UTC
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