most of these r free to use just shoot me a dm @vslancer on insta. italicized urls i'll probably be picky about giving away, but can trade.
pokemon - pex toxapex lando-t boltbeam edgequake dragmag araquanid vgc smogon heatran kingdra skarmbliss dracovish ttar hawlucha dhelmise nidoking nidoqueen sunflora kommo-o miraidon koraidon scyther ledian starmie venonat electrode heliolisk
undertale/deltarune - azgore cdbagel pizzapants woshua moldbygg wingdings goner moldessa alphy bergentrueckung mus_smile finalpower mus_st_him swatchling photoshopflowey erase-donot gasterstheme mewmewkissycutie
resident evil - re4make re3make re2make lsk sheva burton regenerator presidentevil redfieid revelations2 codeveronica krauser birkin muller williambirkin molded
borderlands - axton krieg hammerlock commando jakobs vladof torgue borderiands gaige deathtrap moze fl4k timothylawrence calypsos b0re phaselock phasewalk drzed gunzerker tinytina madmoxxi
other - cordyceps clicker futuredays thequarry metalgears crimsoncloud burythelight ironbull dreadwolf inquisitor masseffect mshep femshep kaidan darry greasers skywing dragonet moonturning jademountain othermind fatespeaker morrowseer ajhq vvergil deadspace kestis yiik deadweight raidenjack buck lostjudgement ddog bajiru vsnake punishedsnake killthepast ghostbabel
ships (don't necessarily ship all of these i just like hoarding urls) - cleon nivanfield otasnake adoribull bosseiot psyren rhysothy charthur ocehira mkaz ichinan raidante
misc. - millennia crustacean cockandballs nettle osprey moorhen cottonmouth scorch auklet vertebrate vertebrae aethia agave bombardier bromeliad burnet ocotillo ostrich cassowary cereus discretion hoop okipullup fml dealwithit soyjak tmrw oceania tianyou