D.Va's mech thundered along, hefting her through the corridors of the base. Its metal legs strained slightly, their gears and servos whining a bit, from all the weight they had to carry.

"Mrnf," mumbled D.Va, mouth full of spicy pork. She chewed, hoggish face rippling as she did. D.Va was spectacularly fat. Easily more than 1000 pounds. She was swaddled, cocooned, in support netting in the belly of her mech, which her abundant flesh oozed out everywhere it could.

She was being fed by two tiny mechanical arms that constantly shoveled more and more greasy, spicy pork into her lips. Her cute cheeks had become rippling blubbery jowls that jiggled as her mouth moved, leading down to a heavy second chin, and then a third chin, one that sagged onto the tops of her enormous breasts. But proportionally these were on the small side, despite being the size of basketballs; D.Va had always been more bottom-heavy, and this had continued as she had gorged herself into her current dizzying size. So her saggy, fat breasts rested on something far bigger: her belly. D.Va had an enormous, imperious belly, an ocean of a gut. It had no folds or rolls, just a great, oozing expanse of milky blubber, hanging down between the legs of her mech and rippling like waves in the ocean as it walked along. It must have sagged down six feet.

Her mech turned a corner, causing the empire of belly to jiggle more dramatically than normal. D.Va's porcine face contorted in discomfort--


"Uhn," she moaned. "My tummy hurts..."

The fart had puttered out of her cavernous ass crack. The half-ton behemoth of a Korean had grown a spectacularly fat and wide ass. Her belly was still the biggest thing about her, but her bottom was no slouch. Her cheeks were bigger than sofa cushions, each buttock a rounded, saggy boulder of fat. They were supported by cushioning at the back of her mech's cockpit, each buttock oozing and deforming around the cushioning area like milk in a bag. D.Va had had her supports widened to accommodate her increasing size, but it was clear she had fattened herself up against the limits of her current setup.


"Uhhhnn," groaned D.Va, the pink marks on her huge cheeks rippling as she groaned. Her tummy and guts really were starting to bother her. She kicked her huge legs uselessly. D.Va's thighs were bigger around than Mei's entire waist and hips: titanic, overinflated thighs, leading down to calves that were at least as big around as her old entire hips had been. Her calves sagged down onto her cute fat feet, completely obscuring her ankles.


She actually stopped chewing, and a look of serious discomfort crossed her vast fat face. Her brown hair seemed comically small amid all her jowls and chins; she looked very much like a pig in a wig. The metal arms hesitated as they noticed she had stopped chewing. Her fat fingers tapped a few buttons on the edge of her control system.


"Unnngh," she grumbled, groaning hugely out of the depths of her big body. "Ohhh, I need to gooooo..." And she tapped a few more buttons. Deep in the rear of her mech, her seat contorted and moved, and delicate systems parted her mammoth ass cheeks, as a cushioned funnel was pressed into her crack. D.Va felt a sense of relief as she felt the funnel slide into place. She really couldn't hold it in any longer.


"Uhn," grunted the half-ton Korean girl as a goopy slurry of feces began to putter out of her anus. They oozed down into the funnel, which led to a septic tank at the rearmost part of her mech.

Plrrrpppp Slllrrttt Plp

"Ahhh," sighed D.Va contentedly as she emptied her bowels. "That feels better...."


"Ahhhhh, yessss..." it really did feel good. She really had needed to go. Her tummy was already feeling better. Her big belly made a lot of poop throughout the day. Even now, D.Va was taking a dump that would have done an elephant proud. Pounds and pounds of waxy brown waste were slurching themselves down the funnel.


"Ngf," she grunted faintly as some of her poop made her asshole sting a bit. It felt like her anus was burning slightly. "Ungh, too much... spicy pork..."


And with a final, cannon-like belch of her colossal anus, D.Va was finished pooping. The cleaning systems gently washed and dried her anus and ass crack, and the funnel close off and retracted. She'd have the technicians empty her septic tank at the end of the day, as she always did.

"Mmm," said D.Va, huge hoggish face rippling with delight as she smiled. She tapped more buttons. The arms came around again, with their mouthfuls of spicy pork. The mech resumed moving, and D.Va resumed eating.

Pub: 20 Apr 2021 20:51 UTC
Views: 1573