General Information for the /vtwbg/ Project

Information for new anons

Hello and welcome to /vtwbg/, this thread is a collaborative worldbuilding project meant to represent /vt/ as a world of followers devoted to their divine vtuber idols. This can take many forms such as simple lore around your nation, in-depth economic or military documents, the creation of conlangs, speculative biology, stories about characters living in this world and many more. If (You) are interested in joining this project for your homethread, then please talk with anons in /vtwbg/.


Factors to consider when choosing your borders:

  • Position
  • Climate
  • Surface Area

The location of your country has many implications. Geopolitically, it informs what countries will neighbour yours. Geologically, it informs what sorts of natural resources you will have access to, and what kind of topography your country will have.
Please review:
Geopolitics with colors and labels enabled
Geology with height enabled

The climate of your country will influence the kinds of weather systems you can expect, precipitation, temperature, as well the flora and fauna that can assumedly live there. Deviations from this from spec bio or supernatural phenomena are possible.
Please review:
Biomes with biomes enabled

Surface Area
You can select your borders in any available space on the map. IRL, most notable countries are between 100 000 sq km and 2 000 000 sq km in area.
Here are the land areas of IRL countries for reference:
Country area
While selecting borders, keep in mind the effect of polar distortion; provinces closer to the poles are much smaller than equatorial ones. Check the approximate area of your country with the area tool on

Pub: 28 Feb 2024 00:15 UTC
Edit: 28 Feb 2024 00:16 UTC
Views: 673