Ryonaheim Military Wargame Company


Name: Joint Division of Second Ryonaheim Fleet of Vice Admiral Cuetzpalli Thrumasson and Ryonaheim Marine Regiment of Vice General Piyoreykr Ihuitldottir
Company/Guild: Blessed Navy and Marine of Yectic Teocuacayotl, Ministry of Battle
Company/Guild Status: Defense force under the Matiyotl theocratic government
Nation: Yectic Teocuacayotl


The first wargame exercise between Yectic Teocuacayotl and Moriji has been agreed. With it, a combined division was formed to be sent to Moriji to partake in the wargame. To avoid bad blood and rivalry between both sides of the exercise, the naval and marine personnel were chosen from those that rarely or never encountered the Black Fleet on an annual basis. With the exercise being proposed by the State Abattoir Theocracy of Ryonaheim, the divisions and personnel will be selected from those stationed and servicing under the state's leadership with the advise of the national Rikittlahtoastridrni of the Ministry of Battle.


Vice Admiral Cuetzpalli Thrumasson

Nationality: Yectic
Born: 1074 VTE
Home: Huehuecoaburg, Yectic Teocuacayotl
Race: Enhanced Human (Natural chuubanite radiation)
Ethnicity: Eastern Yectic
Former Occupation: Captain
Role: Vice Admiral of the Matiyotl Fleet assigned in Ryonaheim
Skill: Natural Matiyotl enhacements (regeneration, pain reduction, endurance), naval experience (ship knowledge, navigation, sailing, leadership, swordsmanship, gunmanship, naval combat experience), green water navy theorist. Trilingual (Yectic, Infinitum, Holodhennet)
Mental Analysis: INTJ, pragmatic, friendly only towards allies, determined, enjoys chaos but hides it
Item of Note: FOB standard issue musketoon and hand axe.
A man who has seen glorious battles across the South Ailivian Gulf. Whenever the Watamelon corsairs crossed paths with a Matiyotl patrol fleet, chances are Cuetzpalli was on board. Determined and thorough. He will never let a single enemy fleet escape easily. Fond of late boarding when the enemy ship has struck a leak. May or may not have been using ghazi corpses as biological bombs and fired living Watamelon sailors out of his cannons. Who knows.

Black Fleet Encounters

Two historical encounters with Black Fleet, both times were them intercepting the same /ahoy/ pirate fleet. Neutral disposition towards Black Fleet personnel.

Personal Fleet

Approximately 770 sailors divided into

  • 1 Fifth-Rate Frigate (Flaming Coceco, 220~ men)
  • 2 Skeid class Galleass (150~ men each)
  • 2 Snekkya class Xebec (100~ men each)

Vice General Piyoreykr Ihuitldottir

Nationality: Yectic
Born: 1101 VTE
Home: Ryonaheim, Yectic Teocuacayotl
Race: Enhanced Human (Natural Chuubanite radiation)
Ethnicity: Eastern Yectic-Takodachi
Former Occupation: Vikingrchiuhqui Captain
Role: Vice General of the Matiyotl Marines assigned in Ryonaheim
Skill: Natural Matiyotl enhacements (regeneration, pain reduction, endurance), naval and military experience (gunmanship, swordsmansip, ship knowldge, sailing, logistics, invasion strategy and planning, navigation), amphibious invasion expert, green water navy expert, tracker, jungle terrain expert. Trilingual (Yectic, Infinitum, Holodhennet)
Mental Analysis: ESFP, optimistic, generally friendly, pragmatic, scheming.
Item of Note: FOB standard issue twin barreled blunderbuss, halber, chuubanite seasoned leather armor, and smoke bombs.
Seasoned vikingrchiuhqui specialised in South Ailivian terrain such as the jungles of Risu, the desert of Watamelon, and the swamps of /ahoy/. A ruthless soldier on the battlefield and beloved idol to her soldiers. Expert in blunderbuss gunmanship.
Her father was a cultist from /wah/ that immigrated to the Matiyotl heartland after going on pilgrimage.

Black Fleet Encounters

One historical encounter with Black Fleet, during a raid on a /#/ coastal town, her vikingr party was intercepted by a Black Fleet patrol stationed in the area. Both agreed to cooperate and the Black Fleet aided her invasion instead. Neutral/indifferent disposition towards Black Fleet personnel.

Personal Corp

240 Soldiers divided into

  • 120 Vikingrchiuhqui
  • 20 Xochimær
  • 60 Line infantry soldiers
  • 2 Artillery/Swivel gun companies of 20 men each

Captain Nexticmiztli Nopalson

Nationality: Yectic
Born: 1099
Home: Cintligardr, Yectic Teocuacayotl
Race: Enhanced Human, Catalognaut
Ethnicity: Eastern Yectic
Former Occupation: Field operative for the Ministry of Battle in foreign paranatural missions
Role: Strike team captain of the Ryonaheim Esoteric Guard
Skill: Catalognaut related abilities, regeneration, durability, swordsmanship, marksmanship, gunmanship, close combat martial art. Trilingual (Yectic, Infinitum, Holodhennet)
Mental Analysis: ENFP, bloodlust, boastful, prideful, focuses on details
Item of Note: Nails of Akira buried within his arms, hand axe-flintlock, musketoon, chuubanite alloy armor, pet huehxolotl named 'Pipi'
A young recently promoted captain of the Ministry of Battle's esoteric threat corp. Led a squad of anti-schizo operations throughout the Ryonaheim countryside and around the /#/ Sea. Rumored to be a hopium addict.

Black Fleet Encounters

No historical encounter with Black Fleet. However...

Goddess Faithful Encounters

Two known encounters as a field operative.
One encounter during a mission to escort a wentli candidate out of Risu, another during a naval boarding of a schizo infested cult hive ship off the coast of /#/.
In-depth accounts unavailable under orders of the Ministry of Magic.

Catalognaut Abilities

Patron deity: Mazono Akira
/become/: Minor. Mild stripes of pink hair and purple sheen iris.
Abilities: Pain to pleasure conversion, rapid regeneration, body part reattachment, universal blood transfusion, fleshbending.

Known Activities

Works Featuring This Adventurer Team

Pub: 10 Nov 2022 10:42 UTC
Edit: 10 Nov 2022 14:19 UTC
Views: 194