Part 7: Offering a Gift to a Friend

Hikari: Oh! Here she is! Ramo-san!

Lilja: We’ve finally found you.

Ramona: Hikari! Lilja!

Ramona: Sorry, I’ve been totally absorbed in conversation with Kathina.

Kathrina: You’re welcome.

Hikari: Kathrina-chan! Happy New Year! You look so cool in a kimono! Did you put it on by yourself?!

Kathrina: No, that’s, the girls from Sirius…

Lilja: True, it suits you well. You’re beautiful, Kathrina, so you should wear it on a daily basis.

Kathrina: B-beautiful, you say…

Hikari: Yeah! And the kimono makes you super cute!

Lilja: Isn’t that right? I always say that. Nature grants us wonderful gifts, so not making the most of them is a disservice to beauty.

Kathrina: A disservice to beauty…

Ramona: Come on, girls, aren’t you making Kathrina confused attacking her like that. Sorry, Kathrina.

Kathrina: Ah, no, it’s fine…

Ramona: How did checking out the stalls go?

Hikari: Great! We came across a stall with really delicious tama konnyaku*! Ramo-san, let’s go eat some together later?

Lilja: There’s also a stall that sells grilled squid nearby.

Ramona: Woah! Awesome, I already tried some raw squid when I arrived in Japan, so I’m looking forward to grilled squid too. Sure, I’ll join you…

Kathrina: (Huh, didn’t she make some good friends in Japan herself?)

Kathrina: (That’s how it is, isn’t it? I’ve met Kokona and Shizuka, and Mona-san was always good at getting along with other people.)

Kathrina: (Now that’s kind of vexing. But I’m glad she’s happy.)

Kathrina: (Really, what an annoying person. Just why did she go through the trouble of coming here from Germany? I guess I’ll have to thank her someday.)

Kathrina: (No idea, how, though.)

Hikari: Oh! Right! We also saw a stall with omikuji castella cake! It was really sweet, fluffy and delicious!

Ramona: Omikuji castella cake?

Lilja: A gorgeous castella cake that comes with an omikuji. Hikari… what did you get?

Hikari: Hmm, Ultra Happy Delicious slightly good luck!

Lilja: Not bad.

Ramona: Turns out, you can get something so fascinating here? I’d like to try it! We’ve just talked about omikuji with Kathrina, too.

Kathrina: ..!

Kathrina: Please, wait a bit!

Ramona: Hey! Kathrina, where are you going?!

Kathrina: I’ll be right back!

Ramona: Don’t rush like that! Uh…

Lilja: She’s gone.

Hikari: Wow, she’s really fast! She said she’d be back, but where did she go?

Ramona: Well… I hope she won’t disappear again.

Kathrina: Sorry to keep you waiting.

Hikari: Oh, Kathrina-chan, you’re back!

Lilja: Where did you run off to so suddenly?

Ramona: Really, Kathrina. You could trip if you ran like that in a kimono, and it’s crowded so you could have gotten lost…

Kathrina: Here!

Ramona: Ohh… That is…?

Hikari: Oh! It’s an omikuji castella cake!

Lilja: For Ramo? Is it a present?

Kathrina: I don’t mean it like that!

Hikari: Not like that?

Kathrina: Anyway! I got it, so please take it!

Ramona: Is that alright?

Kathrina: I got it for you! Thanks for being the meddlesome person you are! Here!

Ramona: I see… Haha.

Ramona: Thank you, Kathrina.

TL note
*Tama konnyaku is a ball-shaped dish made from konnyaku potato cooked with soy sauce and sugar.

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Pub: 11 May 2024 17:40 UTC
Edit: 14 May 2024 11:45 UTC
Views: 81