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Hifiman HE400SE Planar Bluetooth Headphones Review

Hifiman has shaken up the market for headphone with their incredibly-sounding headphones, the HE400SE Planar, which cost less than $200. The sound is clear and full of thump, without distortion.

They have a great active sound cancellation, helpful smart features, and a lightweight and comfortable design. They also have a great balance of sound that is complemented by excellent clarity, top-quality sound and a spacious sound.

HIFIMAN Sundara 2020

If you're a big fan of magnetic headphones that planar You should take a look at the HIFIMAN Sundara 2020. These closed-back headphones are among of the top models in their price range, and are extremely comfortable to wear for long periods of time. They're designed to be ergonomic, and the ear cups are soft and cushioned to ensure comfort. You can even pair them with a portable headphone amplifier to get a better listening experience.

The HIFIMAN Sundara 2020 has a black finish that appears premium, with large round earcups and a ski band-style headband. The faux leather padding on the ears feels comfortable against your ears. The headband is padded with a silky fabric to keep your scalp cool. The ear cups that can fold make it easy to carry. The ear cups also feature an opening in the back to vent air which makes them more breathable than other headphones that are planar.

Sundara headphones have a neutral sound quality and passive isolation is better than their predecessors. These headphones are great for those who want to listen to the natural sound of instruments. However, they may not be suitable for those who prefer more bass-driven music.

In the lows, the Sundara is full and clear. The bass is booming, but lacks a little slam. This could be due to these headphones are closed back and do not have the same amount of driver excursion.

The mids are clear and precise reproduction The electric guitars and vocals sound fantastic. The viola and the oboe are reproduced in natural warm tones but they could use some more body. There's a bit of dryness around 1-3kHz. This is a nitpick that I have in all HIFIMAN headphones.

The highs are clear and precise, without any shrillness. click the up coming web site have a sense depth that makes these headphones suitable for classical music as well as other genres that require clarity and precision. The treble is crisp without being too bright. The hi-hat in a song such as "Long As i Can See the Light" from Creedence Clearwater Revival, for instance, is reproduced with incredible detail. Drums and cymbals can also be reproduced in clear detail without mud.


Hifiman has been a favorite in the audiophile community for many years, offering headphones that are highly praised by the public and users. The brand's newest entry is the Deva Pro wireless headphone, which uses the stealth magnet array of the brand's flagships and comes with a combination of open-back magnetic technology as well as high fidelity Bluetooth streaming. It also includes an 3.5mm-to-USB adaptor that allows for traditional wired connectivity.

The new Deva Pro has been released and replaces the HE400SE model in the line of products. Its new stealth magnet array is believed to have a symmetrical alignment and produce more dynamic response than the HE400SE. The earcups are larger and the headband is more comfortable however, the overall design feels familiar. The Deva Pro is an excellent option for those who are looking for a planar headphone that comes with Bluetooth capabilities.

Like the Sundara and Ananda BT, the Deva Pro is an open-back wireless headset that comes with a detachable Bluemini bluetooth module. The Bluemini is based on the Himalaya R2R architecture, which Hifiman claims will improve distortion, power handling and efficiency. It is a bit more expensive than the Deva but it's still a great value to anyone who is looking for an open-back planar Bluetooth headphone.

The Deva Pro's versatility is among of its most appealing features. The headphone has dual-entry design that allows you to use cables with left and right 3.5mm TRS stereo connectors. This makes it compatible to numerous other HIFIMAN headphone models, including the Sundara BH and Ananda BH.

The audio quality of the HIFIMAN DEVA is excellent and it delivers strong low-frequency bass without distortion at top volume levels. The high and upper mids are smooth and balanced with no shrillness and excessive brightness. The treble is a smooth and well-articulated tone which is perfect for listening vocal music.

The treble is not as clear and precise as the treble of some other brands of headphone, but it's still an excellent choice for those who enjoy listening to pop, rock or classical music. The bass is a bit loud however it doesn't dominate the rest of the sound, and the earcups are comfortable enough to be used for long listening sessions.

Monoprice M1060

If you're looking for a pair of planar headphones that let you hear your music to the fullest The Monoprice M1060 are an excellent choice. They feature an open-back design and elegant design and 106mm planar magnet drivers that deliver large sound. They're an excellent choice for audiophiles and can be utilized with a headphone amplifier to get the most of these headphones.

Most headphones use dynamic driver technology, which uses magnets to move a diaphragm in the speaker to create sound waves. The M1060's 106mm planar drivers are unique and produce sound with less distortion and better bass than your typical headphones. The open-back design makes them ideal for long listening sessions.

The M1060 headphones are designed to be comfortable and comfortable for hours of listening, and the headband is cushioned and faux leather. The headphones are heavy but they fit comfortably and won't slip off your head easily. They're also well-made and feature an elegant design and feel.

Monoprice's decision to use an all-metal body for these headphones is a smart one. It helps keep the weight down which is essential for comfort. However, it can make the M1060s a bit too hot for some listeners. The headband could be padded a little more to spread the weight out evenly.

The M1060s are a bit expensive, but they provide a great listening experience. They feature a full and detailed soundstage that is balanced. They are also larger than closed-back models, allowing you to hear music from all around. This feature is great when you're trying to practice at home without having to disturb your roommates or neighbors. These headphones are also great for recording studios since you can hear every single detail in your mix. Plus, they are a lot cheaper than other headsets with high-end features.

Hifiman HE400SE

The HE400SE is a great headphone at a reasonable price. It uses Planar Magnetic Technology and Stealth Magnet Design to reduce distortion to a degree that is almost inaudible. This makes them among the best headphones for budget on the market.

They also come with a removable cable for easy replacement. These headphones allow you to use your own wires, making them perfect for those who want to customize the sound of their headphones. They also come with a bag which protects the headphones from harm when not in use.

Although they are not the most comfortable pair of headphones however, the HE400SE is an excellent option for people who don't wish to spend too much on their headphone. The earcups have smaller cutouts, so they won't be as comfortable for people with larger ears. Nevertheless, they fit my ears perfectly and were quite light. The volume control and button are easy to use.

HiFiMAN's HE400SE headphone is not an exception. It is known for its affordable, yet powerful designs. The HE400SE is affordable, but offers a premium listening experience due to its Planar magnetic driver. The drivers are quick and are responsive to EQ and it's also possible to modify these headphones to your heart's content.

The HE400SE is more focused on mids than other Hifiman models. Its soundstage is more spacious and clear, but it also has a little more of a tunnel effect, making the voices sound a little unnatural at times. The bass is warmer and has a deeper note weight, however the HE400SE does not offer the same level of clarity and detail as its bigger counterparts.

The HE400SE is the most affordable pair of over-ear planar headphones you can buy from HiFiMAN. It's a high-quality headphone that is comparable to the more expensive models on the market. Its sound is clear, but not harsh. Its treble is exceptionally clear and extended. The only drawback is its low bass that is aemic, which can be easily corrected with a quality equalizer like Sonarworks.

Pub: 22 Mar 2024 00:58 UTC
Views: 17