THE ONE (represent one whole year and also only one timeline) Kronii representative, Pope like figure. Only accessible to Kronies. I would consider isolate her in a castle/church/temple in a man-made island on the middle of our great lake. Rules 24 years, when graduates it stays in the same place but doesn't have religious obligations anymore.
The 12 (represent twelve months). This are priestess that govern our religion and its institutions, so they can met outsides. They have political and cultural roles. They are everywhere on the island and can live anywhere, but should be always active on their duties.
The 364/5 (represent days): grass-level priestess, everywhere on the island and generally stationary. Everyday duties. They're teach everything a twelve should now to be able to replacement them if one is missing, steps up or becomes The One.

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Pub: 08 Mar 2022 01:39 UTC
Views: 384