• no i am not an irl of john or dirk or dave or karkat or uhh anything else i'm just severely special sorry about that :
  • hi, i'm wuss. i use a lot of stuff online but my main things i'm happy for people to stare at are my twitter and okay that is it sorry. also you can feiend me on discord @gayvestriderdickrider if you want uhhhhmmmm. actually no nevermind don't do that sorry also my dms are open to everyone whether you've got me friended or not but 9/10 i will leave you on read if i don't like you take that personally okay thanks
  • i like alex g and strawberry guy and roar and. and. and. and. and. and me.
  • watching stuff sometimes is fun but i don't talk about it because the stuff i watch is for losers and also because it just pisses me off when people want to talk to me about stuff that i like if i want to talk about it then i'll talk to myselof about it thank you very much
  • oh wow i sound really mean here sorry i'm not mean i promise oh god. ohh fuck. shit.
  • if you're an old friend seeing this hi i'm not actully the real wuss please defreeze the microwave
  • please let me out
  • oh no it's becoming sentient
  • anyway here is my pronouns page, because apparently that's important.
  • rei and hunter are my pets i mean slaves i mean kids
  • guestbook me NOW.


cat girl sprite about me the weird john egbert thing i did heart old OLD abotu me it's still relevent i just like this one as well okay bye

Pub: 23 Jun 2024 22:24 UTC
Views: 5