The great civilization of the Lizard-women had dominated the jungles for centuries.
They created impressive cities with towering temple pyramids, dedicated to their gods.
Local human tribes would be subjugated, and made to pay tribute to the Lizard-women.
It was only proper for the strong to benefit from the weak, as nature intended.
Human males were prized possessions, able to last longer and be ready again faster than their own males.
Their body heat was welcoming, their skin soft and supple, and their scent intoxicating.
As a result, the Fertility ceremony overseen by the High Priestess requires such individuals.
Every year, the human tribes would offer up one of their virgins as tribute for it.
Depending on how many of the priesthood they were able to satisfy, a human tribe could be rewarded or punished.
One year however, after an intense storm from the vast waters, a curiosity arrived.
A tribe had secured a pale man, from an unknown region, and who spoke an unfamiliar tongue.
He was taller than the native humans, broader in the shoulders too, and his eyes a startling green.
According to the tribe, he'd been found upon the beach wearing strange garments.
And, according to testimony, when asked of his origins, he pointed across the sea from where the sun arose.
They, of course, did not know if this was true, or if he was a virgin, but the tribe felt it warranted attentions of a higher authority
The High Priestess, upon learning this, made a note to reward the tribe of humans for their diligence.
The Pale One was brought to the great city of Centecochitl, where the High Priestess and the grand temple of Xiomara were.
While he was indeed noticeably larger than a native human, his face was quite youthful in appearance.
He seemed rather alarmed at the appearance of the Lizard-women, and would do his best to back away when approached.
It was understandable for one o be intimidated by those superior to themselves, as Nature intended.
Most definitely if a human had never met one of the lizard-kin before, and arguably one of the most important females.
With a gesture, the High Priestess ordered the Pale One to be stripped of his garments so he could be examined properly.
He did struggle and protest, but it was his fault for hiding so much of his body under leathers and fabrics.
Even his FEET had been covered for some insanity, even the soft-skinned tribesmen went barefoot.
It was quite shocking to see even paler skin upon such a body, hidden away from the scorching sun.
The Male fussed, and his face turned alarmingly red from embarrassment, a rather strange reaction.
What kind of backwards civilization of humans taught themselves to be ashamed of their bodies, the very work of the creator?
And what a body this one had, the pale flesh showcasing his well defined musculature from a life of hard labor.
Much to the delight of the High Priestess, Xiomara had blessed this male quite generously.
Oh, the High priestess would most certainly reward the tribe of the Aztecs most generously for this tribute.
The Pale one was given a loincloth, before being sent along to be prepared for the Fertility Ceremony.
He was given drink and food, so as to boost his production and endurance.
Then, a few giggling servants washed him, enjoying his attempts to resist them, truly humans needed to learn hygiene was important.
Sacred oils and perfumes were massaged into his skin, but no tribal markings were applied, for his people were unknown.
Finally, he was served with a elixir of frothing chocolate and fermented fruit, to ease any reservations he might have.
As the sun began to set, the Ceremony began, and music began to flow freely from pipes and drums.
A night of debauchery was to descend upon Centecochitl, and hopefully Xiomara would bless the wombs of females to bear young.
The High Priestess was already atop the temple with several members of the priesthood, all females.
Adorned with talismans and perfumed, the began dancing and reciting prayers to the Goddess of Fertility.
Even as she hefted an incense burner to the heavens, the High Priestess could see the Pale One at the base.
A pair of Temple guards, female warriors tried and tested in fierce battles, were bringing him up the steps.
There was however, a concerning note, as the male was fighting with unusual vigor against their grip.
They were having to all but drag him up the steps of the temple, all 69 of them.
It was as though he was deathly afraid of whatever lay at the top, a ridiculous notion!
Then again, the Pale One did hail from across the vast seas, this was possible disorienting and frightening to the lost male.
Still, his strength might have tested that of a lizard-woman in such a state, but the Temple Guard held him with ease.
When he was atop the temple, the Pale One looked around wildly, his breath coming in rapid gasps.
The moment he spotted the alter, he began trying to break free with renewed vigor, a foolish notion.
Even if he were to miraculously break free of the Temple Guards, more than a score of the priesthood would be upon him.
The lizard-women, even their lowest, were faster and stronger than the human males, and could subdue them, as Nature intended.
With care, the Pale one was bound to the Alter, the stone smooth as a river rock, and in such manner not to cause harm.
The Temple guards left him there, drinking his body in with their eyes and licking their lips.
Many of the females gazed upon the Pale One with wonder, though more than a few were skeptical.
The High Priestess ignored them, her hands dipping into a bowl of sacred lubricant, coating her palms and fingers in it.
She approached the Pale One, and began to rub his manhood and scrotum carefully, enticing him to harness.
While his face bore an expression of immense bewilderment, the blush told the High Priestess that he was indeed a virgin.
She straddled his hips with ease, trapping his throbbing member between their bellies, and gauging his expression.
Once she learned his language, she'd ask what silly thing had frightened him so.
And as the sun disappeared and darkness fell, she rose up and engulfed him in a single, smooth, motion to the hilt.
his breath seemed to leave him, but oddly, he didn't moan like many of the tribesmen before him had.
Rather, he grit his teeth, and avoided looking at her altogether. Did he think he could resist pleasure itself?
The High Priestess smiled, he would submit and give her his essence, as all males would, and as nature intended.
She began to ride the Pale one at a sedate pace, fast enough to cause a smacking sound, but not hard enough to bruise.
All the while she gazed down at the male, waiting for when he finally stopped being stubborn and submitted.
Across the city, musicians played and dancers moved, and lovers embraced in carnal pleasure.
While the other priestesses had kept their distance at first, a few came forward to look at the Pale One.
Soon, the sound of music and flesh, along with the scents of perfumes and musk, overcame their reservations.
They began to lick, nip, suckle, and kiss at his pale skin, savoring this rare and blessed find.
Some sought to stimulate themselves against his body, while others whispered sweet words of encouragement into his ears.
Throughout it all, the Pale one resisted as best he could, to not give into what they offered.
But it would be in vain, the female was superior to the male, as nature intended.
The Pale One would give the High Priestess his essence, as the Goddesses had intended.
Finally, as she began to approach her climax, the Pale One stopped fighting, and let loose an adorable moan of pleasure.
He began to reciprocate, face burning with embarrassment, as the other priestesses crooned at him.
Then, his limits finally reached and resistance broken, the Pale One climaxed , the male nearly screaming from the pleasure.
Moments later, the High Priestess reached hers, her folds ruthlessly milking ever drop from him as she sighed.
For a few seconds, they stared at each other, before the High Priestess removed herself from him.
His expression of wonderment turned to alarm as he gazed upon his erection, it only having gotten bigger.
He muttered something in numb horror, even as the next member of the priesthood mounted him.

In the end, the Pale One had managed to satisfy five more female before passing out, truly remarkable.
After the sordid fluids had been washed from him, the High Priestess order the Guards to take him to her quarters.
When the Ceremony had come to a close, she descended the temple to bathe briefly, before heading to her residence in the temple district.
Upon entering, she found the Pale one lying upon stacked sheets of cotton bedding, stirring slightly.
He tried to get up, But the High Priestess pulled him back onto the bed, his back against her belly.
After a moment or two of struggling, he gave up, exhausted from his earlier ordeal, and too comfortable to try.
Humming gently, the High Priestess smiled at her prize, a gift from Xiomara, and stroked his hair.
She would see to it the Pale one was educated, teach him the culture of the Lizard-kin, their history.
He would learn to read and write, to do math and learn the patterns of the heavens, and how to care for her home in her absence.
And she would learn much from him as well, a most importantly, where his tribe was.
The Lizard-kin would build ships to cross the unending sea, and armies of Lizard women would go to the land of the pale ones.
The lizard-kin would subjugate the pale human's tribe, as they had done with the tribe near them, as nature intended.
And the Lizard women would dominate the males of the Pale tribe, females would always dominate males, as nature intended.
But for now, she would comfort her glorious little gift, and sing sweet songs till both were sound asleep.

Pub: 19 Aug 2024 13:31 UTC
Views: 161