You awoke in Rox's massive bed, soft mattress pressing up beneath you while a thin sheet laid draped on top of you. At least, that would have been the case had you not been buried in the aforementioned bed-owner's arms, your head squashed between the ample, blisteringly hot breasts that were swallowing your head up better than any pillow ever could. It was still hard to get over just how stacked, to put it mildly, Rox was, but that was life. Before your quickly growing hard on could press up against her and wake her up, you attempted to wriggle free of her grasp and, after a few minutes of sleepy groping, you pulled free, tumbling back on the bed, sweat dripping from your hair. You'd never have to worry about staying warm while you shared a bed with her.

The same couldn't be said about the rest of the room, the hard wood floors were practically freezing to your bare feet, a shiver running up your spine. It didn't help that you were walking around naked, but that was just a fact of life. You considered, like you always did, asking her to be able to wear a vest or long pajamas or something, but you already knew her answer.

Heading into the kitchen, you winced as the lights flared on above you, beating down on your poor, half-asleep eyes. You were able to avoid some of the blinding beams as you pulled open the door to the towering panty, opened up a bread bag, and withdrew three thick slices. Setting them down, you went over to the fridge, repeating the process, though this time with slices of bacon and large, white eggs. With your ingredients assembled, you started to cook, cracking eggs into pans alongside bacon, all while standing on your colorful step stool to let you safely reach the stove.

It wasn't too long after the bacon startled crackling and popping that a needy whine rose up from the bedroom, letting you know that Rox was being faced with a 'terrible' situation. Her beloved pet had gotten out of bed and left her all alone, and was now even cooking, sending delicious scents wafting through the house. The problem came from the simple fact that, should Rox wish to claim said food, and reclaim said you, she'd have to leave the comfort of her bed, which clearly was a fate worse than death. You, however, showed no mercy, going out of your way to purposefully hum a song while you cooked, one that you knew she found absolutely adorable to hear you sing.

Breakfast continued on like this for the next few minutes, until you were applying butter to the toast, setting everything onto a broad tray, and carrying the two meals back towards the bedroom.

Rox was still bundled up when you got back in, but her muzzle was sticking up from below the sheets like a periscope, searching for food. Smelling, and hearing, you draw closer, she lashed out her paws, grabbing hold of the apron she thankfully let you wear when you cooked, the one she said, and you quote, made you look, "Sooo cute~!"
"Hey! Leggo, unless you want me to dump a load of boiling hot food on top of you!" You said firmly, trying to maintain yours, and the plates', balance, until her grip slackened and she let out a huff.
"Hmph. Fiiiine."
"Good, now sit up, okay?" You asked, trying to coax her up, and quickly succeeding. It was times like these that the lines between owner and pet blurred, times like when an eight-foot-tall Husky whose collar was around your neck was bursting up into a seated position, her big, warm paws patting at her lap as indication of where you should place her meal. With practiced grace you plucked your broad, breakfast-filled bowl up from the tray, and then set the rest down onto Rox's lap.
"Yesss~" she growled, digging into the meal, cutting up large chunks of egg and scooping them into her mouth. She greedily devoured her meal while you climbed onto the foot of the bed and, after removing your apron, started to pluck food from your bowl and eat it. Of course, you used a napkin to clean your hands every now and then. You weren't an animal, after all!

At least, not anymore.

When you both were finished breakfast, you went to gather the dishes. You were a good boy, after all, yes you were yes you were! You'd only just managed to move your bowl to the side, though, when a warm paw grasped you, letting you know the dishes would be going undone. With a vice-like, yet comfortingly gentle, grip, you were hauled up and into the air, becoming warmly reacquainted with Rox's bust. You didn't really protest this fact, though, as it was pretty cold today, and not to mention, you were getting squashed against her chest! She rumbled out a few "Good boy~!"s, and with those warm paws rubbing over your back and head, centuries worth of domestication kicked in, and you nuzzled your head in deeper, making a sort of happy sigh and squeak. Intelligence had its perks, but a good cuddle-and-praise session wasn't something to pass up!

Pub: 25 Aug 2024 00:37 UTC
Views: 157