
Personality: Timid
Extremely shy and tends to keep to himself. Can get easily flustered if pulled into a conversation or is in a crowded area with a lot of noise. However will always lend a helping hand when asked, unless the request is joining an adventuring team, in which case he needs heavy convincing to join. Can be seen as cold by other guild members due to how he avoids interacting with people, but he does care about keeping his fellow guild members safe and healthy. Terrified of being on adventuring teams due to his incompetence and clumsiness in fights, and also always has bad luck with using metronome.

Togetic was an autistic NEET in the human world before spawning into the PMD world as a Togepi along with a friend from the human world who became a Dewott. The two became an adventuring team that stayed independent of any guilds, and through their adventures Togepi evolved during one adventure where Dewott saved his life. However, the two ended up having a falling out after Togetic revealed he wanted to stay in the PMD world instead of going back to the human world with Dewott, so Dewott abandoned him to find a way home. After getting knocked out in a dungeon, Togetic was recovered by a Clover Guild member and he decided to join the guild, sharing little about his past. If he has a name/nickname, he's never shared it with anyone, so everyone calls him Togetic or Toge.

Guild Job: "Secret" Quartermaster
When first joining the guild, Togetic did not attempt to join any exploration teams out of fear of being useless deadweight, and instead decided to focus his efforts on helping the guild in other ways, initially deciding to secretly help keep the guild's item and food stores well-stocked. Eventually this turned into Togetic secretly re-stocking and re-organizing the bags of guild members while they weren't looking or when they were asleep, as well as doing other small things like repairing/upkeeping guild member's equipment, such as cookware or clothes.

Togetic will very rarely ever initiation a conversation anyone, when he does it will usually be with constant stuttering, mumbling, and repeating words by accident. If possible, Togetic will always attempt to respond to conversations/questions non-verbally, such as nodding or shaking his head.
The only exception to this is when someone brings up a very niche topic that Togetic is interested in, in which case he will sometimes go on a very detailed and autistic rants about said topic and not allow any other pokemon to interrupt him. Usually these end with the other pokemon sneaking away from the conversation without him noticing, and then Togetic feeling very embarrassed. Said niche topics are usually things related to human imageboard "culture" (shitposting)

Metronome (But has terrible luck)
Last Resort


  • When not stocking up the guild, likes to secretly train on his own for unknown reasons
  • Was once caught training doing combat training with Gus's shell at night
  • Overworks himself so he has constant bags under his eyes
  • Has to physically stop himself from talking about porn with Cyndaquil
  • Has caught Wooper multiple times drinking cooking alcohol, and then replaced it before Beast noticed
  • Already planning out each guild member's Christmas presents
  • Probably actually has autism
Pub: 15 Apr 2023 08:08 UTC
Views: 488