Chapter 5: Fair is Foul, Foul is Fair

Koyomi: I am now in middle school 3rd year, and Renjakuno Hatsumi has been in the troupe for a year. While she has clashed with other people on multiple occasions, she's been growing while at Gingaza.

Koyomi: Charismatic and with a strong ego. Many were entranced by her unique approach to theatrics. I guess you could say she's gathered quite the following.

Koyomi: Even though I saw her as a threat to me, I had a strange sense of trust towards her. Probably because I was able to step on equal footing alongside her.

Stage Director: Next week, we going to hold auditions for "Macbeth". It's been a while but there will be a screening for the selection of the lead role.

Stage Director: Refer back to what we said last time for what kind of performance we're expecting of Macbeth. This is a great opportunity, so everyone, make sure you're all prepared.

Koyomi: (The ability to play for the lead role is going to be measured by the newcomers, or perhaps more likely be selected by the director and senior management.)

Koyomi: (This opportunity is sending everyone into a frenzy. But I have no intention to lose.)

Hatsumi: So next is "Macbeth" huh. How nostalgic.

Koyomi: You've performed the play before?

Hatsumi: I haven't performed it but I've read it before.

Hatsumi: "Fair is Foul, Foul is Fair", a pretty famous quote.

Koyomi: Spoken right at the start of the play, where the witches decree Macbeth's fate, right?

Hatsumi: There is no way to determine what is good and what is bad. It all changes depending on a persons experience, place in life and with time.

Koyomi: Even with all your selfish desires, is there any way to determine if those are good or bad?

Hatsumi: Hah. How cruel of you to call them selfish desires.

Hatsumi: To answer your question......

Hatsumi: I wonder that too.

Koyomi: Haaa. This should be enough for today......

Koyomi: (The witches are intrigued about Macbeth assassinating the King and rising to power. The acting direction is pretty obvious at this point.)

Koyomi: (With the director's directions for Macbeth as well as the scripts descriptions, he should be a person whose suffering and descending into evil.)

Koyomi: The conflict between your inner self following a path of corruption or what is morally right. The way that "Macbeth" demonstrates this complex relationship. It really draws you in......

Iroha: Still practicing this late in the night?

Koyomi: Iroha-san.

Koyomi: You're still awake.

Iroha: The bath is free now, so I came to call you. I still haven't taken one yet so I thought we could take one together.

Koyomi: Is that so? I still have some practicing to do, you can take one ahead of me.

Iroha: Eh~...... You're not going to join me? I feel like we haven't talked to each other at all recently.

Iroha: It's been making me feel lonely.

Koyomi: I'm sorry. I have a very important audition coming up. Once this is over, we'll have ample time to talk to each other.

Iroha: OK~.

Koyomi: Alright, go ahead and take a bath. Please let me focus on my practice.

Iroha: Onee-chan......

Koyomi: What is it?

Iroha: It seems like recently Onee-chan's has been pretty busy lately. You've been coming home with a stern look a lot......

Iroha: I'm not in Gingaza, so I don't know what being in a troupe is like. But if there's something troubling going on and its affecting you...... Please tell me.

Iroha: When that happens, I'm going to go to everyone and tell them to give you some time off!

Koyomi: Fufu, I perfectly fine. Thank you for worrying about me, Iroha-san.

Iroha: Hmmm. Is that so? Great if it is.

Hatsumi: Hm......

Hatsumi: What a boring plot.

Hatsumi: If we go with this, won't the viewers get bored?

Hatsumi: ......Or would it be a success because Koyomi is going to be in it?

Hatsumi: No...... Lets not think about this any more.

Hatsumi: Lets just focus on my own performance for now.

Pub: 09 Dec 2023 08:44 UTC
Edit: 10 Dec 2023 02:13 UTC
Views: 134