IRC Stuff

IRC is completely anonymous if you want it to be but you have the option to register an account if you wish to do so, if you need an local IRC client for desktop i could reccomend "Hexchat" and "IRCCloud"as thats what ive been using for the past two years now of course there are many other options so try google if you want to use something else as i can only talk for hexchat myself and im using IRCCloud on mobile:

Content Link Description
/wAIfu/ IRC Kiwi Link Link Kiwi link that opens a window in your browser
IRC Info to put into your client Link #/wAIfu/ at
Hexchat IRC Client Link Desktop IRC Client
IRCCloud Android Link Link the the Mobile version of IRCCloud
IRCCloud IOS Link Link the the Mobile version of IRCCloud

If you do want to see the options in the IRC simply use the "/NickServ help" command and it brings up the following options: Catbox To register a username as an example simply use "/msg NickServ REGISTER enterpasswordhere entermailhere" and it should register your account, be aware if you didnt log into your account for 90 Days it will get deleted. If you need more help with registering an simply use the following command: "/msg NickServ HELP REGISTER" and it should bring up the following help message:Catbox

/wAIfu/ Discord

Discord server for the thread, this is the "old" discord server that used to be the threads discord server for bot creators:

Content Link Description
Discord Invite #1 Link
Discord Invite #2 Link

In the unlikely case that these are expired feel free to contact me per mail at [email protected] and i will provide a new one asap.

Edit Report
Pub: 01 Aug 2023 10:59 UTC
Edit: 04 Jan 2024 08:50 UTC
Views: 2670