DNI : Basic DNI criteria, nsfw acc, proshipper or neutral, you are part of saneytwt, edtwt, shtwt, poppytwt etc, you support problematic content creators, you support nfts, invalidate neopronouns, you post irl gore, you joke about cancer or serious diseases, you stan irl criminals, you use slurs that you can't reclaim, you are associated with @yakko_keef or mandi (mlptwt)

BYF: Poor english and lot's of typos, I validate neopronouns, I tweet in spanish sometimes, religion topics make me uncomfortable, dms are ok but not prefered, selective fb, sb to unmoot, don't make weird or sexual jokes about me, if I say something problematic out of ignorance please correct me Im still educating myself, let me know if you have any TWs, I use and need tone tags, I take my time to answer dms, if you make me or my mutuals uncomfortable I will block you !!

TW: irl gore, animal abuse, terminal iIInesses, injuries, paranormal stuff, tragic accidents, anything to explicit !

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Pub: 10 Mar 2023 18:08 UTC
Edit: 17 Sep 2023 15:20 UTC
Views: 1463