Warsuners: Introduction

The climate of Warung Kopi is harsh, but from this climate has emerged hardy people. One of these people are the WARsuners, who have emerged as one of the Koboniggers greatest foes in stopping their conquest.

Sex? Who needs that?

Warsuners have little time for pleasures in life down under. As a result of living in this shithole, Warsuners have had sex only for recreation. The warriors don't have time to fuck, only train.

Warriors From Birth

Warsuners, in an effort to adapt to their lands, have adopted a spartan style way of life, training from birth to become the best warriors as possible for Ayunda. Babies that are unfit for Ayunda are exposed to the elements. This mainly applies to the landed citizens of the Diarchy


Ayunda, not Risu, is the Patron of the Warsuners. She serves as a War Goddess that the Warsuners find to be ideal for their purposes. Nuts and gems are provided as tribute for her oracle at Ayunda where the fate of the world is said to be foretold.

Battle Tactics


Warsuner Infantry fight in a "Dinding Tombak" (Phalanx) formation, with a Large Round shield known as a "Perisai Besar" and a 4m long spear known as a "Tombak Panjang". In this formation, they are impenetrable from the front but are venerable on the flanks and the rear. As expect, they also have great adaptability and can form other formations like the hollow rectangle formation or the Square Formation.

The Prajurit Mendarat are the best of the Warsuner warriors. Coming from the elite of the noble elite, they take the place of honor on the right of the battleline. They are full citizens of the state in comparison to the others and have the best equipment. These men are trained from birth to become the elite warriors that they are and are what we typically think of when talking of Warsuners

The Prajurit Bebas are the non-citizen soldiers who make up the rest of the Dinding Tombak. They are not as well trained as the Mendarat, but are still of highly disciplined stock. Bebas can earn their way to full citizenship by service to the state, which was an innovation introduced by one of the two King Agesilaus II in 1096 VTE.

The Busur are also non-citizen soldiers that largely come from hunters. They are armed with Composite Bows, Javelins and Bedil and fight as skirmishers in line with the Dinding Tombak. They fall back into the formation's safety when under threat.


Warsuner cavalry relies on speed and shock to strike at the flanks of its enemies. Much of the Cavalry comes from the native Nijiinesi people.

The "Kavaleri Saribak" are light shock cavalry that are armed with the 6m long "Saribak" lance. Lightly armored, the speed of their movements is combinded with the shock of their attack. The standard tactic for them is to charge the flank or rear of an enemy, and if their lines are not broken, turn around and begin another charge.

The "Pemanah Kuda" are horse archers that use Composite bows. They are also light armored, and use the Parthian shot to lure overeager enemies into a trap with the Saribaks.


The artillery of the Warsuners is rather primitive compared to other states on Anykaria, but still powerful. All local designs are breechloading.

The "Ekor lotong" is the smallest of all guns, and like the Lankata and Lele is a swivel gun. They can be carried into battle and used by one man as an anti infantry weapon.

The "Lankata" is a bronze swivel gun that is usually ship mounted but now used for by land forces in smaller numbers.

The "Lele" is largest of the swivel guns, being larger "Lankatas" that are similar to Falconets.

The "Cetbang" are the backbone of the Warsuner artillery, taking the usual role that artillery brings in counter battery fire and anti-personnel fire.

Foreign imports include Culverins, Demi-Cannons, Sakers, and Basilisk

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Pub: 05 Aug 2022 11:20 UTC
Edit: 25 Sep 2022 14:08 UTC
Views: 655