A few years ago, developers of Internet resources were focused exclusively on desktop versions. However, modern statistics once again confirm that nowadays a large part of the audience opens selling websites exactly from mobile devices. This means that it must be adapted to this. Although, in part, very often the owners of Internet portals have certain problems with the display of content: too small a font, the inability to launch audio or video, the feedback form not open, the terms of cooperation do not fit on the screen, and much more.

We should remember that when creating a site for smartphones, you need to take into account the specific functionality and place it in such a way that the user will be comfortable to continue to explore the site, at the same time, the appearance must still be attractive and selling.
In this article, we'll look at the most successful versions of websites for cell phones, to clearly show what to look out for.

Any mobile version of an Internet resource is a reduced copy of the original, which is designed to make it easier for users to learn the information when using a gadget. However, there are at least three main methods of implementing this idea. Namely:

RESS. In other words, this method can be called a responsive design. In this case, we are talking about the same site. However, it will be based on several basic templates that allow the adaptation of the resource for different devices, through which the content is viewed. This method is very popular because it has many positive factors. In particular, developers use a single site address, loading the page itself is very fast, and it is possible to switch at will between desktop and mobile versions. However, this method is characterized by several minutes. In particular, the cost of developing such a solution is very high, because it is a complex and multistep process.

Design of adaptive type. In this case, we are also talking about a single site that can adapt (adapt - hence the name) to the size of the screen. Among the positive solutions are the convenience of design and the use of a single address. However, the time for loading pages will be increased. Moreover, if the user will seem uncomfortable interface, he can not change it, as in the first case. This means that everything should be thought out in detail, including mobile website cost , so that the user does not want to leave your site.

Separate mobile version. In this case, we are talking about duplication of the main site. And they will have a fundamentally different layout. As a rule, a link to open the mobile version will be marked with an appropriate label "m" or "mobile" at the beginning of the resource address. This method is perfect if fast page loading is important for you. In addition, the user will be able to switch between versions. However, great difficulties may arise with SEO optimization in the absence of a single address of the resource. But with the right approach, these disadvantages can be eliminated.
Note that the first way to adapt the site to smartphones - is the use a separate mobile version. Despite the emergence of alternative ways, many site owners prefer it.

Pub: 22 Nov 2022 18:37 UTC
Views: 156