❝ pick out her heart with a kitchen fork
pin her arms down .
1:04 ——l————— -3:48 *it started with some stupid words, some stupid teases. "oh fuck you alone. you too, selo." uleanra scoffed in her somehow still honey sweet voice.
alone and selozar loved teasing their sweet girlfriend, it was normal behavior. but they had never seen her argue back, so her bitter response came as a surprise.
"OH? FUCK ME YOURSELF, BASKET CASE. YOU WON’T. EVEN SELOZAR DO BETTER THAN YOU." alone was always a little harsh with his words, but he never met any genuine harm to his lovers. he was just mean in nature, usually. he had his soft moments only with uleanra and selozar. he trusted them both with his life.  uleanra’s pretty pink face heated up. was alone asking her to..? no, no way. alone wouldn’t. "you’re messing around, right alone? right?" the room they stood in suddenly seemed a lot more tense. "NO, ULEANRA, ALONE SERIOUS. HOW ABOUT THIS. YOU DOMINATE ALONE AND SEL, TEASING STOP FOR A BIT. DEAL? HM?" oh my meat gods, he was serious. uleanra and selozar both glanced at each other, shocked over this all. alone of all people, daring his girlfriend to dominate him and their other lover. "okay, fine, i'll do it. can we at least get into our bedroom before we start this, though?" uleanra slowly walked to their small, shared room. as the other two rocks followed on behind her, she could hear them both softly conversating about events to come. doubt. the doubt finally hit. can i really do this..? uleanra had always doubted her ability compared to the other two. i can try, at least, i know they're up for anything. uleanra released a quiet sigh as she pushed the bedroom door open. as she quietly guided the other two into position, she locked eyes with sel. "selo, i haven't heard anything from you about this. you want this to happen, right? i don't wanna do anything that'll.. violate you." uleanra's eyes were soft and genuine, which is what made selozar so damn flustered.  suddenly, selozar pulled uleanra on top of them. "yes, uleanra, i w.. wwant this, truust me." their hands grasped onto uleanra's hips desperately, god, they were needy for this girl.  and this was where uleanra realized her position. above them. in control. a smug smile spread across her face as she leaned down to selozar's face. "god, you're so needy, huh?" quietly, she leaned into selozar's neck, biting down harshly. kiss, bite, lick, kiss. uleanra repeated this pattern as she worked her way down selozar's body. selozar, poor selozar. breathless, flushed, yearning. their hips hit against uleanra, searching for friction. friction, touch, fucking anything, damn it. but oh, uleanra took notice. and she didn't do a thing to relieve her precious lover. uleanra's quiet muffles of be patient, baby or i'm getting down there, don't worry were drowned out by selozar's whimpers and moans. they were sensitive, uleanra noticed. uleanra silently glanced at alone before getting an idea. uleanra lifted herself up slightly to slide her soaked panties off. she tied the panties into a knot of some kind and shoved it into selozar's mouth. "just be patient, you'll get your reward soon, sweetheart," the petname made selozar's heart flutter with need. quickly, uleanra moved herself over to alone's lap, facing him directly. and somehow, just her face being so close made alone harder. his tentadick, as selozar and uleanra called it, struggled against the fabric holding it back. uleanra could feel it straining to touch her, which made her move faster. she pressed a quick kiss to alone's lips before trailing down to in between his legs. readjusting her position, she pulled down his boxers. haven't sucked tentacle in a while, she mentally noted. she brought her face close to it and with a teasing smile, she kissed the tip of it ever so gently. feather light kisses teased it, and uleanra was loving every second of it. "U.. ULEANRA, PPLEASE, HURRY UP AND DO SOMETHING. NEED IT. PLEASE." oh, to hear alone beg like that was rare. she took the top of it into her mouth, sucking and licking gently, while her hand grasped the bottom of it. oh my god, alone was getting a hand job and a blow job. this was heaven, huh?  uleanra kept going, speeding up her pace every once in a while, as alone thrusted into her mouth. he couldn't really help it, his body was just going. his hand reached uleanra's long hair and took hold of it, pushing her head more. a million worships and praises fell from alone's mouth, please, ma'am, keep going, i need you, god, these praises filled uleanra's head. the sound of alone's heavy moans and pants echoed. it was all so much, and uleanra was loving it. alone was so close, so close to release, when suddenly uleanra stopped. his eyes darted down to her tiny form, glaring. she lifted herself up to his face, kissing him again before shoving his larger body down. confusion, neediness, and excitement filled both selozar and alone's minds. uleanra crawled onto alone once again, and motioned for selozar to get behind her. what was she trying to do? all the questions were answered as uleanra moved herself above alone's hips, and the sweet words left her mouth- "sel, can you take off your boxers for me?"  and then the realization hit. oh my god, she was gonna take both of them at once. with this thought in their head, selozar worked quick with removing those stupid boxers. a silent praise left uleanra's mouth as she turned herself to face them, just for a moment. she worked at taking the panty-gag from selozar's mouth, ruffling their hair as a way of saying 'good job'. she then turned to face alone again, slamming her hips down onto alone. a nonverbal beg of 'fuck me, now', basically. alone and selozar slowly got to work. uleanra looked displeased with the slow pace, and as a way to tell alone at least to hurry (and give a warning to sel), she wrapped her soft hands around alone's neck. choking was nothing new to these three, but alone had never had the pleasure of feeling uleanra's gentle hands on his neck in such a violent manner- until now. that really got him going. setting a violent pace, he began moving his hips, desperate to please himself and uleanra. seeing the sudden motion, selozar began to move too. their pace was more gentle against uleanra, sel was always worried about hurting her. uleanra started to lightly bounce on them both, as she removed her hands from alone's neck. her nails dug into alone's abdomen, and suddenly the whole room filled with three idiots moaning their damn heads off. uleanra lifted one of her hands to cover her mouth, but her wrist was grabbed harshly by alone. "ULEANRA, WANT TO HEAR. PRETTY SOUNDS, ALL FOR US." alone was stern, he wanted to hear her.  and so, as uleanra's own pace increased, her whines and moans filled the room, begs and pleas left her mouth rapidly. alone thrust faster, chasing that damn high he wanted so bad. selozar started to increase as well, needy and desperate. uleanra's mouth only released slurred names of her two lovers, with some pants in between. the two others had reached that moment- climax. they spilled into uleanra, as she finally hit her breaking point too. she couldn't even get proper words out, just moans and whimpers. the three just kind of.. stayed in their strange position for a few minutes. uleanra was the first to move. she lifted herself off the other two (against selozar's whines of wanting to stay like that for a few more moments.) she had started their shower, since fuck, alien genatalia makes a damn mess. as she helped the other two stumble into the shower, she began cleaning up their bed. god, topping is fun, huh?* div ‿ lovelace . . ~
einin ノ bubu col. 。。
﹒4teen ﹒ ⠀aroace &͟&͟ hypersexual
my husband <3!!!
⠀˖ ⁺ ⸝⸝ udd ! adhdtism ! !
︶⠀ the districts hyperfix !
div ♥ ◟ ⠀𓂃 mail ‹𝟹
dni alters !

Pub: 18 Jul 2023 06:00 UTC
Edit: 13 Aug 2023 22:50 UTC
Views: 955