this url is 8th on my rentry to do list!

Hello hi this is gonna be my extended just give me a minute

Stream but not kiss by Faye Webster ᵔᴗᵔ

wip hyuluka theme cuz i love faye webster and hyuluka and they're so cutie and adorable main dir urls

ok i'm actually really busy rn so i'll just use this as a diary or smth

my friends birthday party is later this week and i bought my clothes already (costume party) but it costed SO MUCH MORE THAN I THOUGHT. like $100 more than i thought ☹. why is buying a couple things so expensive.

school is gonna be the death of me i have so much work to do that it's annoying

Edit Report
Pub: 12 May 2022 19:00 UTC
Edit: 24 Mar 2025 16:17 UTC
Views: 914
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