Surviving A Wendigo Encounter.

I always found myself invested in mythical creatures, magic, or just straight up rituals.
Every single one I've tried seems to always fall flat sadly. I might be just doing the whole process wrong but they often take too much time to set up properly.
I've recently found myself invested in the old creature called a Wendigo, they're often confused for Skinwalkers but they're far from it.
A wendigo is a creature apart of Native American folklore. They're always hungry ready to feast on anyone it comes across.
Naturally an encounter with a creature like that seems like a lifetime oppurtunity though the survival rate is often low against one.
The thought of summoning one is not only incredibly simple, but the repercussions often prevent me from doing so.
I decided to just go for it.
The way to summon one is to simply say it's name out loud in a remote and isolated area.
I brought a charm, a lighter and a stick I found in the forest as they're weak against fire.
The sounds of crickets chirping in the night fill the nearby forest. I call upon the name and say it's name out loud.
I keep walking through the dark forest, keeping tabs on my location to make sure I don't get lost while calling upon it's name.
About an hour or two passes, still nothing.
I start to lose hope and just cut my losses and go. I exit the forest and head back home. As I'm driving through the night back home without much issue minus a 2 doe encounters. I drove into my driveway and until I hit something. It was a deer corpse it looked like it had a few bite marks on the side of it's hind legs, I'm immediately disgusted by it as I try to move it without out of the way by touching tapping it with my feet or slight kicks.
Suddenly a cracking noise is heard as the deer corpse's head slowly turns to face me as it speaks in an incomprehensible language.
As It stood up on it's hind legs with it towering over me with it's body being near skeletal with brown fur only being on one specific part of the body.
The creature opens it's mouth point's it hoof at me as I'm met a loud inhumane screech.
I back up slowly into my house trying not to get it to chase after me, big mistake as it lunges at me tearing at my arm. I pull away by having the lighter being able to burn it.
My arm in searing pain as I can see some muscle coming out.
I get inside the house and hide as I try to find flammable objects against it. as I hid in the bathroom preparing my plan. I scramble as it breaks into the house searching for me. Breaking the front door down along with any parts of the living room trying to search for me. All I have the lighter, a bottle of rubbing alcohol, a towel and a stick
I doused the towel with some of the rubbing alcohol as it's wrapped around the stick and throw the rest at the creature downstairs.
I lit the towel and burned the creature down with it as it shrieks in pain from the burning.
I paint heavily as it stops moving for good as the tiles on my floor are burnt black from the creature's spot, parts of my house destroyed and a bleeding arm. As the sun rises I drive myself to the hospital with whatever strength I had left.
It's been a few weeks since this incident occurred. I told the ER an animal attacked me and got some parts of the house fixed though it's still got a long way to go.
I burned the rest of the corpse in a barrel making sure I won't have much issue with it down the line.
I think I learned my lesson from messing with rituals and mythics.

Pub: 25 Jul 2023 16:10 UTC
Views: 129