placeholder :P

also i love the fact that our sys is themed around a fanfic that got deleted
anyways i swear we plan to update/complete this soon i just need to find good assets 😭

(also if you're curious we DO have the fic saved sooooo hmu if you want pdfs/docs archiving)

our tumblr:

alter rentrys / reserves :
cleminnitchaos . mythro . -krowfang
hauntinglavius . agarci . engelshalo
-portals . -apokuna . angelsivory
gristle . ayngelsnocturne . goodluckfindingiris

misc urls :
sixflares . eightsouls . littleflare . curiositykills . tosurvivetocontinue

guest book

Pub: 12 Sep 2022 08:38 UTC
Edit: 28 Dec 2022 05:13 UTC
Views: 807