The Highest Truth

Deep in the heart of Writhaven there is a legend only spoken about in hushed tones. A tale so secret that it is forbidden to write down and is only entrusted to the most powerful and respected members of WG's society. Those who are lucky enough to be a part of this select circle are bound to secrecy and are thus prohibited from ever discussing this terrible truth. The only exception to this vow is when passing the knowledge on to a new conspirator. To this end, a meeting is held once every ten years to divulge the information to those who have been deemed worthy. Here and now, in the very center of the Archive, a group of hooded figures converge to do just that. The new initiate stands nervously in the center of the circle of people, too scared to ask about the events that are currently unfolding. The silence almost seems to echo between the impossibly high shelves, deafening any potential break to the ceaseless vacuum of sound. Then, without warning, the circle opens up to admit one final member. The masked figure strides up to the anxious newcomer and leans in to whisper the secret, the words delivered so quietly one could almost swear they were merely imagined. "There once was a man living in Writhaven by the name of Lionel Burgess. He stubbed his toe against his desk." With that, the meeting is concluded and the gatherers each go their separate ways, slowly emptying from the room one by one.

/wg/ Voting Ballot


  1. Province System: Do you agree on its implementation. Read this to understand more. Notice: A vote for this voids By-Law 11 because It would serve no purpose. (Aye/Nay)


  1. Place Warkop based on options in Pic. YOU CANNOT ABSTAIN!!!! (Aye/Nay)



  1. Placement of /rrat/
    Yay or nay on /rrat/ claiming the provinces marked in pic related. Their reasoning is outlined in >>35808968 (Dead)

Yay, it's pretty similar to their old territory so I don't see any problem with it.

  1. Placement of /moon/
    Yay or nay on /moon/ claiming the provinces marked in pic related. Their reasoning is outlined in >>36023709 (Cross-thread) (You)

Yay, them being near the other id nations makes sense.

  1. Placement of /dsw/
    Yay or nay on /dsw/ claiming the territory marked in pic related. Further, select which of the proposed borders /dsw/ should have.

Yay for option 1, the other proposals don't look as nice to me and it's probably about time we put Bakatare out of its misery...

  1. Updated border between /ahoy/ and watamelon
    Yay or nay on the update to the border between /ahoy/ and watamelon, marked in pic related in red. Both reps agreed to the update in >>33989391 (Dead) and >>33989517 (Dead)

Yay, it's a relatively minor change, so if that's what they want to do then that's fine by me.

  1. Jointly owned island between /vrt/ and /nasfaqg/
    Yay or nay on the ownership of the island marked in pic related. Reasoning is outlined in >>35984312 (Cross-thread)

Abstain, as others have said, I think we need to discuss how 3.0's added islands will be handled overall first.

  1. Proposal on rules new writers should follow when writing for unrepped nations
    Yay or nay on the proposal outlined in

Yay, those seem reasonable to me, though I still think we should keep lore creation for absentee nations to a minimum.


  1. Approve land assignment confirmation for /hag/ as per picrel. Y/N/Abstain


  1. Approve land assignment confirmation for /tsunX/ (In the place of /tsun/) as per picrel. Y/N/Abstain

Both would just be receiving their pre-provincing borders now that they are properly repped nations. The territory hasn't been claimed by anyone else, so I see no reason to deny their request.


  1. Should PPT be put at its former borders in the world per their rep? >>40404582 (Y/N/A)

Yes, I don't see any issue with nations reverting to their old borders.

  1. Should Rumina be put at their desired location per Figure 1. (Y/N/A)

Yes, although it isn't the spot I would have bet on initially, the rep has given solid motivation for why that would end up being their location. Ultimately, I think it is important that we let the writer choose a spot they actually want to write in so long as it doesn't cause any problems with what has come before.
Indie Continent Changes (see >>40709774 for reasoning)

  1. Should the borders of the Indie Continent be updated per Figure 2 (Y/N/A)

Abstain, land changes always make me a bit wary and while this one is based on established lore, that lore comes from meta exchanges in this thread rather than events between those threads on the board itself. It is also worth noting that /pcg/ is already one of the largest nations on the map, so them losing a bit of land isn't as worrying as it could otherwise be.
By-Laws Changes (See >>40910260)

  1. If a nation was turned into provinces and wants to use their old borders, they can have them without needing to hold a vote, assuming the land hasn't been taken by any other threads? (Y/N/A)
    By Law would read "There is no vote for a nation wishing to use their old borders if they were turned into provinces, assuming the land is available."

Yes, the borders from the old map have been de facto agreed to by all nations for many months, so I see no reason why they would be opposed if a vote was held. It would be better not to make new reps wait for a couple weeks before they can write lore for their nation.

  1. Change the wording of By-Law 4.2 from (Y/N/A):
    Previous Wording: "Link to a post containing a rentry link pertaining to lore or story of the thread one is voting for, with the rentry edited to verify the poster to be authentic."
    New Wording: "Voting Rentry that needs to be verified with story or lore doc the first time it is used to verify the poster to be authentic."
    Voting Rentries will be placed in the Trip Verification Rentry once Verified.

Yes, that seems closer to the system I am using.



  1. /jidf/

Yes, I don't see any issues with it.

  1. /wvt/

Abstain, I feel like we should hold off on adding nonrepped nations until we see what's going on with the voting system and whether the question of reps is still relevant.

  1. /pkg/

Abstain, same as above.

Voting Reform

  1. Do you agree with the overall concept presented in ?

Abstain, I think it still needs to be discussed more before I feel confident making a judgement for it one way or the other. I would like to see a test run of the regional voting though, just not as a precursor to it being considered the new default.

Pub: 25 Sep 2022 20:44 UTC
Edit: 28 Jan 2023 20:16 UTC
Views: 732