Tri-Fleet Risuner Expedition

Deadbeats get involved

“So, let me get this straight.” The tall merchant massaged his forehead, visibly confused by the proposition.

“You want me to take my beautiful clipper, the Black Comet, and sail it all the way to the frigid wastes of Western Holo, while crawling alongside a squirrel-people fleet? Am I supposed to escort them?”

The Rear Admiral sighed. “This isn’t a chore, Gustus. This is a tremendous responsibility and opportunity. The Risuner people are an important exporter of affordable shipbuilding materials, much of the next generation of Frigates under construction will be of Risuner teak. Your role in this expedition is not to escort. You will bring representatives and Firebirds to their negotiations with the Council nations. The alien people of the fallen sky ship are a complete mystery at the moment, shipments of their rations have been coming irregularly recently. We suspect political turmoil in the station. Eyes there would be useful.”

“And the forest people, some ways to the South, are also strangers to us. Rumors are that they’re a prickly people, but we have no first-hand accounts. Should the Risuners accept, you will find among your passengers Lieutenants Justicia Kinui and Desuvius Akai. You will remain at the /who/ harbor, while Kinui, Akai and their retinues will accompany the Risuner delegations to /uuu/ and /nasa/ respectively.”

Gustus, career trader, shook his head, but he had a glint in his eye. “This is all well and good, but what’s in it for me, besides serving My Mori’s Holy Name in faraway lands? I still need to pay my men.”

The officer raised his hands, palm upwards. “I’m sure you have an idea already. Your hold will be divided in two. A part will be complementary supplies for the Risuner fleet. The greater fraction, you can fill with merchandise sold to you at a discount subsidized by the Black Fleet, which will net you a tidy profit once sold in the Hooman Republic.”

Arms crossed, Gustus smiled. “You know how to motivate a man, Rear Admiral.” The other man nodded in response. “Motivated, you should be. Your primary mission, and the Lieutenants', will be to provide a communication link to the HoloEmpire Deadbeat embassy. This is important. Through our Firebird network, we can get a message from West Holo to the Mother Island within weeks. Should anything go wrong, you’ll also be expected to hurry your ass back home, with all 18.5 knots your Black Comet can muster. The Lieutenants will be carrying bird cages to their respective destinations as well.”

The merchant raised an eyebrow. “Should anything go wrong?” The Rear Admiral smiled once more, but this time, it did not reach his eyes. “As I said, /uuu/ and /nasa/ are unknown quantities. Not only that, but this is a long trip through stormy and violent seas, unpatrolled by the Deadbeat Fleets. If the Risuners got caught in a hurricane, or pursued by a large pirate group, your clipper will have better odds of making it than the pinisi. You might have to rescue shipwrecked squirrelmen, or return with news of the fate of the fleet as the sole survivor. Moreover, should your ship or crew be attacked or destroyed, this would officially embroil Moriji into the conflict. This should give pause to any nation thinking of attacking the Risuners. This isn’t a camping trip, Gustus.”

Gustus looked over the contract once more, somber, and signed off on it.


Well we made it to the land of the shark people. AND OH MY GOD THEY WERE SEXY! We respect the fuck out of these people for being extremely based for not being afraid to show themselves off and wear the clothes they do. So many nations have people that wear so much fancy weird stuff or giant sets of armor while these people just don't give a fuck.
A lot of the food that we have been getting has been through fishing recently. It seems that /ggg/ is a prime fishing spot and we can all appreciate some good seafood. Sadly we did not have too much time to exchange any nuts as now we have our deadbeat friends and we don't want to wait ourselves.

It took us quite some time to get past /ggg/ and at times we were very tempted to just take a few stops but we have our priorities. We must get to the magical forest people. Even though we were told of our not so skilled boat traveling by the deadbeats and our mostly inability to stay in a formation at least we didn't crash and mostly held it together. I can tell the deadbeats were nervous.
According to the maps were about halfway there. We should come up to /sora/ soon and once were there we might make another very quick stop. After that we will be there. LETS GOOOO

Captain’s Log, 1123, Black Comet, Gustus Mortis

First part strong breezes from NE and fine weather steered by the wind.

12 oclock went in to land at /ggg/ port; did what business wished;15 oclock departure.

Fleet formation: cracked nut. Black Comet taking up port side to the ocean; remainder of the fleet in random arrangement; rear of convoy weak to encirclement.

16 oclock saw peko schloop southward bound.


This is it everyone. The last stop before we reach our final destination of /uuu/ and the 2 neighboring countries. We have reached the unknown land of /sora/. Nobody has any intelligence on this place at all. Not even the deadbeats knew anything about the residents. So we were just going in blind but then again that's what we risuners do.
So after a bit of discussion we all agreed that all we would do here is collect whatever food we could from the locals or even just hike up some trees if any were readily available. As we approached the shore things were mostly quiet. It was actually a bit disappointing but oh well.

Suddenly as we thought the shores were abandoned we heard a strange sound one night. It appeared to be singing so we had a quick stop and investigated. There was a lone girl on the beach singing to us. The language was alien but the music itself was beautiful enough that we simply did not care. Sadly, as we landed a pinisi to greet her she faded away. Was this magic? Or maybe an illusion? Honestly it was pretty weird but really cool as well

We expect to be at the lands of /who/ very soon. Jayawan, the appointed /who/ rep is already super excited. He won't shut up about it actually but we understand his energy. I just hope the /who/ residence like his hyperactivity. Sometimes it feels like that man is made of pure energy. Regardless we expect things to go very well and if things sadly go wrong well we have our deadbeat friends and they have many big guns.

Jayawan logs ch 1.

WE FINALLY DID IT! After months of sailing with 9 pinisi and hundreds of risuners alongside our deadbeat friends we have finally made it to the lands of /who/. It has been an extremely long journey and sometimes I would question if coming out here was even worth it.
I think what surprised me the most was that Apparently these people knew we were coming. We didn't tell them anything. And yet they had a whole group of people ready at the docks? Everything looked prepared and all fancy. Maybe these people can tell the future.

Anyway getting off the boats was a bit of a challenge. There were many of what looked to be soldiers watching us. It was a bit scary seeing so many of them but I assumed they were doing it for our own protection. And if things did go wrong I personally had no fear since our deadbeat friends were right behind us.
The man asked me for some sort of paper. This was a bit awkward since I had no idea what the fuck he was talking about so I just offered him a bag of nuts. He did NOT seem pleased by this. In fact he seemed to be really freaking annoyed by the whole thing. Luckily the deadbeats have been here before Apparently and cleared up everything. I guess they wanted to make sure we were "official".
I mean of course we are official risuners who else would we be and why else would we come here? Silly hooman.

Since we had a big group of over 100 of us it was difficult to keep track of all of us. However hoomans seemed to be all over us. Not in a bad way at all we really liked the attention. I guess they wanted to make sure none of us got lost. How nice of them.
Sadly they weren't interested in any sex. It was really disappointing they were all over us but no matter how much we shook our tails at them and made it really fucking obvious they wouldn't do it. Apparently they have a thing for openly having sex in public and that's a no no. You have to be discrete or something? Who the heck knows but oh well. Rules are rules and we don't want to be naughty.

Ok about the food here. I have never seen food like this. They insisted on this 'hamburger' that they like so much and well honestly, IT WAS PRETTY GOOD! Hamburgers are just bread and cooked meat but for some reason I really liked it and most of the crew did so as well. They had lots of other food too but we mostly stuck with the hamburgers and the ones with vegetables.

THEY HAVE FUCKING WALNUTS LETS GOOOO! Walnuts are some of our favorite nuts and they even had some we have yet to see. Pistachios and almond I don't believe are found back home. At least I never saw them. Since they wouldn't (openly) have any sex therefore no nuts we just settled with trading our nuts inside the pinisi for their nuts.
They have pretty gems too but my god it took a while to find and they don't seem very obsessed with them like we are. The only one I could find is a bit of amber. Oh well it's only been a day.

The next day I made a big reveal. The 9 boats were actually not just for /who/. We actually came for the magic forest people and was suggested by the deadbeats to stop here first. Most of the crew would go on to /uuu/ and /nasa/ on their own separate expeditions. Currently as of now negotiating land routes to get there or if traveling be sea would be most logical.

“Mmmh-Hmm, there just ain’t nothing like it back home.” The priest’s words were muffled, his mouth was full. A beautiful lieutenant in her freshly pressed uniform swallowed a bite and answered. “You’re totally right, Santias, I think it’s this potato bun, it’s so fluffy! It soaks up the flavor perfectly.”

On the other side of the table, her fellow Black Fleet officer shook his head, disapproving. “You’ve got it wrong Justicia, it’s not in the buns, it’s in the meat. Those Hooman cows grow much fatter than ours, the marbling is incredible. That’s how the burgers get so juicy.” One of the other soldiers’ open palm sliced through the air dramatically: “With all due respect, Lieutenants, I fear you are missing the sea for the wave. The hamburger’s excellence cannot be attributed to any given component. As a whole, working as a collaborative unit, it is far more than the simple sum of its parts.”

At this very moment, a single potato fry flew across the table and stabbed into the speaker's left nostril.

Lieutenant Akai brought back some order to the table among the hooting: “Ensign, don’t play with your food, you insult our hosts! Sergeant Cales being a fucking nerd is no excuse.” Chuckles spread around the table once more.

Bantering, eating, joking, the Deadbeats were certainly in a good mood. The trip was peaceful, too peaceful for the taste of these ambitious soldiers. They’d been excited to sail on one of the fastest known Moriji ships, but then it had to limp at half-sails to match the Risuner Fleet’s speed and boredom set in. Now, they had finally arrived to the Council’s side of the continent.

One soldier asked their officers about their meeting with the /who/ authorities. “Ah, it was just like in the briefings. They’re pretty efficient if you’ve got everything ready to go, that’s why you guys got off right away.” Justicia drank some beer before continuing: “It was a bit more of a mess hashing things out with our charges. They really just kinda showed up here, right? Good way to get on the Republic’s border agents’ shit list. Some of them are probably still being questioned, but they’ll get through it, I’m sure.”

The priest then asked: “What about the RID? They give you any trouble?” Desuvius laughed that off. “Trouble? From the RID? Come on, we love those guys. I managed to get our hands on Sanallite and Sapling witness accounts for an updated census of the Holosea pirate fleets. We’ll need to review them before leaving.” He then raised a cautionary finger. “Ah, but be mindful. They are very interested in us, assume they’ve got someone listening at all times. That guy at the table behind Justicia has been reading the the newspaper for about an hour now. Don’t mind them, that’s just what they do. Now, Santias, tell me how our arsenal is looking, everything made the trip?” The priest’s smile widened…

The night was winding down, now. Three newspaper readers had passed the torch as the evening went by, and the group of Deadbeats had gone through as many orders of hamburgers.

“Sophiko, you’ve got a bit of an edge, something wrong?”

The soldier whispered. “Well, I was just thinking of why we’re here, and what our mission might mean… Like, you know what our diplomats said, is that really, erm…” Justicia did not speak softly. “You’re asking if we’re bluffing by tying our fate to the Risuners’?” Sophiko seemed a bit taken aback by this. “Don’t worry about our friend back there, this is a political calculus both our nations are well-aware of. The Admiralty’s conclusion was that strengthening our relation with the Risuner people was well worth a potential conflict with the Council nations. Their wood and iron is just that cheap, our shipyards have been at full capacity since that deal went through, and we’re building more. This is no bluff” This didn’t seem to particularly reassure Sophiko, but it replaced her uncertainty with something harder.

“I mean, think about it Sophiko, a war all the way out here, between Risuners and those Eastern Holos, what do you think that would look like? This will be no war of conquest, it’ll be retribution for whatever injury is done to the Risuners. A bit like the kerfuffle with HiRyS forty years back, we’ll smack each other a little bit until everyone’s a bit bruised, get a ship or two sunk, figure out a peace deal that makes no one happy, go home. Well worth the dozens of extra ships the Risuner trade lets us build per year.” Santias smiled and commented: “Geopolitics are truly a filthy thing, aren’t they, Sophiko?” The ensign simply nodded. Then, Desuvius gave his two cents. “Mind you, if any of that happens, that means we have failed our mission horribly, terribly. So instead of getting worried about the war, get your mind into those squirrels’ heads and figure out how to make them play ball with the plants and the spacemen, alright?” Justicia had a hearty laugh and raised her mug: “Cheers to that!”


Jayawan logs ch 2.

It has been around a week. After the first few days of incidence we have been given a set of regulations to follow which by now we have either abided by or have found ways around it. Most of the crew go have sex back in the pinisi while the rest in the accommodations try to keep as quiet as possible. It usually doesn't work out too well.
Some of the girls have apparently found ways to get around everything and find secrets within the hooman city. I guess there is a bit of corruption within their ranks? Still, I told them to try to keep their mouths shut about it if they are actually telling the truth on the matter to not cause any more suspicions. These guys were really annoying when we first arrived and hell it would have been probably a lot worse if it weren't for the deadbeats.

Right now we are planning to move the other 2 crews along to their locations. The hoomans have recommended to keep the pinisi there and travel by land. Therefore we had to unload all our cargo and make caravans, or buy them for nuts. It will take a bit of time by my estimates but I know from sheer determination and eagerness they will reach the magical forest soon. Supplies depleting won't be a problem either since we are masters at living off the land.
My suspicions regarding gemstones was apparently correct. They really do not seem to have too much available. It seems they have no priority on them. Now that I mention it, they do seem rather simple in their clothes as well as food. But for fuck sake simple can be delicious I LOVE THESE BURGERS!

AND ANOTHER THING MY FUCKING GOD THESE PEOPLE ARE TOO QUIET! This actually bothers the shit out of me because nobody talks to each other in the streets. It seems like a damn ghost town. Back home there are always people trading nuts, exchanging nuts, playing music, talking, drinking, and we don't even fight each other! Here you have a bunch of shells that look like people who fight each other, especially in their bars. I like the nuts and the burgers here but the people in the city are pain.
I really want to get some of them to party it up or at least have some fun but I don't think they know how to have fun anymore. I want to save them so bad but would that even be possible? These hoomans need a revolution. They need freedom and most importantly they need to get fucking laid.

Ok rant over. I should not try to push our culture into theirs. We are guests after all and it would be a bad idea to try and fight with them. Especially since not only are they stuck in their ways but they have a big ass army. Probably would not work out so well. I got to admit I have mixed feelings about /who/ but at least they were kind enough to let us leave our boats here and use their land to travel to /uuu/. For that alone I can be thankful and the fact that they have nuts to trade is also worth it.

Jayawan logs ch 3.

Ok. So I decided to do a little research on these hoomans. They all act so miserable all the time and I really want to help them. There has to be a reason. One of the guys told me they have this place called a library that stores an absolute insane amount of information. So that's where I started my investigation.
I had a lot more time on my hands since the 2 other parties left for the border. Still, I really envy Hamdani desu. She gets to have all the amazing druid sex while I figure out help to help the hoomans.

So about this library place. HOLY FUCK ITS BIG! And there is an insane amount of information here ranging from pretty much all topics. Since we cannot read the language of course I have decided to step up along 2 of my crew members to ask the hoomans to teach us their ways of speaking. As is risuner tradition we are not going to force them to learn ours. If they came to us that would be a different story.
This is probably going to take a few months but the witches and elders did give us a very long time to be here. It would be super useful as well because apparently the dryads speak somewhat similar. At least that is a rumor.

I told the rest of the crew anything that they did not know already. In order to get out of the dock area and inns I split the crew up into 3 scout teams to explore some more of the nation. Luckily we could just use the trail from the other 2 expeditions to make it easier.

Finally I decided to do something in addition to learning the language. I want to go to who ever is in charge and ask them to allow free sex everywhere. Normally I would never impose such an insane idea but I have seen so many bland faces and these people seem like they need liberation from whatever cruel government controls them. Maybe I am misunderstanding but for now this seems like the right thing to do.

Jayawan logs ch.4

Ok it turns out I have been GREATLY mistaken. I have spend about a month in this country, 2 weeks have been dedicated to learning basic phrases and enough of the language where I can have at least casual conversation. Some of the crew are picking up on the areas I missed so it should not be a problem.

Right now I realize the stupidity of my plan. For so long I want these people to be reformed but I do not even know about the rest of the nation. So with that being said I think the next move is to tour the rest of /who/ with an escort if possible. I have heard rumors of some fun festivals and other things taking place here but so far have never been able to see one myself.
The scout teams I sent out being mixed results. Some say they were treated harshly and told to get the hell out of whatever place they visited while other say that they had success and luck even if the village was the same. It must come down to each individual risuner. I ordered more scouts to be sent out while I prepare for this tour.

I also think that these guys probably think I am insane or something. Every time I am in the library trying to understand the language I always get that creepy feeling that I am being watched. They probably know that I am trying to start a revolution of some kind and if I am right about this weird feeling then I probably should stop with it. I will see if the SEX revolution is necessary after more of the country is seen.

Overall the results of /who/ have gotten slightly better. Sure it may not be the paradise of /uuu/ but it is still nice and I do not regret coming here. And hey we now have papers if we are to ever return so that guy doesn't have to bitch about it again. Seriously how the fuck was I supposed to have papers if I have never been here before and never heard of these papers. Fucking idiot.

Jayawan logs ch.5

Ok so holy fucking shit it just seems that the port city was the area that did not have a lot of fun activities around, especially with us limiting ourselves to our own ships and a few local inns. The scouts told me of these areas specifically designed for the amusement of the people with strange metal contraptions that reminded them of kronie technology.

We went a bit further inland and encountered a few towns. They were a mix of nice and a few of them a bit racist but of course not everyone is perfect. In general the reception was a pretty positive. What shocked the rest of the crew is what the hoomans call "fairgrounds". They somehow make these giant metal waterfalls with things for you to sit in and it was so much fun! Suddenly the crew was very excited to be here.
They had all sorts of fun games and little huts where they had sweet food kind of like what the luknights had. We had so much fun that we even almost spent all our nuts on this one specific park that had a lot of delicious food. The guys there were really happy with us but I sadly had to put a stop to everyone's fun so we didn't bankrupt ourselves. Hamdani and Enoch would have been pissed if they found out we spent all our nuts on games.

Beside all the fun games they were things to do like what they call a theater. Some lady told me that the theater sucked but I said that surely it couldn't have been that bad. Well it wasn't bad but it took too damn long and most of the crew that came with me fell asleep. We were much more interested in their zoos. They have animals from all over the place even other nations including a big deadbeat one. They didn't have too much from us though but that is to be expected. The boss man asked us if we ever come back to bring an executor goose.
The hoomans also party it up in the streets sometimes, and in their bars they love to party but they fight a lot so we stayed away from there. I will admit that spending most of the time in the fun park was probably not the best use of time and research but GOD DAMMIT IT WAS FUN! I'll have to make sure the other two don't see this log or I am fucked. And not in the good way.

Last thing. Apparently the port city is just as cool with their festivals we just arrived right after they were done with one. So combination of bad timing and me being a nut brain. Oh well, at least we can "explore the culture" of the hoomans now and not be bored. I need to go learn how they make these water things. For research of course.

Jayawan logs ch. 6

A lot of stuff has happened and so much of it happened so fast. First I was greeted by the two other expeditions. Apparently the sanalites are massive dicks and Hamdani had one piece of shit ruin it for the saplings. So now the tour guide is all confused since his party has now tripled. We are now a group of just over 100.
Fortunately for Enoch it seems that the sanalites are getting attacked by some massive army so karma to them and Hamdani said that it was only a minor incident so by the time we come back to them they should be over it. To be honest them coming to me was good timing since I spent all my money on waterparks.

We are headed to the capital now. I am told it is on a big hill and looks like one massive fortress with metal everywhere. It is called the City of Victory. Man these hoomans are really full of themselves with all their military might. Are they just trying to flex their giant army at every given opportunity?

(Capital arrival)
HOLY SHIT THIS CITY IS FUCKING BIG! There are giant building everywhere and a lot of them are made of metal. Where the actual fuck do they get all this metal from again? I probably asked this before but my god they must have mountains of it somewhere or they must mine like crazy. I know we have a big mining underground area at Panrong but holy shit there is just so much.
Now here is my personal complaint. Nothing is pretty at all. Like seriously have they not heard of decoration? I understand that a big military fortress city isn't gonna have paintings of sunshine and rainbows but my god once you get past the overall size its pretty dull. It was actually hurting my eyes a little looking at all the buildings and just seeing nothing but walls.

Now from what I have gathered from the guide this the City of Victory also is a massive learning center. And I thought the library was impressive holy shit all the hoomans must be geniuses. And to think that so many of them are in the army they could probably give the deadbeats a run for their money.
They do have some other things here and there. We did manage to find a single gem shop which was very convenient. I have yet to find one around at all but this doesn't even surprise me since they don't like decorations here. The old man behind the counter was shocked when all of a sudden his shop was filled with excited squirrel people it was honestly kind of funny.
Their variety of gemstones wasn't the biggest we have seen but they did have some that risuners have yet to see as far as my knowledge is concerned. The 3 gems that we decided to mostly invest on are pyrite, amber, and gypsum. We already have quartz in decent supply back home so not really necessary.

Side note, that old man was definitely staring at the females the entire time pretty much and seemed to be a little horny for them. He denied any sex but something was telling me that deep down he was begging for it.

The last thing I wanted to do I had to consult with the other 2 leaders. Should I go to the administration and ask them to allow prostitution. Enoch bonked me on the head and told me that was a really fucking stupid idea and that I was trying to pressure them into becoming more like /risu/. I guess he was right to be fair.

(Preparing to leave)
We paid the tour guide for his services and left for the port city where it all began. All remaining nuts were to be spent on food that would last us the voyage back. We bought lots of fish bait so we could go fishing just incase and if we really needed to then we could just land on some shore and collect fruit from trees like we did last time. But Enoch did the math and we should have plenty. In nuts we are all literally broke but at least in food and gems as well as a few other handy artifacts we are set.
I promised the officer that if I ever came back that I would do 3 things. One would be having my papers now (which i STILL think was fucking stupid of him to expect me to have them when I've been here before). Two would be to bring back some of our animals. He seemed especially interested in our geese we use for executing prisoners. And the third would be to try to ease up on the frequent sex which I did not make any promises but I would try. The very last thing I said to him was this

"You sure you don't want a quick nut into one of our prostitutes? I won't tell anyone" He naturally responded with a "Just get the fuck out of here you damn horny squirrel" before laughing.

And thus the end of the first tri-fleet is here. We are now going home to tell everyone of all the cool shit we got.

Hamdani logs ch.1

Oh I am so excited. We want to be as nice to the druids of /uuu/ as possible and to be honest, I am perfect for the job. It's not a secret that I was picked exclusively becaus eI am one of the sexiest risuners according to vote. Not only that but I have experience with nut exchanges like nobody else does. I think in my life I must have swallowed easily over 1000 nuts.

After the hoomans let us camp at their borders it was decided to sleep there for the night. Then we would make our appearance in the morning. Once morning came we literally all just fucking ran in the forest like a bunch of hyperactive children. Well that lasted for like 10 seconds then we got stopped by a bunch of sexy men with nice looking abs. I wonder if this forest has the power to make you sexier because holy shit I just wanna let these buff boys pump me with their nuts.

Ok ok enough talk about sex. Initial interaction was of course difficult. How was I supposed to know that their language would be a barrier. We of course had to use miming and other sign language at first. They of course knew what nuts were and seemed happy with getting some. They could use it to improve their forest. As we intend to take whatever we can get to improve ours.

The hoomans told me these guys were reserved and shy. But I beg to fucking differ. I saw how some of them were staring at me. Sure it was a very small few but this can easily be used to my advantage. Funny enough their goddess has large breasts just like mine. At least that's what I heard from hoomans. They could be fucking with me for all I know.

The current objective is as follows. Try to obtain something that will improve the forests of /risu/. Secondary objectives of course are pretty gems and sex.

One word they commonly say to us is "squeeb" and they look at us with shock and disgust. I don't know why, perhaps they don't like fucking? Honestly they just seemed to be too used to adapting hooman ways of hating sex and now I see it as my mission to correct them. I will teach these poor plant people what it means to be horny again even if I have to kabedon them into the trees they love so much. They did tell me to get what we need by "any means necessary".

Hamdani logs ch.2

Ok I forgot to catalog a lot in the last chapter so here is the plan and what we have been doing. First off I have been instructed directly from both local witches and the elders of Silvanus to take anything I am capable of getting that will benefit the magical forests of my homeland.
To achieve this we needed to first understand the sapling language. I discussed this with Jayawan earlier in /who/ and he thinks this is the best first step. So like him I intend to first learn the language along a few others who wish to be translators. Basic communication is a must of course.

We originally started off by running in the edge of the forest and meeting a few saplings. They are a strange mix of human and plant and I personally find that to be kind of erotic desu. But before I would offer them myself for their nuts I needed to exchange for food.
We offered them a variety of nuts. Almost every type of different nut was shown to them and they seemed to be at least somewhat interested. Perhaps they would show more interest if they realized they could have whole new trees with them.

In exchange for nuts we want food. Specifically we would want any food that can either be grown with seeds, or food that is unique to their land that we do not have back home. Even if we cannot get unique food it would be nice to stock up on supplies. The expedition to /nasa/ is with us as well and we don't have too much.
In order to obtain food I decided to send out scout teams in pairs. I need to do this for 4 reasons. Biggest reason is climbing trees and scavenging any fruit that can be found. Second is to scout ahead a route for the /nasa/ team to go on ahead. The third is to test out the supposed conversion magic and see how long it takes for it to have an effect.
From what I have heard from the hoomans, the conversion is reversible if not too severe but can be deadly if there is too much prolonged exposure. Finally the fourth reason is to test the freindliness of the natives of the land. All scout teams are to document anything they find and to report it back to me. Anyone that goes missing for whatever reason will of course have a partner who would serve as an eye witness and be able to tell me what happened.
If these people are indeed hostile then I would have no choice but to make the path to /nasa/ by burning down that specific region. An option I would rather not do but if it is necessary then it will be done.

The first of the scouts are out now. Within 2 days I should hear back from them. May Risu protect us in this magical forest and hopefully it is more helpful than hurtful.

From: Lieutenant Justicia Kinui, Temporary encampment, Uuuuing Forest
To: Liliko Kinui, Tibium, Moriji

Hey sis!

You're lucky to get this, I'm sending this along with my report to the Admiralcy, I guess you can figure out how much fun I'm having based on how much of the letter you get gets expunged!

So, we spent some time in the Hooman Republic, which was a ton of fun. I totally want to take you some day, I bet by the time I get around to that they'll take tourists on those hot-air balloon rides, that was amazing. I know how much you like hiking, but having all that... Empty just below you, it's totally different from standing on the top of a mountain, you gotta try it.

Anyway, we did some other stuff there, it really felt more like being a part of a tourist group with really excited and hormonal school kids... Oh, those tree rrats are a handful. They're fun to have around, but it's work, I gotta be honest. Still, compared to being sent off in the Nijisea to hunt pirate bounties this is basically a vacation.

Oh, there was that one Hooman,he was called Rémy... A real cutie, I think you'd like him. He's not so tall compared to our brother, but he was really well-built, and so thoughtful and intelligent. Heh, him and Desuvius really, really didn't get along, it was funny. Well, anyway, if you're wondering, he kinda kept his distances, being professional and all that, nothing happened... I think we'll see him again on the way back.

So, long story short, the squirrels managed to get through the Republic without getting stabbed more than once, which is honestly a decent result. We continued on toward the sapling forests and ho-ly Mori, I mean you know that's why I'm here, but what a fascinating place. The leader of the Risuner group meeting with the saplings, Hamdani, she's really nice, hot as hell too, but pretty single minded. Well, that's almsot a racial trait ain't it? Say it with me, "gems and nuts" hahaha. Well to be fair to her, she seems to also be interested in the forest's magic chuubanitic effects as well, but for now she's more worried about looking into the Sapling's food and nuts (both kinds) than that. Not I, I wanna know more about those Saplings!

So the big thing I found it that their chuubanite has an affinity for plant life. I mean, fucking duh, right? But it's confirmed now, I planted my tester nails into the dirt, a beetle I grabbed, some sand, water, a tree, grass, an apple, and the flora is definitely where it accumulates, but there's also plenty of it everywhere. We're still quite far out near the edges of the forest, apparently the concentrations ramp up quickly as you go deeper, similar to the Underworld's chuubanitic gradient. I think we'll probably end up going a bit deeper before we leave, but Sapling chuubanite reportedly acts a lot quicker than ours, almost impossibly so. The psychoactive effects are very light compared to Mori-type chuubanite, but the physiological effects are pronounced. We've been wearing our Death Masks constantly, and the Hoomans gave use lead amulets that are helping too. We expected this, so we packed low-con Masks for this mission, and I think they're helping, but based on the measurements I'm getting, they'd probably get overwhelmed if we went too far into the forest.

Ahh I'm rambling, anyway what I was saying is that the Sapling process seems too quick to be only the body responding to the chuubanite, like with us Deadbeats. It's more like, the chuubanite changes something in the body, do you know what I mean? And it's a huge change too. Those saplings, they're not just looking like plants, as far as I can tell that's genuine chloroplasts in their leaves, I grabbed one that fell from one of their antlers and put it in my herbarium, I'll have to look at it under the Academy's microscope once I'm back, or maybe I can use one from a Hooman university. So, that's kinda crazy, right? A whole-ass different life kingdom. It's kind of the ultimate denial-of-area defense, unless someone built a fully chuubanite-proof suit, and I don't see how to do that without a solid shell of gold all over yourself, or something ridiculous like that. The good thing is that it's a localized phenomenon, so I don't think they can weaponize it. And I don't think they'd want to! Those saplings have been quite nice so far. I'm just hoping that sexy Risuner bitch doesn't test them too hard.

The other thing I wanna do is quantify how much growth assistance this local chuubanite provides. Risuner chuubanite is pretty powerful in that regard. I'm a bit scared of cutting any trees, wouldn't wanna chop off someone's dad, but the Hoomans told me cutting down tree is done occasionnally, so I'm hoping I can find some stumps like that to establish tree-ring number to trunk diameter trends, I've got all my results from my research in the Risuner lands so I'll be able to make direct comparisons.

Sooo yeah, you can't really send me a message where I am, but if you send any letters to Captain Gustus through the Hooman Republic's Moriji embassy, I'll be able to read them when I get back! Well, that's if Hamdani doesn't get us in trouble I can't get us out of.

Lots of love sis, I miss you a ton!

Your favorite garlic-grower,

Hamdani logs ch.3

IT'S ALL SO BEAUTIFUL! EVERYTHING I COULD HAVE EVER IMAGINED! I think I actually might cry from the power of these saplings. They are the key to risuner greatness.

These people have shamans and druids that cast magic that we have only dreamed of. Our witches are very few in number and hide in secret locations that only so few have access to. Meanwhile the saplings use this magic constantly to wall off or reform the forest to their liking. And that is not including the sapling conversion magic which makes penetrating their core impossible.

We have done so much and with little incident. I say little because there has been an few incidents of some of my crew getting "too" friendly with them and one of them even dared to rape one of the poor girls out of sheer lust. I did my best to apologize for this naturally and once I found out who it is I immediately punished him in the harshest way possible I could imagine. I chopped off his cock and covered the single inch that remained to prevent blood loss then raped him in his own ass with his own cock so that he could feel what its like to be that girl. Now that fucker will have to live the rest of his life never being able to please a woman ever again.

Anyway we have mostly gotten along with the saplings. Introducing to them new trees seemed to be a good idea even if they probably will not survive this environment. They seemed to like our nuts as well and our gifts of helping them with their menial tasks. Not many people have gone so far to be friends with them for some reason. Maybe because we do not see them as a resource to be harvested (aside from the magic powers) but as friends.

I am about to contact Jayawan and tell him it's time to leave. Enoch is with me as /nasa/ got fucked up by raiders. Apparently that's a good thing if what Enoch says is true and I have no reason to doubt his word. We are definitely coming back though. We need their magical secrets for our use. And I am personally determined to do whatever it takes to get it. I just hope we can be friends too. We are both nature loving people why would we not get along?

Enoch logs ch 1.

Well this is a massive surprise! We were next to Hamdani's camp waiting for her advance scouts to give us a route to /nasa/ when suddenly /nasa/ came to us. They had these really cool looking cart things that somehow drove themselves. I bet they use magic.
They had on really cool looking suits and spoke similarly to the hoomans and saplings. They all seem to share some sort of regional language I guess. Makes it easy to communicate for sure.

The first thing they did was make sure we weren't carrying anything weird. All we have is nuts and basic weapons so they didn't really find much. Sure they raised a few questions about our swords and bows but they probably have cooler stuff so why are they even asking?
It was really funny at least to see them search the tents and see 2 of my crew fucking in the storage room. The poor man just face palmed but that's what he gets for snooping around. Probably just jealous he cant get any sex for himself.

YUP HES FUCKING JEALOUS ALRIGHT! These idiots have some sort of super strict "no sex" rule which to me is baffling. No wonder they had a civil war recently according to the one named Mac. They must have been so sexually frustrated they just killed each other for the right to nut. And god dammit this means all 3 northern nations have rules against nutting what a fucking disappointment.
At the very least they have actual nuts to trade. At least that's what they told me. They are preparing some really fancy stuff and even some of the luknights will be there. I never saw a luknight in person but I know a few of my crew has. I hear they have tasty candies. Hopefully they can at least appreciate the fine art of nutting.

Were currently headed to their land to their presentation area. Hopefully it will be fun but if the hoomans are right about them, then they will be plenty of enjoyment and have lots of cool things to give us for nuts.

Enoch logs ch 2.

Still at the border camp just waiting for these 3 days to go by. At least Mac is kind enough to indulge me on certain stuff about how sanalites work. Then again he does seem to be hiding a lot from me. Stupid grand directive.
It is rather funny to see the twins always at him. Even if they cant exchange nuts I always get a good laugh imagining what he must be thinking when those two get all over him.
Most of the 3 days was spent with me asking questions and the rest of the guys either nut exchanging or wandering close by. Caroline seems more in the deadbeats than us but then again we are more interested in the magic forest anyway. So I guess it works out in a weird way?

(Quarantine is over)
And now we can move out. We are heading to a place called Kirby Village. Sounds kind of cozy from the name. Heading there I continue my talks with Mac and apparently they do not believe in the power of magic. I want to believe them but that just seems insane. Magic is what powers everything in the world!

HOLY FUCK I LOVE MARSHMELLOWS! We need these or we need to know how to make these they are too delicious to not have. They are so tasty and everyone loved them too. Almost as good as those space nuts.

(Explosion day)
Ok....I am a bit shaken up. And by a bit I mean a lot. That poor guy was dying and then he blew himself up? And to think I nearly died if it weren't for Mac shielding me. I was supposed to be the smart risuner and yet I did something dumb. Guess I have to stay alert now that I know what Mozzies are
Well at least it got better with a good night rest with the twins. And the GIANT TURTLES!? Wtf I didn't know turtles could be so big!
So much has happened its hard to keep track of it all. I am simply learning too much and if I were to put every single thing into this log it would take forever. But I am learning at a fast rate about new ideas and cool things and that is why we came here. So I suppose all is well. I sure hope Kirby village will be fun.

Enoch logs ch.3

Ok we have finally arrived at Kirby Village. It did not exactly look like a village but there are a few places that look really nice. These things are called "escape pods" and they are made to come down from the sky. Sounds cool even if I don't fully understand how it works.
At least the accommodations were acceptable. They even had places where they make bread and a pool for swimming. It all looked really fancy.
(The disappearance of Gading)
The morning we noticed he was missing we all panicked. Immediately we began to ask questions about his disappearance to each other before asking the sanalites. We found him in a weird room and he definitely did not just walk in there. His hands were tied up and there all around. It was probably the most shocking thing I had ever seen in my life.
Had it not been for the fact that apparently they were ordered to abandon this grand directive before Gading was killed then I would have ordered our immediate retreat and possibly staged an uprising. However with the bribe of some very beautiful peridot I instead ordered my group to never wander in groups of less than 3 and scream at the sign of any trouble. We were all extremely cautious of our hosts after that one and even took turns on night watch.
Fortunately for us, things did not seem to escalate. In fact it seems like everyone just forgot it happened or at least that's how I saw it. Still my entire crew were nervous for their very lives and determined that since they were about to leave anyway that we would depart back to /uuu/ and meet up with Hamdani once they departed.
(The big party)
Hey the Luknights are here. Who would have thought that they would have shown up all the way from the candy kingdom. Well to be fair our homeland is extremely far away but I thought that we were the only ones crazy enough for such a thing. Not that I am complaining or anything because this was one heck of a festival. There was so much food to eat and stuff to drink and dancing. Sadly no places for sex so we often had to excuse ourselves and the luknights didn't seem interested.
Overall I consider this mission so far to be a success. We got some of this shiny peridot, and I learned so much about the cool things that the other nations do that don't rely on the power of magic.

The tri fleet returns to Silvanus

The crowd gathers as the pinisi land in the ports and all the expedition members unload various cargo and get off board the ships they have been so accustimed to on their long voyage.
One of the captains begin to speak through a primitive looking megaphone to amplify her voice.

Hamdani: EVERYONE! Your attention please. We are the captains of the Tri-fleet and we bring news of varying degrees over to Silvanus. Enoch, I believe you should go first.

Enoch: Thank you Hamdani. I was the one to investigate /nasa/. They were friendly at first but we discovered a sinister plot that they are cannibals. My team fled and temporarily joined Hamdani until a few weeks later. It turns out that /nasa/ was terminated by schizo attacks. Good riddance to be honest, I think the last thing we need is more cannibal raiders.
Unfortunately I was not able to recover any of their cool toys. And even though we did make friends there I believe it is for the best that any remaining sanalites that find their way into our country be questioned. Any that refuse shall be geese chambered!

'Enoch then gives a brief description of the sanalites before handing the megaphone to Jayawan'

Jayawan: I was the leader who explored the nation of /who/. While tensions were rough at first, these people have a good amount to offer. It took some getting used to but they do like to have fun and they have these delicious sandwiches called burgers. Also they have what is called an "amusement park" which is it's own reason for ever revisiting there. Some of the people deeper in the countryside do not care for outsiders but there are those who liked us.
I would say that overall I had a slightly above average experience. They are definitely not like us and we had to adjust a lot but they can be reasoned with and even have a good time if you respect their ways.

Hamdani: Thank you. I know that the forest people of /uuu/ were our primary target and thus you have all been waiting for this. IT WAS A MASSIVE FUCKING SUCCESS BEYOND ALL EXPECTATIONS
LISTEN TO ME PEOPLE OF /RISU/! These forest druids as of right now surpass us in terms of natural beauty and magical power. It is our recommendation that the Tri-fleet be re launched IMMEDIATELY back to /uuu/ and there exclusively. I personally propose that We set up a permanent presence there and establish trade routes for their magical artifacts. It cannot be stated enough how powerful their shamans are and how beneficial these people can be to us.
They may be the kep to magical revelation and even an end to ALL OUTSIDE THREATS! I BELIEVE THEY WILL BE THE KEY TO NEVER BEING RAIDED BY SLAVERS EVER AGAIN!
'the crowd goes wild at this revelation.'

Hamdani: With that our report is done. We can discuss the details with the various tribal leaders later. Right now we must spread the word to all risuners that there is hope for us all and that if our plans work then we will be at the perfection of natural society. But for now...LETS PARTY EVERYONE!

'Screams and cheers as partying occurs all night in which there is a lot of drinking and A LOT of sex even for risuner standards. So much that even the foreigners stationed there are baffled if not taking part in the celebration.'

Pub: 13 Jun 2022 10:38 UTC
Edit: 28 Aug 2022 07:40 UTC
Views: 1327