disclaimer: this does not count for the lovelies on ao3 that write fucked up stories WITHOUT making them seem cute and healthy. youre okay, and i dont have anything to say about you because writing non romanticized abuse and such ISNT a problematic thing!! it literally happens in your average movie!! anyways

hi! ex proshipper here. please dont scroll or click away, listen to me as i have listened to you. i was in the proship community for a pretty long time, and although i wasn't the most active person, i was very passionate about the whole debate. i made this rentry when i was VERY new to the community, and i was simply devastated that all the hateful people on tiktok did not know the 'true' definition of proshipping.
i will tell you the things i've learnt in these 2 years about the proship/comship/darkship community, and then you can see the rentry as it was before i updated this.

  1. there are 2 types of people in the proshipping community: the kids, which are either young, traumatized and mentally ill kids who are simply trying ways to cope and got roped in unwillingly, or edgy (still probably mentally unstable) kids who do it for fun and to be edgy and cool etc. i was the second type lmfao. and then theres the adults, which are usually also mentally ill, or just creepy and want their fetishes in public, and should probably not be in spaces with literal kids in general either way. and im not talking about the adults on tumblr who make it clear that they will block any and all minors (while this is still unsafe as any and every kid will lie about thier age), im talking about the ones who make the most diabolical vents in proship discord servers and talk about fictional abuse and rape with literal 12 year olds.
  2. BOTH of these types of people do not have a properly developed brain, which in turn cannot separate fiction from reality as it should. the kids can't because their brain is literally still developing, and just like victims of csa/incest/grooming/things like that, who in their childhood or teens get their morals blurred and usually (until they get the correct info they need) don't know whether what happened was right or wrong. and the adults, and some other kids, can't separate fiction from reality either, as most claim they use proshipping as a coping mechanism, which literally HAS to affect reality for the coping mechanism to work. you will say "there's different ways things affect reality!!" but for someone that traumatized, the lines are BLURRY, yknow??
  3. proship USED to mean anti-harassment. it USED to mean ship-and-let-ship, don't-like-don't-read. now? it's just a safespace for people who want to display their fetishes for everyone to see (what i want to say to these people is please stick to porn sites, that's where everyone's a com/dark/proshipper cause they actually don't give a fuck). and this community occasionally ropes traumatized kids in, messing up their moral system and stuff, which is just another part of the internet that's messed up and kids get exposed to, like those elsagate videos or the mlp gore that lots of young gen z people saw at one point of their childhoods.

as for my discord thats still in the bottom of the rentry, you can contact me to argue, but dont expect me to accept. i have a life and i dont even friend randos on discord anymore (with exceptions, like for my old hoard). thank you if you read everything (if you didnt please try again) and bye bye!!

and p.s.: to whichever antis that tell people to kill themselves, that's not right either! you can say "oh" or "that's not...!" or make a mean comment or whatever but wishing death upon someone is almost never right. (and the only exceptions are rapists, murderers, and child molesters, and similar which most proshippers havent done yet luckily.) tell them to get help, not to die. they are someone's child, after all.

and now, for the legacy rentry. if you couldn't tell by now or just didn't read everything, i don't agree w this ideology anymore


Hello! I know you think proshipping is problematic shipping and you put "proshippers dni" in your carrd/rentry because you don't like pedo/incest/loli ships. But please, atleast read the definition below! And I know you think proshippers think "fiction doesnt affect reality!1!!1!", That's not true. Please read everything to the bottom.

Proship is NOT shipping pedo/incest/loli/etc. Proship is respecting ANY and EVERY ship and NOT harassing people over FICTION.
Now, I know, alot of proshippers are bad people and use proship as an excuse to be disgusting. But not all of us are like that. Most of us, just ship normal things, and respect people who do otherwise. Some of us DESPISE problematic shipping. And some people ship problematic ships WITHOUT being proship. Some people are proship and ship problematic ships, some people aren't. It's not all black and white.

If you want to know more, here.

(If you have been put here and would like to be taken off, I'm sorry but I do not accept DMs anymore.)

Proship does NOT mean that you like, enjoy, or support any or all problematic ships/themes (loli/shota, incest, bestiality, etc), but that you wouldn't harass someone because they do happen to enjoy something like that in fiction. It's so easy to curate our online experience by blocking users and tags, so there's really no excuse for attacking someone online over a fictional ship or character, no matter how icky you may find it.
—OpeningOtherwise8879 on reddit

No, it's complicated, but basically a pro-shipper is someone who thinks that people shouldn't be harassed over fiction and knows that fiction won't normalize things society already condemns.
—lizcourserants on twitter

The pro-shippers I have come to get to know are more along the lines of, “If you don’t like it, STOP STALKING THE TAGS JUST TO STARE AT IT, ATTACK PEOPLE, OR LEAVE SHITTY COMMENTS ON THEIR STUFF”.
—occamshipper on tumblr

My definition of a pro-shipper is someone who believes people can enjoy any pairing or content they wish, even if it's not something you or I agree with. Granted, I grew up during the early 2000s and fandom was a lot like that.
—TayRedgrave on twitter

And if you think "but fiction does affect reality! proshippers say it doesn't!" please read this.

So, the argument is less that fiction has zero affect on reality, but that it doesn't affect reality on a one to one basis.
—Boyo-Sh00k on reddit

Okay so the actual point isn’t “fiction doesn’t affect reality”, because OBVIOUSLY it both can and does. The point is that fiction doesn’t affect reality on a 1:1 basis. (that’s one-to-one, in case you’re not used to seeing it written like that.)
—seananmcguire on tumblr

Fiction does affect reality but not on a 1:1 basis. Even though fiction can influence reality it doesn’t mean the people can’t differentiate between fiction and reality. What a person enjoys in fiction doesn’t reflect what they enjoy irl.
—LenaLemonArt on twitter

That’s not true actually. Everyone know fiction does affect reality but it’s about looking at the degree at which fiction affects reality. Fiction cannot change reality. Fiction cannot make something that is bad suddenly good. That is why fictional media containing problematic themes like violence and murder have existed for so long because we all know that murder is wrong and no amount of fiction is going to change that. That applies to all problematic themes and tropes.
—ndxmi on reddit

(If you have been put here and would like to be taken off, I'm sorry but I do not accept DMs anymore.)

So the point is, fiction DOES affect reality, but not on a 1:1 basis. THAT is the actual belief of proshippers.

Here's more info and proof on things about proship and other labels similar to it.
Fiction doesnt affect reality on a 1:1 basis.
More stuff about antis and fiction vs reality.
Proship info 1
Proship info 2
Comship info
Doveship info
Profic info
Comship info 2

I don't care about online discourse stuff that much anymore, but I did when I wrote this. I don't take questions or DMs from unknown people anymore, I'm sorry. Have a good day!
If you want to learn how to help Palestinians and more, I have resources on my other rentry

Pub: 27 Jun 2022 17:18 UTC
Edit: 10 Jan 2025 14:06 UTC
Views: 2981