Hello! I know you think proshipping is problematic shipping and you put "proshippers dni" in your carrd/rentry because you don't like pedo/incest/loli ships. But please, atleast read the definition below! And I know you think proshippers think "fiction doesnt affect reality!1!!1!", That's not true. Please read everything to the bottom.

Proship is NOT shipping pedo/incest/loli/etc. Proship is respecting ANY and EVERY ship and NOT harassing people over FICTION.
Now, I know, alot of proshippers are bad people and use proship as an excuse to be disgusting. But not all of us are like that. Most of us, just ship normal things, and respect people who do otherwise. Some of us DESPISE problematic shipping. And some people ship problematic ships WITHOUT being proship. Some people are proship and ship problematic ships, some people aren't. It's not all black and white.

If you want to know more, here.

(If you have been put here and would like to be taken off, please DM me on Discord. My username is @aishidove.)

Proship does NOT mean that you like, enjoy, or support any or all problematic ships/themes (loli/shota, incest, bestiality, etc), but that you wouldn't harass someone because they do happen to enjoy something like that in fiction. It's so easy to curate our online experience by blocking users and tags, so there's really no excuse for attacking someone online over a fictional ship or character, no matter how icky you may find it.
—OpeningOtherwise8879 on reddit

No, it's complicated, but basically a pro-shipper is someone who thinks that people shouldn't be harassed over fiction and knows that fiction won't normalize things society already condemns.
—lizcourserants on twitter

The pro-shippers I have come to get to know are more along the lines of, “If you don’t like it, STOP STALKING THE TAGS JUST TO STARE AT IT, ATTACK PEOPLE, OR LEAVE SHITTY COMMENTS ON THEIR STUFF”.
—occamshipper on tumblr

My definition of a pro-shipper is someone who believes people can enjoy any pairing or content they wish, even if it's not something you or I agree with. Granted, I grew up during the early 2000s and fandom was a lot like that.
—TayRedgrave on twitter

And if you think "but fiction does affect reality! proshippers say it doesn't!" please read this.

So, the argument is less that fiction has zero affect on reality, but that it doesn't affect reality on a one to one basis.
—Boyo-Sh00k on reddit

Okay so the actual point isn’t “fiction doesn’t affect reality”, because OBVIOUSLY it both can and does. The point is that fiction doesn’t affect reality on a 1:1 basis. (that’s one-to-one, in case you’re not used to seeing it written like that.)
—seananmcguire on tumblr

Fiction does affect reality but not on a 1:1 basis. Even though fiction can influence reality it doesn’t mean the people can’t differentiate between fiction and reality. What a person enjoys in fiction doesn’t reflect what they enjoy irl.
—LenaLemonArt on twitter

That’s not true actually. Everyone know fiction does affect reality but it’s about looking at the degree at which fiction affects reality. Fiction cannot change reality. Fiction cannot make something that is bad suddenly good. That is why fictional media containing problematic themes like violence and murder have existed for so long because we all know that murder is wrong and no amount of fiction is going to change that. That applies to all problematic themes and tropes.
—ndxmi on reddit

(If you have been put here and would like to be taken off, please DM me on Discord. My username is @aishidove.)

So the point is, fiction DOES affect reality, but not on a 1:1 basis. THAT is the actual belief of proshippers.

Here's more info and proof on things about proship and other labels similar to it.
Fiction doesnt affect reality on a 1:1 basis.
More stuff about antis and fiction vs reality.
Proship info 1
Proship info 2
Comship info
Doveship info
Profic info
Comship info 2

If you want to contact me or ask more questions, my discord is aishidove. Have a good day!
P.S. happy 2024, rentryers :)

Pub: 27 Jun 2022 17:18 UTC
Edit: 01 Jan 2024 18:19 UTC
Views: 2494