i honestly dont know why yall think the term "irl" is limited to those who have genuine delusions of being a character.. and i'd like to let you know they really arent supposed to refer to themselves as an irl if they're in recovery or in general, as that might make their delusions worse and do more damage to themselves. the term "irl" was originally made as a kin term (no, not for the ones that kin for fun.) way back before idiots started publicly saying they have a fucking "delusional attachment" etc
*please refer to this blog 4 kin info.
fictionkin is a type of otherkin. people with this said type of kin normally have a deep/spiritual connection to a character, enough to identify as them & often believe they are them/was that said character in a past life.
"again, no. being fictionkin in itself will not harm anyone and it is often doubled up as a coping mechanism for mental illnesses, so it tends to be rather helpful instead.
many mental health specialists have told fictionkin people firsthand that their beliefs are safe and fine as long as it is not hurting them or other people. however, if someone’s kintype is unhealthy for them (for example, kinning a character that reminds them of an abuser and being distressed about it) then it is not a good idea to practice such behavior and the kintype should be dropped." source
referring to your fictionkins as "irls" is completely fine . besides , isnt irl just basically "in real life"? if you certainly had this deep connection to a character and you'd always go "gahdamn thats me!!!" on a mysterious level, wouldnt you just refer to them as some of irl/refer them as you ? but some people might not prefer that term, so i cant rly say anythin on this.
the term "irl" wasnt originally made for people with "delusional attachments", it was made to replace the "d/a" term w/ somethin better , because the term itself is ableist to those with actual psychosis & isn't actually a medical term coined by a professional doctor ; it was coined by a person having history of racefaking , homophobia , harassment , ableism , racism +more . now why would you claim to have a non - medical term that was coined by a person like that ??
if you really had this term "d/a" you wouldnt even be aware of it ; your delusions are hard to tell if you're suffering from one.
"If someone is actively experiencing a delusion, he should not be able to recognize it. Following an episode, a person may be able to look back and understand his beliefs were irrational, but he will not be able to do so during it (Koenigsberg, 2019). Interestingly, people who claim DAs do not seem to adhere to this very basic aspect. Instead, they can at any time inform others that they are, in fact, delusional, and frequently even say they are immediately experiencing delusions."
please stop faking psychosis and claim to have a d/a.
and if you're experiencing unhealthy, genuine delusions of you being a character, i'd really recommend that you seek help from a mental health professional instead of being chronically online, romanticizing your stupid delusions and making it worse as time passes by.
reality checking isn't that bad as you think it is. if you demonetize reality checking then you're probably anti-recovery lmao skull emoji
i am literally fucking braindead, please dont be reluctant to ask me anymore questions. ion have more ideas for this so pls