All of my labels !! *Bound to be updated . .

Orientation back Vior aldernic

genders ︶︶ [rough] Count ~ too many ︶︶

sadaachaaram ❞ refers to the identities that are always with hir, they make hir who shi is and are neverchanging . Richa ❞ are the identites that are precious and dear to hir . jīvitaṁ ❞ refers to the identities that bring hir happiness and joy .

sadaachaaram ❞ Amallenbilic Aurorasolar BPDfluid Clamortenebric creaturtle Crivinegoldic Damuine
Hollouseic Humanthing Idensysfluid Low-empatix
Non-Empatix Oddthing Traitblur Intersex Atlantifluid

Richa ❞ Lupovica menoroangelic Mistdrakic
mourningdovesoundic sacrific Sunguardian verinix

jīvitaṁ ❞ forburnquotic Forcalmabsic gluelyrica Blackholedream blanflypicnean Buttercupian cerberuspetgender cryptorodentmasc Forcalmabsic Genderelixir
Hiddenworldic Howlscastlesic immorgalactic Ichorangelic
illueyeic jellyfishgender mournighostic
Medicuncanny nightcreature Phoenisic Queerfreak
Radgender Ruintaleic Sleepyfreak Spanmosswiltreic
Starlightrotic Timedivine whitelilyic

Pub: 29 Apr 2023 18:22 UTC
Edit: 29 Apr 2023 22:32 UTC
Views: 277