🪶 Hololive 5th Fes. - /who/ Mega Rentry 🪶

This page is a WIP. Links will be updated infrequently as things are made availble/expires.

This rentry is made for the purpose to compile the Mumei related media/mentions during and after 5th Fes. This rentry will also serve to record the mention and deets of her 3rd business trip to Japan. Click on the thumbnails to access links.
5th Fes Official Website Mumei's special message for Holo Fes (JP)

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Song Performing Members Clip/Timestamp
キラメキライダー☆ / Kirameki Rider (YT link) Stage 3 full cast
キラメキライダー☆ / Kirameki Rider (VOD cut)
mumei Mumei
Shiny Smily Story Stage 3 full cast
空色デイズ / Sorairo Days Mumei, Shion, Ame Link
Capture the Moment Stage 3 full cast Link
MC with Ollie Mumei, Ollie Link

VOD and screened captued versions of stage 3 are available on the open waters. The camera and cuts between the two versions are different.

EXPO venue Album



Official description:

An exhibition booth featuring the annual festival of the hololive Island.
Enjoy island life to the fullest with these situation videos, including talent voices and messages.

Since Mumei forgot about submitting her message at the booth, the mini audio drama seems to be the only bit of Mumei in the booth.
Gofile link to all EXPO audio
Catbox mirror

Surprise stage at the end of EXPO Day 1 (Mumei, Kiara, Gura)

The panel is unplanned, as per Kiara(around the 7:50 mark). As of now there is no full recording of the panel.
Video recording of the end of the panel
Streamable Mirror
Source: https://twitter.com/sakito0510/status/1768913374803571193

Fes stage 3 Watchalongs

Post Fes talk mentions

Member Title+Timestamp Descr. + Secondary timestamps
IRyS 【hololive EXPO & 5th Fes】OTSU FES & EXPO! Aftertalk! Talked about Mumei's mumei and sang a of bit Sorairo Days.
Haato 【感想会&お知らせ】hololive 5th fes. Capture the Moment 2nd Timestamp; Showing off her Taranchaama doodles in the EXPO venue.
Subaru 【#生スバル】5th Fes応援&感想枠しゅばあああああああああ!! Endorsing Mumei's mumei. And how she begged her to sing it a number of times.
Miko 【振り返り裏話】hololive 5th fes. Capture the Moment Talked about playing Cards with Mumei and others JPs plus mane-chan before the show during day 2. Bae joined in later to play Babanuki/Old maid
Kanade 【雑談】EXPOとFesを振り返りつつのんびり雑談【音乃瀬奏】 Endorsing Mumei's mumei. A track she likes (in her Spotify playlist) even before the Fes.
Fuwamoco 【HOLOLIVE EXPO & 5th FES 2024 CHATTING】recapturing the moment 🐾 Talking about mumei.
Roboco 【LIVE振り返り】#hololivefesEXPO24 &5th fes. おつかれさま~~!!!✨ Meeting Mumei & the cool manager with her; People got the penlight colors wrong
Marine 【酔っぱらい】ラム酒飲みつつ近況を語る会!!!!!!!! Playing cards with her. Same as Miko's.
Korone 【振り返り雑談】EXPO&Fesおつかれさまでした!!(今更) Playing cards with her. Same as Miko's.

Japan deets & mentions

Member Title+Timestamp Descr. + Secondary timestamps
Kaela 【OTSUFEST】JDON THE FEST Meet Mumei before the fest, talked with her and Zeta for hours. Couldn't find her on day 2.; Also a bit on how holomems are introduced to each other when they meet.
FuwaMoco 【HOLOLIVE EXPO & 5th FES 2024 CHATTING】recapturing the moment 🐾 MoomHug
Towa 【 応援会場&感想お礼枠! 】👾 Honey Works stage & hololive 5th fes. Capture the Moment 👾 Talked with Bae and Mumei; Communicating is hard and requires passion English.
Kiara 【chatting&雑談】serving you BTS of the weekend!!! #hololivefesexpo24 Talking about how she gave Mumei one of her nails. Same topic Cont.;About performing Suki-chan with Ina, Ame and Mumei in 4th Fes
Zeta 【Post-Talk 5th FES】A A A MISSION CAPTURED?!?! Talking about chatting with Mumei in the hotel. Reaction to what Mumei said about her and Kaela's interactions; Went for dinner with a bunch of ENs and IDs
Anya 【AFTER-TALK】Successfully Captured the Precious Moments! Talking about getting Miko's collab Taiyaki with Mumei. Cont. Pics were posted on X (formerly known as Twitter).
Kobo 【hololive EXPO & 5th Fes】HIIIIIIIIIIIII!! I'LL TRY SPEAK IN ENGLISH DESUWA! Talking about meeting Mumei in the hotel. ;Mumei was sitting with Gura on the Cover shuttle bus
Bae [YouTube] ≪5TH FES & holoEXPO AFTER TALK ≫ rat is alive... somewhat Cont.; Her perspective on Mumei crashing at her's.
Nerissa Let's talk about Japan!【Chatting】 About the Yakiniku dinner with Zeta and co.
Pub: 18 Mar 2024 06:05 UTC
Edit: 03 Apr 2024 04:13 UTC
Views: 2577