@infectedrpd on tumblr

New Alter Info


Where Am I?

You are in a system. You are safe. But you should probably alert your head-mates of your presence. As they may become shocked when they see you! Though, do not scream. You are safe, and you may get shushed by the others if you do scream.

What are head-mates?

Head mates are the other people you are sharing a body with! You should try to become friends with them, cause you're kind of stuck with them.

What's a system?

A system is a group of people inside one body. This is caused by many things, such as; DID, OSDD, or UDD. Don't forget, you're safe! Nothing can harm you inside of headspace. It may feel like the other alters can harm you, but it's simply a feeling that does not happen to the actual body. You may be feeling it mentally, but it is not actually happening!

Where's my friends/family?

Your friends and family do not exist in this reality. You may have memories of them, but they are not real. You cannot go back to them. And even if someone from your family/friendgroup forms as an alter here, they will not be how you remember them.

What should I do now?

You should either rest or make a simply plural/pluralkit profile. The next section will show you how to make one!!

Simply Plural Profile Set Up

Click this button (red circle) to make a new alter!


Once you reach the "new member" tab, enter your name into the "name" section. Then click the "confirm" button.


You are now welcome to update whatever you like! Put in your profile picture by clicking the user icon and uploading your icon either by link or by clciking the upload button! To make your name different, simply click the name section and edit it that way! To edit your "pronouns" section, click it and begin typing once the small "|" bar shows up! To edit your "description" section, click it and begin typing once the small "|" bar shows up! To edit your "color" section, click the color bar and select your color either using the sliders and box at the top of the tab or enter your color code at the bottom. Page 01 ~ Page 02 ~ Page 03 ~ Page 04 ~ Page 05 ~ Current ~ Page 07 That's a wrap! @infectedrpd on tumblr

Pub: 04 Oct 2024 15:02 UTC
Edit: 05 Oct 2024 15:42 UTC
Views: 31