meow meds byi. meds sex k i have the most wonderful and amazing girlfriend, do not flirt with me unless you make it clear that you’re joking. i am autistic, sometimes i can be a little bit slow and if i ask for tone indicators (not often), please provide. i have hearing problems! if i ask you to repeat a sentence, please do. i make kys / slit / die jokes! i know how to censor myself and i will not make them if you are uncomfortable with it. i say slurs i can reclaim lol get over it. k


meow meds dni. meds sex k the basic shit (racist, homophobic, transphobic, bigoted in any way, etc. if you can’t take a mfing joke 😭 you are / are friends with this LOSER younger than 14, older than 21

Pub: 30 Sep 2022 01:54 UTC
Edit: 10 Oct 2022 03:49 UTC
Views: 346