Win2K3 test certificates utility
Last update: 2021-10-21.
This utility is used to generate test certificates for a very long period of time. It generates the patched source files along with certificate files which should be copied to srv03rtm
This patch should be used with the source set which includes the files from
Also, this utility was written on bash and should be used on nix systems. Sorry, I wasn't interested in writing the utility compatible with Windows, which may be kinda ironic. Anyway, you can try to use Git Bash instead, which may work for you.
As there is uncertainty regarding public file hosts, I'll include all scripts and necesarry files to this page.
- Copy the original (with "v10a prepatched" applied) source files to the
directory, replacing/
Source file | Copy to |
srv03rtm/base/ntsetup/syssetup/crypto.c | certutil/source/base-ntsetup-syssetup-crypto.c |
srv03rtm/base/win32/fusion/sxs/strongname.cpp | certutil/source/base-win32-fusion-sxs-strongname.cpp |
srv03rtm/ds/security/cryptoapi/mincrypt/lib/vercert.cpp | certutil/source/ds-security-cryptoapi-mincrypt-lib-vercert.cpp |
srv03rtm/ds/security/cryptoapi/pki/certstor/policy.cpp | certutil/source/ds-security-cryptoapi-pki-certstor-policy.cpp |
srv03rtm/ds/win32/ntcrypto/mincrypt/vercert.cpp | certutil/source/ds-win32-ntcrypto-mincrypt-vercert.cpp |
srv03rtm/shell/shell32/defview.cpp | certutil/source/shell-shell32-defview.cpp |
srv03rtm/tools/checktestpca.cmd | certutil/source/tools-checktestpca.cmd |
srv03rtm/tools/checktestroot.cmd | certutil/source/tools-checktestroot.cmd |
srv03rtm/tools/postbuildscripts/crypto.cmd | certutil/source/tools-postbuildscripts-crypto.cmd |
srv03rtm/windows/core/ntuser/kernel/server.c | certutil/source/windows-core-ntuser-kernel-server.c |
- Run
directory. - Copy the contents of
Certutil source files
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 | #!/bin/bash
set -xe
rm -rf "$installdir"
mkdir -p "$installdir"
isubdir() {
local path="$installdir/$1"
[ -d "$path" ] || mkdir -p "$path" || return $?
echo "$path"
testrootcert="$(isubdir 'tools')/testroot.cer"
testpcacert="$(isubdir 'tools')/testpca.cer"
vbl03cacert="$(isubdir 'tools')/vbl03ca.cer"
drivercert="$(isubdir 'tools')/driver.pfx"
(certdir="$(isubdir '_gencerts')"
cd "$certdir"
mkdir 'testroot.db.certs'
touch 'testroot.db.index'
echo '4831793303313605' > 'testroot.db.serial'
openssl req -x509 -md5 -newkey rsa:1536 -nodes -days 73000-config "$configdir/testroot.conf"-keyout 'testroot.key'-out 'testroot.pem'
openssl x509 -outform der-in 'testroot.pem'-out "$testrootcert"
mkdir 'testpca.db.certs'
touch 'testpca.db.index'
echo '3921298631018096' > 'testpca.db.serial'
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1536 -nodes-config "$configdir/testpca.conf"-keyout 'testpca.key'-out 'testpca.csr'
openssl ca -batch-config "$configdir/testroot.conf"-in 'testpca.csr'-out 'testpca.pem'
openssl x509 -outform der-in 'testpca.pem'-out "$testpcacert"
mkdir 'vbl03ca.db.certs'
touch 'vbl03ca.db.index'
echo '2208785574689461' > 'vbl03ca.db.serial'
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes-config "$configdir/vbl03ca.conf"-keyout 'vbl03ca.key'-out 'vbl03ca.csr'
openssl ca -batch-config "$configdir/testpca.conf"-in 'vbl03ca.csr'-out 'vbl03ca.pem'
openssl x509 -outform der-in 'vbl03ca.pem'-out "$vbl03cacert"
openssl req -new -newkey rsa:1024 -nodes-config "$configdir/driver.conf"-keyout 'driver.key'-out 'driver.csr'
openssl ca -batch-config "$configdir/vbl03ca.conf"-in 'driver.csr'-out 'driver.pem'
openssl pkcs12 -export -nodes -password pass:-in 'driver.pem'-inkey 'driver.key'-certfile 'testroot.pem'-certfile 'vbl03ca.pem'-out "$drivercert"
cp "$testrootcert""$(isubdir 'mergedcomponents/setupinfs')/testroot.cer"
cd "$installdir"
rm -rf "$certdir")
for f in "$initdir/source/"*; do
path="$(sed 's,-,/,g' <<< ${f##*/})"
cp "$f" "$(isubdir "${path%/*}")/${path##*/}"
certsha1() {
local sha1
if [ "${1##*.}" = 'cer' ]; then
sha1="$(openssl x509 -inform der -in "$1" -noout -fingerprint -sha1)"
elif [ "${1##*.}" = 'pfx' ]; then
sha1="$(openssl pkcs12 -in "$1" -nodes -passin pass: |
openssl x509 -noout -fingerprint -sha1)"
return 1
[ "$?" = 0 ] || return 1
sed 's/:/ /g' <<< "${sha1##*=}"
join4() {
local hash="$(printf '%s%s%s%s ' "$@")"
echo "${hash:0: -1}"
joinba() {
local array="$(printf '0x%s, ' "$@")"
echo "${array:0: -2}"
certpk() {
openssl x509 -inform der -in "$1" -noout -pubkey |
grep -Fv -- ----- | base64 -d | xxd -p -c 1 | xargs
pksha1() {
local hash="$(printf '%s' "$@" | xxd -p -r | sha1sum)"
hash="$(sed 's/../& /g' <<< "${hash%% *}")"
echo "${hash:0: -1}"
testrootsha1="$(certsha1 "$testrootcert")"
testpcasha1="$(certsha1 "$testpcacert")"
driversha1="$(certsha1 "$drivercert")"
testrootpk="$(certpk "$testrootcert")"
testrootpksha1="$(pksha1 "$testrootpk")"
perl -0777 -pe "s/0x8E, 0xFF, [\s\S]*, 0xDC, 0x53/$(joinba $testrootpksha1)/"-i "$installdir/ds/security/cryptoapi/pki/certstor/policy.cpp"
sed -e "s/0xA4, 0xCA, .*, 0xC7, 0xAB/$(joinba $testrootsha1)/"-i "$installdir/base/win32/fusion/sxs/strongname.cpp"-i "$installdir/base/ntsetup/syssetup/crypto.c"
perl -0777 -pe "s/(?<=BYTE rgbTestRoot0_PubKeyInfo\[\]= \{)[^}]*/\r\n$(joinba $testrootpk)\r\n/"-i "$installdir/ds/security/cryptoapi/mincrypt/lib/vercert.cpp"-i "$installdir/ds/win32/ntcrypto/mincrypt/vercert.cpp"
sed -e "s/A4CAECFC.*07B0C7AB/$(printf '%s' $testrootsha1)/"-i "$installdir/ds/win32/ntcrypto/mincrypt/vercert.cpp"-i "$installdir/shell/shell32/defview.cpp"-i "$installdir/windows/core/ntuser/kernel/server.c"
sed -e "s/52871BBC.*06D7A08D/$(join4 $testpcasha1)/"-i "$installdir/tools/checktestpca.cmd"
sed -e "s/A4CAECFC.*07B0C7AB/$(join4 $testrootsha1)/"-i "$installdir/tools/checktestroot.cmd"
sed -e "s/5B8962DC.*2706CDBC/$(printf '%s' $driversha1)/"-i "$installdir/tools/postbuildscripts/crypto.cmd"