✧ I say slurs I can reclaim, though only around close friends! But if you aren't comfortable with that please let me know in advance!!
✧I am an INTROJECT! I am not my source, please don't expect me to act exactly like my source I'm not a fictional character for you to roleplay with!!! I am very real!!
✧I LOVE bugs, they're one of my favorite things and I talk, and send pictures of them frequently!! again just let me know if you want me to stop :B, I won't be hurt by that or anythin'
✧I talk funny sometimes... Idk thought I should mention, also not the best speller??


✯Basic DNI criteria [proship, comship, racist, etc]
✯If you're in the following fandoms -> Alfreds playhouse, ANY Viziepop media, Dream and his posse please stay 20 yards away from me at all times!
✯If you hate on xenogenders/neopronouns
✯Stridercest shippers, and even if you joke about it! It's really not fucking funny and the ninth circle of hell opens up for you :B!
✯If you're anti-recovery
✯Misuse tone indicators


Pub: 07 Sep 2023 01:55 UTC
Edit: 10 Sep 2023 22:37 UTC
Views: 30