My typing quirk!!!
to/two/too - > 2 (also counts in words eg. onto/on2, tooth/2th, tool/2l)
for/four - > 4 (also counts in words eg. forth/4th, forced/4ced, fork/4k)
six - > 6 (would also count but unlikely to see at all)
ate/eight - > 8 (also counts in words eg. wait/w8, hate/h8, and my favorite unfortunate/un42n8)
ten/also technically -tion a lot - > 10 (also counts in words eg. tension/10sion, mention/men10, attention/a1010)
...and so on with even numbers, not odd ones
and - > & (also counts in words eg. sand/s&, hand/h&, wand stays normal however... frustratingly)
even - > = (I think you get the point about counting in words by now lol)
about - > ~
point - > .
more/most - > >/>>
less/least - > </<<
over - > ^
with/without - > w//w/o
have/half - > 1/2 (additionally, had - > 1/d, has - > 1/s, would've - > would/2, etc)