

DNI if... you think this long ass dni is 100% srs, racist, homophobe, transphobe, zionist (this includes being neutral), misogynist, rad exclus, rad inclus, proship, you dislike my gf, care too much about shit that only matters online, male lesbian (he/him lesbians dont apply those r just prns bruh), under 15 (current muts exempt), lgbt discourse engager (unless its real issues like MALE LESBIANS :nerd: not shit like "are neo-pronouns valid?"), think youre a characters biggest fan and gatekeep (kinsta definition) said character, unironically say "womp womp" (just say you lost the argument from the start), you speak on issues for communities you arent in (such as gay men speaking on lesbian issues), think men are oppressed in any way, neurotypical (can make exceptions but we prob wont get along), lie about never liking your exes(i see this so much on kinsta Like What happened to the lovemail crd), white people who use asian names, and lazt but not least, dont think mikaela hyakuya is a non male (exceptions can be made again, im just very attached to this idea that mika is not a man..)


Pub: 08 Apr 2022 03:41 UTC
Edit: 12 Dec 2024 03:15 UTC
Views: 538