Worker 001. Name: Lord X. Age: Unknown. Position: Executive Manager and Assistant to the Founder.

A mysterious worker who has been a part of the facility ever since the creation of it. Despite his long tenure working at the facility and a storied past with the asylum itself, there's a lack of records dictating Lord X's past history before the hospital. The only surviving record is the CV he had given to the founder to sign up. While the CV is currently under the possession of H.R Manager Mr Hubbard with very few people allowed to see it, it is said that his work history involved him working in "Child Protection Services" and "Internet Safety Manager". There are some unsubstantiated rumours shared by veteran and novice workers alike but until evidence has been revealed to substantiate these claims, the following rumours are not to be encouraged as fact:

  1. He is responsible for the deaths of ███ indivduals with a age range going from 8-30+.
  2. His old home contained the bodies of those individuals, packed into the walls and floorboards before the building was burned down.
  3. His country of origin written on the CV is not the United States of America but the fictional country ███ ██ ██████.
  4. His work history is the opposite of what he actually worked for as a "Child Murderer" and "Internet User Manipulator".
  5. He is not above using the patients or workers to do anything he desires that may require bending or breaking the law.
  6. He had fathered a son before sending him away abroad due to his lack of ability as a parent.
    • Instead of being sent abroad, he had his son imprisoned inside the facility somewhere.

Regardless of rumours and reputation, Lord X has been a consistently outstanding member of the work force, in part due to his management of patients and workers alike to ensure that healthy relationships are being made and created to help rehabilitate the patients. Special mention is to be made with his work with Patient 039, being responsible for introducing Procedural Memory Therapy for him and building a trusting rapport with him that other therapists were unable to do. Although it's unlikely considering the founder's insistence of his continued overseeing of the facility, it is expected that one day Lord X will be able to inherit the position as the Head Manager and acting Owner of the facility.

Pub: 02 Dec 2022 17:16 UTC
Views: 155