Worker 006. Name: The Rake. Age: Unknown (Unable to Presume Age Range) Occupation: Documentarian

A man who has been a part of the facility for possibly longer than the founder has resided there. Before the asylum was reworked into what it is today, it was originally a hospital built in the late 1800s. While it is unknown when Rake joined the hospital, it is known that he worked as a coroner. Away from other workers and patients and alone with his work he has described the examination room as his 'one true home', the one place where his true calling would be realised. Whenever he was assigned assistants to tutor and have observe him, many of those individuals noted his strange behaviours during work. Behaviours such as grinning through the mask as he worked, keep his face close to the body as he dissected it and filing his nails to pointed tips while he wasn't working. It was rumoured at times that when wasn't being observed, he opted to cut apart the bodies not with the scalpels but with his nails because of the dark red muck that was always under his nails.

Eventually the hospital fell into disarray as numerous incidents surrounding the hospital came to ruin its reputation. Reports of missing patients and people within the general area gave rise to an old rumour that the building was haunted and that the ghosts were claiming people's lives as an act of revenge. A rumour that wasn't helped when it was discovered that in the late 17th Century, specifically the year 1691, the land the hospital was built on was based upon with the state of ███ ████ was cursed by a man called Jacob ███████ who had led an insurrection of the city and gained total control before being overthrown himself by the newly appointed governor. Within his last speech before being hung, he had cursed the state and the land beneath him to an 'eternal torment ridden by the one who saved you.' While the rumour was ultimately unfounded due no findings of any paranormal activity, they were enough to shut down the hospital and leave it abandoned for years to come.

It wasn't until the founder was enacting his plans to create a mental health hospital with Mr Hubbard and Mr X where the building saw usage again. Scouting the place himself, the founder was surprised to find Rake within the building as a squatter. According to him, he had lost his previous home and was living here due to not knowing any where better to go than the one place he knew best. Seeing this as an opportunity to earn a worker, the founder snatched him up and assigned him the duty of keeping all of the records of the history of the facility in check, remaking the examination room into the document room for the benefit of Rake. While it's a job that lacks the passion he held for his previous occupation, nevertheless it is one he enjoys. Although it is noted that at times the records room is left alone. Sometimes Rake is unable to found within the facility. Sometimes he can be found in the rooms of the patients. Other times in the rooms of the workers. Always within the dark. Always with his talons.

Always watching you.

Pub: 11 Dec 2022 04:15 UTC
Views: 187