The Worldly Life


One of the miracles of Islam is that it is the only religion that, once you follow it, you systematically actually only do good, and avoid bad. No other religion has this property. For example Christianity has many flaws that opens door open to alcoholism, bans polygamy which leads to adultery, etc. Islam is the only religion where you get a purpose beyond life that is also good for you. The fact that Islam is so perfect despite being 1400 years old is a miracle by itself.

But unfortunately the vast majority Muslims have practically deviated from Islam, and almost got nothing from Islam except the rituals. They do the rituals for a few minutes, then forget their purpose and start chasing after the material life in stupid ways which results effectively in harming themselves by their own hands.

Fortunately, we still have Quran and authentic Hadith, and by simply using our brain, we can easily resurrect the correct Islam that the messenger of Allah taught us 1400 year ago.

The vast majority of Muslims did not forget the prayers, the Wudoo, the fasting, the technicalities. But they have totally lost it when it comes on the role of the material world in their life. They started chasing it as a goal, which effectively resulted in them spending their money on luxury that has no real benefit to them nor society. Such luxury only leads to destruction of their own future, the society, as well as the future generations including their own children's or grand children's.

This post aims to revive the original Islamic behaviour by looking at perfect role models and examples based on Quran and His messenger Mohammad (may the best of peace and prayers be upon him).

How It Used To Be

quran 28:79

So he came out before his people in his adornment. Those who desired the worldly life said, "Oh, would that we had like what was given to Qarun. Indeed, he is one of great fortune."

Note: It doesn't say "those who desired the worldly life ONLY". It doesn't say "those who desired the worldly life AND ignored the hereafter". Those people maybe wanted both: they might have wanted some fun in this worldly life for the sake of enjoying this life as a goal by itself, and at the same time may have also wanted the hereafter (i.e. both).

By today's corrupted standards, that is totally a fine wish. If anyone says that, people would even respond "Amen! Me too! I too desire that worldly life! Why not?!"

However, the truth is: that's wrong, as we must use the worldly life as a tool to worship Allah (which is also doing good of all kinds, including advancing science, helping the poor, fixing the fundamental problems of society, etc). If we ever looked at the worldly life as a joy by itself then we have deviated, and have rather started worshiping the worldly life by itself.

This is why, the wise people of the time, did not reply to those who sought material with a mere "okay fine that seems Halal LOL". No! They rather told them powerfully as Allah told us:

quran 28:80

But those who had been given knowledge said, "Woe to you! The reward of Allah is better for he who believes and does righteousness. And none are granted it except the patient."

How It Is Today

We got imams and sheikhs who know the details of prayer, Wudoo, Ghusl, Hajj, etc. But sadly almost every single one of them have missed the important aspect: luxury is waste, and waste is a sin. Here is a list of such mistakes:

  • Wasting money to build luxurious houses, mosques, decorations, etc, that don't have any practical benefit (don't increase health, nor knowledge, nor money, nor society, nor science, etc).
  • Wasting money to eat food beyond necessity. Many sheikhs and imams are obese. How did they become obese? They wasted money on excess food! The sheer mass of their wobbling belly is by itself a billboard saying "look at me! I have sinned! I forgot why I ate food, and I ate it for its taste! I worshiped my desires".
  • Wasting time. When was the last time you saw an imam or a sheikh working out and is physically strong? Never! All of them are lazy and sitting on the sofa watching TV, then going to the mosque to "pray" and
    "sing" the Quran. Their tongues sing the Quran but their minds totally ignore it.

Some of the imams and sheikhs have even went as far as giving false Fatwa. Below is an example of a very commonly circulated Fatwa between sheikhs and imams. The false Fatwa says:

False Fatwa quote:

Spending of money is relative to how much money you have. If you are rich, you may buy a brand new Mercedes, or buy a big house, or travel for tourism in Islamic countries.

How It Must Be

That Fatwa earlier is false, the truth is as follows:

Corrected Fatwa (what should actually be said):

Spending of money is relative depending on what you need. For example, if you are a large person with a lot of muscle mass that works in domains where he needs his strength, then him eating 2 whole chickens a day might be good. But if a person is small, then 2 chickens a day is a waste for

him and hence a sin. Likewise, the case of transportation: what value does a brand new Mercedes offer? Is it only the luxurious leather and fancy interior? Does it really matter if the magnetic ride filters minor vibrations? No! A 2nd hand Toyota is just fine, in fact public transportation might be even better in most countries.

If one has excess money, he better spend it on useful things based on their utility to do good, to do Sadaqah Jaareyah, etc. Such as investing in good projects that actually help the society and the generations afterwards (this is literally Sadaqah Jaareyah).

The reason we work, or train at the local GYM, or eat food, is not so that we enjoy riding a luxurious car, or meet girls to enjoy them, or eat tasty food for the sake of enjoying it.

The only reason we do any of that is only to use them to do good things. Therefore, we must think logically and honestly to maximize the utility of our resources to do good.

If we do good things, it is unavoidable that as a consequence we will enjoy a better life thanks to the fact that our Creator Has guided us to do things that are actually useful for us, and the correct Fitrah would enjoy the good life better.

But the key is that we never aim at life as a goal by itself. We don't eat food because it is tasty. We don't work so that we waste money on luxury. We don't get married so that we enjoy sex (but rather to raise good children before us that continue the good deed after our death).

People who chased after the material as a goal always strayed and ended up in societies filled with greed, theft, depression, crime, wasted money, reduced productivity, reduced science, effectively reduced GDP per capita. In other words: have opened doorways towards their extinction by their own hands.

This The Established Order by Allah. Whomever defied it eventually gets removed, and gets replaced by a better alternative that actually obeys Allah. Allah does not need us. We need Him for our own sake.

Quran 35:15-17

(15) O mankind, you are those in need of Allah, while Allah is the Free of need, the Praiseworthy. (16) If He wills, He can do away with you and bring forth a new creation. (17) And that is for Allah not difficult.


So i remind you all: we must only eat, drink, sleep, use transportation, travel, wear clothes, get married, have children only as tools to do good, not as goals by themselves.

When we say "in the name of Allah", we must mean it that we do that for the cause of helping ourselves by serving Allah. Saying "in the name of Allah" by our tongues, by having our hands apply "in the name of material and luxury" is hypocritical and almost Shirk.

quran 51:56

And I did not create the jinn and mankind except to worship Me.

Unfortunately almost all Muslims have became, in a sense, worshipers of material. They say "Allahu-ackbar" by their toungues, but say "Material-ackbar" by their hands.

Thanks to Allah for being merciful, His religion has only that which is good for us anyway. If one follows Islam, he'll become healthier for avoiding alcohol, save money that would otherwise be wasted into depression, suicide, abortion, etc. Instead, he'll have more money to spend on the good cause, such as learning science, advancing science, and helping the poor to actually exit the low class and become productive middle class. But apparently almost all Muslims don't trust Allah, and follow their narrow minds which has only lead them to misery as we all see.

Therefore we must rather have content eyes and hearts that don't get fooled by the shines of sparkling worldly luxury. We must only use them as tools, and constantly remind ourselves that our bodies are soon in the grave and destined to meet Allah, and that our worldly buildings are destined to become ruins.

The only body that will live, and the only house that won't become a ruin, is those in afterlife, so we better build that, and stop chasing this.

The Best Of People

quran 29:64

And this worldly life is not but diversion and amusement. And indeed, the home of the Hereafter - that is the [eternal] life, if only they knew.

That is how the messenger of Allah, his companions, and the good people, used to live.

In the judgement day, there will be a group of forerunners that will go to heaven, directly, without even being asked nor judged in the judgement day — may us be one of them. Many of them are from the early Muslims around the time of Mohammad (may peace and prayers be upon him), and a few of them will be from latter times (may us be of those).

quran 56:10-14

  1. And the forerunners, the forerunners -
  2. Those are the ones brought near [to Allah]
  3. In the Gardens of Pleasure,
  4. A [large] company of the former peoples
  5. And a few of the later peoples,

Finally, a reminder quran 103:1-3:

  1. By time,
  2. Indeed, mankind is in loss,
  3. Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each other to truth and advised each other to patience.
Pub: 02 Mar 2020 02:44 UTC
Edit: 20 Jul 2020 19:41 UTC
Views: 202