The wooden boards of the boardwalk creaked as Shinji waddled along, huffing and puffing. It was summer. The sun was bright. It was hot.

"Ooof," he groaned, hauling himself forward. "Kaworu, pff, when can we rest?"

"Just a bit further, Shinji-kun," said Kaworu. "Our reserved spots at the beach are just over this way."

"Hff, pff," breathed Shinji, puffing in and out.

Shinji was an immensely fat boy. Indeed, he was fatter than ever, approaching elephantine sizes. Kaworu had fed him an immense lunch of fried seafood and oysters, currently gurgling away in Shinji's colossal gut.


"Ungh," he grunted as he farted. He felt heavy and hot and lazy and tired. He loved being a fat boy, especially because Kaworu enjoyed him at this size. But it wasn't always pleasant. He really wanted some milk. He wanted milk and cake and ice cream and to lie down and to take a nice shit. All of them at once.

He was dressed in clothes of fitting size for such an immense person. He wore a big swimsuit, vast trunks that circled his girth and kept him decent, though his huge, hanging belly hid his penis all the time these days. He wore a tent-sized t-shirt, though even this was a little small. A sliver of his pale belly, riddled with stretch marks, peeked out from the bottom of the shirt's hem. He wore big, oversized sunglasses. And he wore a large, wide-brimmed straw hat, which kept his head out of the sun.

"I want some miillllkkk, Kaworu," he whined. "And I want to lie down..."

"Not water? Milk?" Kaworu laughed. "My, my, my precious, you do love your cream."

"Ohh, Kawooorruuuu," he whined, his high voice cracking. He put his hands on his vast hips and jutted his belly out at Kaworu. Kaworu smirked. Shinji's bulk was on full display when he posed like this. His hoggish, hanging jowls. His oozing double chin. His enormous breasts, their nipples visible through the shirt because of his sweat. His gigantic belly, sagging more than halfway down his thighs. His vast thigh fat. His oozing calves. Even his flabby upper arms were prominent, bulging out of the shirt's sleeves.

Shinji pouted. Kaworu smiled. He really was cute.


His hefty cheeks flushed red as the loud fart echoed through the boardwalk. A few people even looked up from their tables and benches, wondering what had caused the noises.

Kaworu grinned. "Hmm, hmm, Shinji-kun, I wonder if seafood doesn't agree with you. Especially with all that grease and breading..."

Shinji grazed a hand across his belly. "I want... some milk. Or ice cream. To settle my stomach."

"Well, Shinji-kun, I believe I see an ice cream parlor over there," said Kaworu, twisting his head. "And our seats on the beach are down there," he pointed at the beach. "Where the yellow towels are. So why don't you head to the seats, and I'll get you something sweet."

Shinji's tongue lolled out, and then he licked his lips. "Mmm, yum. Yes, Kaworu-san!" Then he pumped his fat arms and waddled down towards the beach. Kaworu watched him go with a gleam in his eye. Shinji's enormous ass was visible from behind. Each buttock was bigger than a beach ball, hefty cheeks that jutted behind him in a shelf. Even now, his vast, dark ass crack was partly visible as his swim trunks slipped slightly down his bottom. Kaworu bit his lip a bit, then turned and headed for the ice cream parlor.

Shinji waddled across the sand, feeling the heat and the salt in the air. He huffed and puffed, feeling his heavy meal. It made him feel like a puddle of goop. He wanted to sit. He wanted to sit and he wanted something sweet. Fortunately, both of his needs would soon be taken care of. Kaworu was so good at making him satisfied. Everything Shinji could ever want or need, Kaworu provided. It was why Shinji didn't mind at all that Kaworu wanted him fat, and wanted him to get constantly fatter. And, if Shinji was honest with himself, he liked it too. He'd become a very greedy, piggish, gluttonous boy. He felt an almost constant need for something to eat, whether sweet and creamy or salty and tasty. Kaworu had made him into this, and Shinji wasn't disappointed.

"Ooof," he grunted, sitting down on the lounge chairs under the big umbrella. Kaworu had wisely gotten three chairs. Wisely, because Shinji's vast seat overflowed one chair and oozed onto another. The sun was positioned so that they were in shade, and the shade would remain for hours to come. "Unnghh," he grunted, pulling off his sunglasses, pulling off his hat, and then slowly, lazily hauling his huge t-shirt off his huge body. His belly lolled out of his lap and oozed across the seats. He had to spread his legs a bit to make room for it.

"Here you are, Shinji-kun."

"O-Oh, Kaworu!" said Shinji as Kaworu emerged at his side.

"I thought a milkshake was best. Extra creamy," and Kaworu handed him a very large cup with a straw.

"Mmm, yummy," said Shinji with a fleck of drool. He slurped at the straw. "Oh! Banana!"

"What's the use of being on a tropical island if you don't enjoy a little tropical flavor, eh?" said Kaworu, winking at him. Then he reached into the bag he'd set down nearby. "Now, Shinji-kun, you enjoy your treat, and I'll put some sunblock on you. We can't have you burning." So Kaworu retreived the sunblock, and squirted a big dollop of it into his hand.

Shinji gluttonously sucked down the milkshake as Kaworu lathered him with sunblock. Kaworu's careful hands covered him head to toe. Anyone as fat as Shinji needed extra care when sunblock was applied. There were so many spots and crevices that needed to be covered. The curved swell between his upper and lower belly. The skin of his moobs, especially where they sagged over his belly. His folds and rolls of back fat. The crevice of his ass. The wattle of his second chin. Kaworu smoothly, tenderly smeared sunblock in all of these areas. Shinji's fat body was soft and yielding to the touch; Kaworu's fingers sank into his acres of flab.

Naturally, when you had a boyfriend whose weight was approaching a quarter of a ton, there was a lot of skin to cover, which needed a lot of sunblock. Kaworu used up almost a third of the bottle on Shinji's immense bulk.

But, at last, he was done. "There we go," he said gently. "That's all better."

Shinji's mouth was sucking on the straw. The milkshake was cool and sweet on his tongue, and in his tummy. It was smoothing out the discomfort of the fried seafood. "Ahh," he sighed contentedly.


"Mmm," he hummed. He blinked heavily.

"Ahhh," said Kaworu gently. He walked around to the lounge chairs. He set up their backs so that they were inclined, leaning backwards. "Perhaps you'd like to relax a bit, Shinji-kun?"

The two lounge chairs were pushed close together, and they didn't have armrests. Shinji heaved himself into the middle of them, making them creak. He worried they'd break, but they held, and now he was comfortably supported by both chairs equally. His milkshake was almost done. He leaned back, lounging comfortably against the chairs. He set the milkshake on the nearby table. He felt warm. Soft. Comfortable.


He felt a sudden pressure in his bladder. His fat face rippled at his displeasure. Of all the times to need to go. He'd have to haul himself up, he'd probably need Kaworu's help...


Kaworu had told him that if it was ever a choice between comfort and discomfort, Shinji should choose comfort. That's what Kaworu had said. Kaworu had told him that his life had been so full of discomfort before, that he should never have discomfort ever again. That he should always choose comfort and pleasure in the moment. And Kaworu had promised he would deal with whatever consequences came from that.

"Mmm," hummed Shinji, nestling back on the chairs further. Feeling heavy and hot and comfortable, he peed his swimsuit, emptying his bladder without much hesitation. It would dry as he laid there. He would lie there for a while... just... relaxing... "Hrnk," he grunted. His eyelids fluttered closed.

Kaworu glanced over at Shinji. He had fallen asleep, snoring heavily, his huge belly rising and falling. Kaworu noticed the stain on the front of the swimsuit. He smiled. He patted Shinji's belly. "Such a good boy," he said softly.

Pub: 22 Nov 2021 07:03 UTC
Views: 1006