imagine if the whining anon is actually kronii wanting to see some constructive criticism but all she sees are hornypost

She tries to filter the horny, but it's impossible
It's all SEX, COOM and anons saying that they'll drown her in cum
Then there's the greentexts
Some are cringy romcom levels of cringe
Others are full smut with detailed description on they would breed her
She's reading. Every. Single. Comment. Trying to find constructive criticism

she's desperately trying to ignore the gradual dampening in her nethers

Against the recommendations of management Kronii comes to /vt/
Realizes it's a cesspool immediately
Checks holo threads and ignores bait threads
Finally she stumbles upon hers
It's a coom show
"Jee-ZUS" she thinks to herself
She's in shock at first but then laughing at all the shit she reads
The hornyposters are there favorite since at least they're technically saying sort of positive things about her
She decides to be cheeky and make her own post
"Wow you guys are fucking losers"
Horde of replies telling here she's hot and how they want to fuck her tits and be dommed by her
She knows they don't actually know or even think her own post is really her
Still she enjoys the attention
Soon she's addicted to lurking, occasionally just posting the random insult as a random anon and seeing the flood of replies
It's late into the night now, she's been on for hours;
Luckily she doesn't have a stream soon
She's getting tired and wanting to go to bed but she's too addicted
Masturbating usually helps her fall asleep
As she's considering what kind of porn to look up, she's continuing to read the thread
Hornypost after hornypost
Reply after reply
Greentext after greentext
In her tired state this shit is actually starting to get her wet
She subconsciously already has her hands between her thighs
She finds one particularly schizophrenic post, (You)rs
At no point does she ever comprehend how you find the stupid fantasy you typed it to be arousing
But the very fact that just her voice and looks are driving you to act like a wild animal...
She's getting into it now
Scrolling with one hand and schlicking with another
In a way her thoughts are the same as (You)rs
Just full of depraved sex
She's loving it, feeling like a queen that's being worshipped
She's getting close and types up one final post
"God, you guys are just so fucking sad and pathetic, I'd never let any of you even get near me. Keep dreaming my Kronies."
Still nobody things it's really her
But the instant she reloads her page and sees the flood of replies acting like it is her she's done for
She hovers over each reply, all just spamming sexual desire, praise, and submission to her
This is it
She finishes right when she reads (You)r reply to her
Something about the deprave addiction (You) exhibited just tips her over the edge
Satisfied, but feeling gross out by her own actions, she logs off and finally goes to sleep
(You) continue posting like a total lunatic, unaware that you just gave her the strongest orgasm of her life.

kronii's mom went inside her daughter's room
she sees the monitor dripping with female fluids
on it a chrome page is open


it hits her in the morning

She wakes up later than usual
Relieved she doesn't have a morning stream, but still gotta prepare for later
After coming to her senses she recalls what happened last time
Shame washes over her
"..the fuck is wrong with me"
Pulls herself together for the day needing to prepare
Stream goes off without a hitch
She's certain a few moments will be especially popular on youtube, reddit, twitter, and...
She tries to get her mind off /vt/
Containment breaches on other sites continue to remind her though
Eventually she caves
Comes back to /∞/
It's just as wild as before
This time she just feels horrified reading through the thread
Shame & horror mix together, pissing her off
In the heat of the moment she writes out a full rant not even pretending to be anything other than just herself
"...tired of you guys posting this shit, you fucks need to get a god damn life instead of..."
It's not until the page reloads that she realizes her mistake
They fucking like it because of course they do
She's still pissed, disgusted even at the praise she's getting
Her body doesn't care though and before she realizes it she's already enjoying being the object of animalistic desire again
She feels another wave of shame & disgust
This time she's posting a helluva lot more, each post distilling her pure anger and shame of being on this thread
She makes no attempts to hide its her, just stating her true feelings
Kronies all playalong, most not knowing it's actually her
The entire time she's schlicking and eventually cums to (You)r post again
Still not satisfied, the whole situation is so intense for her
Somehow these random strangers on the internet have her more worked up than anything else, or anyone else, ever has in her life
She's hopelessly addicted now
Starts schlicking again and keeps posting
The threads just get hornier and hornier
Eventually she goes to sleep again after staying up all night
Had to cancel a morning stream and make up an excuse why
She wakes up to the same feeling of shame as before
"God dammit..."
That night the loop starts all over again
Everytime she visits she gets more and more addicted
Kronies start viewing her as a regular ERPer, not knowing their Queen is actually here getting off to their depraved worship
Each morning she feels less and less shame
Each night she feels more and more addicted
This is her life now

Pub: 26 Aug 2021 11:12 UTC
Edit: 15 Sep 2021 13:55 UTC
Views: 587