Shugur AU where something in fulgur's leg malfunctions and he can't fix it himself. it's up to shupport to figure out how the cynets work and help with repair.
but there's also the fact that the affected circuits can only be reached thru a slot on the inner thigh. earlier, shu listened to fulgur's explanations and the cyborg just thought he looked really cute with his nose scrunched up in concentration now though...fulgur was already taller than shu but for easier access he has to sit on the table and, man, that angle of shu looking up at him with those gleaming eyes should be illegal. shu finds the slot on his inner thigh easy enough, and clicking the panel open doesn't do much for fulgur. both of them are nerds and it's easy to get immersed in tech-talk. But when shu actually gets his long, slender fingers into the workings of fulgur's leg, it becomed a lot harder to concentrate for the cyborg.
even if it's all metal and circuitry, the artificial nerves still send a good amount of feedback to his brain. he's done his own maintenance before, but it's the difference between tickling yourself and being tickled by others. The latter is just so much more intense. and then shu is way too close to his crotch too. fulgur is sweating bullets at this point. Meanwhile, shu is so immersed and fascinated by the technology of a future timeline he'll ever witness.
the artery at the inside of the thigh serves as a strand of artificial nerves. he's careful as he uses light touches and a pair of pincers to find whatever circuit is misfiring He doesn't even notice the hard shiver that fulgur can't stop when one of shu's inquisitive carasses sends sparks up his spine. Thin tubes of coolant that are pleasantly chill to the touch. bundles up cables that vibrate with energy as shu slides a fingertip over them. shv gets lost in the intricate puzzle he finds himself faced with. He moves closer, bending forward in his chair and nose almost connecting with the smooth metal of fulgur's thigh. normally, fulgur only feels numb sensations, but with his nerves exposed like this he can feel the scalding heat of each of shu's calm exhales.
he's gritting his teeth, sending prayers to whoever might listen that shu won't notice the obvious bulge in his boxers. against the dim glow of red control lamps, shu finally finds a connection that looks worn down from use and doesn't seem to slot in just right. fulgur would never find the materials for extensive repairs in this timeline but lucky him, shu is quite the powerful sorcerer and it's child's play for him to reverse the time on an inanimate object. yet nothing could've prepared fulgur for the overwhelming sensation of having magic fed directly into a part that is still connected to his nervous system involuntarily, his toes curl, his breath hitches on a strangled gasp and the unfiltered feeling of electrifying power makes his eyes roll back. "hang in there." shu whispers, assuming that it's pain that got the cyborg all tense. shu braces one hand against fulgur's upper thigh, pressing down on the tender flesh right where the prosthetic leg connects. he tightly grasps the loose cables and, with no countdown to prepare them, shu slots everything back into its place the sudden feedback loop of a cleared connection nearly sends fulgur toppling over the edge as sparks race up and down his spine and his vision turns hazy. againsy his will, one of his hands tangles itself in shv's hair and holds the sorcerer down with his cheek pressed against his thigh. There is a small and confused noise that shu makes as he's being turned to look away from fulgur. "did it hurt?" his voice is small as he asks the question with concern. it makes an almost wild possessiveness bubble up in fulgur's chest. only shu can repair whatever in him breaks. without even knowing, his clever hands can pull the exact strings it takes to unravel fulgur taking deep, gasping breaths to bring himself down from the edge of one of the most earth-shattering orgasms he's ever had, fulgur drags the metal tips of his fingers against shu's skull blessedly, the sorcerer stays still just as he's about to calm his heart again, another lightning-quick zip of feedback scrambles fulgur's entire brain. shu unexpectedly shoved his finger back into the circuitry.
only this time, he cannot hold in the moan that escapes his throat. both his hands fly up to cover his mouth. "I'm so sorry," he begins to apologize, voice sounding rough and wrecked. "shu, listen, I'm sorry," he tries to plead with the sorcerer. however, his mouth snaps shut painfully when shu, now free from fulgur's grasp, turns up to face him the hazy gleam in those eyes and the lovely blush dusted across his cheeks, steals all the air out of fulgur's lungs.
"it..." shu's voice is barely above a whisper, "it wasn't pain, was it?" with the way he's sitting between fulgur's thighs there's no way he hasn't noticed the obvious wet spot on the front of fulgur's boxers, right where his dick is proudly showing a tent in the fabric. shu's other hand comes to rest on the opposite thigh and fulgur is sure he'll never forget the image of the sorcerer sitting between his legs he swallows hard "no, it wasn't pain." shit, his voice sounds rough. fulgur could swear that shu, despite all of his seiso image, is actually a demon in disguise. Because the sorcerer suddenly leans his cheek against fulgur's thigh, hot breath fanning over still exposed nerves "did I fix it?" shu mumbles and fulgur swears he can feel magic seeping into the metal where shv's hands touch him "yes, you took really good care of it, shu." fulgur thinks he must’ve hallucinated the small shiver that twitches through the sorcerer's body. but shu's face glows even more red and his voice is barely above a whisper when he says something that shakes fulgur's entire world to its molten core: "should... should I take good care of this too, then?" glossy violet eyes are focused right on fulgur's dick now. "please..." fulgur doesn't think he's ever sounded this desperate in his entire life.
with intense focus he watches as shv leans forward, hands nervously twitching where they still rest on his legs.
the sorcerer flicks one last quick look up to fulgur's face and then he closes his eyes and leans in. The wet heat of his mouth feels like a blessing from the gods themselves, even through his boxers.
fulgur gives an involuntary twitch that shoves his crotch even further into shu's face, causing him to fumble a little. fulgur loses track of everything except shu's lips littering soft and inexperienced kisses over his clothed length. though this makes him lose track of where shu's hands are.
next thing he knows, shu's sharp nails scrape along his main bundle of nerve connectors. it spells the end for fulgur, who was way too riled up to begin with
the cyborg throws his head back, deep groan vibrating through his chest as stars explode behind his eyes. shu diligently teases him through it as strong metal thighs clamp up around his head without ever hurting as his high echoes through his veins, he brings up a hand to gently run his fingers though silky hair. As he looks down, he is greeted with the most lovely sight. shu is blushing hard, breath a bit quickened as he still stares down at the wet patch on fulgur's boxers. after a while of silence, shu clears his throat and finally looks up at fulgur. is voice is breathy and somehow, impossibly, he turns even more red up to his ears."I think... I noticed some delay in the movement of the leg... maybe I should check the nerves up your spine too?" immediately, fulgur's dick gives an interested twitch. he never expected this of shu and the thrill of it all has his hear racing and air filter struggling to keep up with his rapid breathing. "yes," he groans out, "maybe you should check it out..." "after all, you're the only one who can fix me up just right." the sweet smile on shu's face looks out of place as the sorcerer gets up from his chair. the feather-light touch of a well manicured fingernail is all it takes to make fulgur lay down on the table top. he's turned over then, and the plush lips that pepper light kisses over the upper junctions of his metal spine make fireworks explode in his ribcage.
before he completely loses himself to soft caresses and murmured words, fulgur vows one thing to himself: whenever he might need some shvpport for his cynets, he'll make a beeline for shv's place if only it means to feel shv's expert fingers digging into his circuitry again.


Pub: 05 Sep 2022 04:37 UTC
Views: 205