fight 2 Lina


[01:14] entering the cavern in hopes of uncovering some of the rarer and more valuable metals it has to offer lina has walked in on a sight she has least expected.

"well, hello there. no long time no see. how are you?" she'd ask with a curious look on her face as she leaned against the wall, blocking the entrance with her arms crossed.

"I was told that some shady hooded guy was talking about some sort of bounty on my head, you wouldn't happen to know anything about that would you?" she asked whilst reaching into her pocket for a small bag of doughnuts, taking a few bites before offering some of it to phoenix.

"anyways, that's something I can figure out later. come, lets go home" she said nonchalantly
(Lina Weaver)

[01:20] The teen would be mining at some ore as a familiar voice echoed through the cave. The very same voice sending a small chill down the girl's spine. "Y-You.."

She would say as she turned around putting her pick axe away, a small huff came from the kitsune. "I can't say in all honesty." The girl speaking the truth, though she had no love for those that allied with the fel art's she was not one to seek out a person to have their life snuffed out like so.

"I-I am not going anywhere with you."

A sense of defiance in her tone as she would stand there in the cave, eyeing the girl and the exit. Her brain starting to think of what to do, would she have to fight or could she possibly make an attempt at an escape and succeed this time around?

Not wishing to make small talk with Lina, Phoenix avoided those sorts of question's. Her hand resting at her side still now as she was waiting to see what Lina would do next.
(Phoenix Altan)

[01:29] "oh come on lass, you're breaking my heart..." lina said as she pushed herself off of the wall, taking a few steps towards phoenix.

"now don't be silly, I will take good care of you, anyways..." she'd stop for but a mere moment, forming a short blade of bone sticking out of her wrist, holding it nonchalantly besides her waist.

"its not like you have a choice, so you can either come with me willingly or I can drag you home myself" she explained whilst her tome now start to levitate between them, the letters on its page written in her own blood flaring up intensely.

"I can make your wildest dreams come true, wealth and power beyond your imagination, but if you want to do things the hard way then lets have it the way you seem to want it"
(Lina Weaver)

[01:34] The girl would simply sigh, a small shake of her head given. "Those are not things I want in this life."

Sapphire hues coming to rest upon the magi, pale small hands reaching to her back to fetch the weapon's mounted there. A deep breath being taken in from the kitsune as a surge of light and cold wind's would be present about her person.

"Athelios, son of Ymir. Great Warden who sit's upon the edge."

The tone of her voice steady and confident, the words she spoke echoing throughout the cave.

"Lend me thy strength so that I may offer this child a small chance at redemption. May your scales judge her and her action's and if you deem it fit. Let her be showered in your forgiveness. It is in your name Athelios I pray."


A change in the girl's body language was seen, her small figure hunching over into a more animal like state as she would look as if she was on all four's while still holding an axe and sword in each hand. "You will have to catch me first."

The girl said before lunging forward to the cave entrance fully ready to fight her way to freedom if need be.
(Phoenix Altan)

[01:41] {Won Dangerous RPB against Lina Weaver}
[01:41] Phoenix Altan has inflicted an injury upon Lina Weaver. ("Temporary Injury", "Temporary Injury", "Temporary", "Duration: Medium (2 days)")
[02:06] The kitsune brought up her guard, blades of bone and blood alike being flung In her direction in the narrow cave. Her energy shield and divine protection saving her from the rapid assault as she aimed to close the gap. Her massive axe brought down onto the girl's shoulder with the edge facing up, a blow meant to daze and confuse her.

Splatter's of blood covering her robe's as small fragment's of bone's would impale themselves into Phoenix's arm's and legs. The pain nothing compared to the last scar the girl had given the priestess. Blasted back by a beam of condensed blood she saw the girl was still standing, having coated her body at the last moment to avoid being knocked to the ground. "Nya.. So annoying..."

A huff was given as the kitsune herself was starting to be wore down by the blook magi's tactic's. Her feet shifted apart slightly as her stance would change. Keeping her center of gravity in constantmotion as she would shift her weight back and forth on the ball's of her feet. A deep breath being taken as she charged forth, slashing away and projectiles shot in her general direction.

"Warden of Hel, place your ever watchful eye upon this individual, let your droves of face less watch her action's and deem them worthy of your redemption."

A chant of sorts, different from the prayer she had said before the battle. Her voice stern and resolute as she continued to make her way for the cave entrance. The girl's right hand would move to her side, the weapon being released as she would then use them like a set of nun chuck's with her left hand to batter away what she could.

"With this seal I lay onto you vile one! I hope that it will let it see the error of your ways and be that which let's you seek! REDEMPTION!" Her voice screaming out. Particle's of light and holy energy conveying into her palm as her weapon was tossed to the side and her right hand thrusted forward. A bright flash of light emerging from the priestess's palm as a seal was burned into their skin.

"If you continue to keep this course, your action's will lead to your ruin."

A small huff being heard before Phoenix took this chance to exit the cave, not wanting to have another surprise guest.
(Phoenix Altan)

[02:17] the combat between lina and the subject of her attempted surprise adoption has been a drawn out and fierce one indeed. energy shields deflecting blood and a coating of bones parrying the axe wielder's edge, it seemed almost as an elegant dance of sorts.

once realising that the kitsune was far more agile than herself lina has decided to give up on chasing her around the cavern but rather stay stationary with enough blood spilt on its floor to use it defensively and to strike as well, quiet, deep chants left her throat, but unlike phoenix's they sounded almost as if spoken in some sort of ancient tongue.

"you and me aren't that different afterall. you will learn to embrace and accept that sooner or later. i'll be wai-" her words were cut short as she was hit with the weapon.

a loud and sharp screech left lina's lungs as the seal was burnt into her by the holy mana phoenix wielded.

it was time for lina to retreat, she has yet again displeased the voice in her head, thus the shaming and yelling ensued further
(Lina Weaver)

Pub: 15 Jun 2023 08:25 UTC
Views: 226