It climbed higher and higher, stopped, raged, then erupted from me, through me, out of me, onto me, and onto her. The warm slick elixir, sandwiched between us, flowed itself down and mingled with hers. The scent changed ever so slightly as two musks combined to become one overpowering essence. I jerked and tightened and released, over and again. Her gasps settled in time, with mine.

Our foreheads were pressed together, our noses touched at the tips as we caught our wind and settled into the hot mess we had just created.

Then we giggled. Yeah, we giggled, loud and unashamed.

*"Oh, fuck, that was good."

"Toooo, damn, good, shit!"

I wiggled my thumb inside her, she spasmed and nearly fell back, again and again slowly. She went rigid and bit into my neck lightly and tenderly, mumbling obscenities under her breath. "You really... are, a... fucking tease."

*"You'll get used to it."

"I hope, not, that would take the fun out of it. I wonder how many... more things, shit, there are that I...fuck... like."

*"I'm willing to explore if you are."

"That... could be...addictive."

*"I think..."

She twisted her hand slightly, her thumb gyrated into tender, over-stimulated muscles, inducing the same pleasurable torture inside me that I had just prompted in her.

*"it… already… fuhuking.. is… !"

The feeling was alien, intense and completely consuming.

Every wiggle of her thumb was pushing on fire, little buttons of burning flesh sending spasms of electric plasma coursing through my every fiber. Each bump and nub and ridge, sending its signals to different muscles. Here, clenched the abdomen, there, legs buckled, here, tiny tickles tensed the spine and arched a back, and on and again until we stopped, mercifully, granting each other a calm.

It resounded, through our ears, loud and animal. Our bodies reacted with little uncontrollable jerks, and moans and contractions. Kisses continued as we slowly stopped teasing. We started to pull our thumbs out but with no lube, it was a bit, nah, not a bit, it was, hella uncomfortable.

~"Oh Shit."~ we declared, in unison. We looked at each other and laughed.

*"Houston, We have a problem."

"I think we may have to work these out the way we worked them in."

*"That could be fun."

She laughed, a lot more openly and honestly, gave me a look and kissed a path to my ear. "I'm, pretty sure it will be."

After a few minutes of teasing and kissing and touching, and a whole lot of relaxing, both our asses were vacated, with unceremonious pops, as our sphincter's, involuntarily, let slip the invading digits, constricted and returned to normal. We both gasped, loud, and went wide eyed. The sandpaper sensation on those closing muscles, as they were tightening and riding against the ridged sworls of their retreating intruders, sent one wave, and hundreds of tiny aftershocks, through our bodies.

Then, being gone, it felt empty and hungry. I could feel her ass reaching, to reclaim the object that just filled it, attempting to pull it back in. Mine was doing, pretty much the same. The fullness of our cocks was returning, accelerated on by the myriad of sensations that had just been imposed on the tender nerves inside us.

*"Oh fuck me sideways."


*"Oh, cheeky bitch."

I turned the shower back on. We washed each other from head to toe. I left her hair alone, the clean, crisp, scent of the rain was more pleasurable to me than any shampoo could ever be.

She turned off the water, slid the door open and stepped out of the shower, reached her hand back and escorted me to the dimly lit room around it. She wrapped us together in an oversized, terrycloth bundle. We huddled together just swaying in the silence, then toweled each other dry, teasing and tasting each other long the way.

*"Take me to your bed, you sexy little thing."

She turned red, not so much from embarrassment, but more from the excitement and the promise of acts to come, the intensity her body could feel and the desire it could elicit in another. She took my hand and pulled me to her bedroom, wiggling her ass a bit more as we walked. I couldn't tell if it was from her impatience or her on-purpose, but I was enjoying the view, so I really didn't care.

I stopped at her bedside, got down and bit one cheek, then the other, kissing and licking ever so lightly. The super fine, white, hairs illuminated in a glow from the light in the hall and the wetness from my tongue. Her butt cheeks bounced and flexed with every tease.

I stood up, picked her up, laid her down and rolled her onto her stomach. I climbed on the bed, straddled her, placed my cock between her cheeks, then guided my head across both her hot, inviting holes. I leaned into her and nibbled on her earlobe, she moaned and twisted seductively beneath me. Slowly, I hardened my cock, riding it back and forth between the crack of a very shapely, absolutely cute little, ass. I could feel her pushing back to me, grinding into me with desire.

*"Do you have any oils or lube? Massage, olive, mineral, coconut, KY?"

"I have mineral oil." She started to rise, my hands held her firm.

*"Stay here and relax. I'll get it. Just tell me where it is."

"Hall closet, on one of the middle shelves, with some computer stuff."

I laughed.

"What's so funny?"

*"I just thought, if we keep this up, we may have to go pick out matching lubricants."

"HAH Ha."

I smacked her ass and gave a follow up big squeeze. She yelped, then pushed back and wriggled into my hand.

*"Sorry! That was rude, I should have asked if you liked being spanked first"

I kissed the cheek that I just spanked, then gave it a little bite.

"Fucker." She wandered into thought, as I butterfly kissed just inside the valley. "I really don't know what I like, but that was, ahhm, fun, and a bit, exhilarating?"

*"Well maybe we'll have to find all the things we both like."

"Mmmhmm, I'm game."

*"Play Station or Xbox360?"

"Asshole. Go! get the oil."

*"Hmmmm never heard of that one, Bethesda?."

"You’re such a… nerfherder."

I got up, went to the living room and got the weed, the joint, we hadn't half finished yet, the two beers, that were somehow still cooler than room temp, the lighter and the ashtray. I found the closet and grabbed the oil and a tall thick candle in a nice marble holder, that I spied on the top shelf. I lit the candle and made my return, shutting off all the lights on my way.

I placed the ashtray, a beer, the lighter and the weed, on the nightstand. I put the candle across the room, on the dresser. It's light was just enough to illuminate the almost white skin and the curves that were laid out before me. Wonderful curves, framed by dark blue sheets on a double bed, which were summoning me to enjoy them some more.

I sat on the bed and ran the other beer bottle up her back, from between her knees, on up to her neck. The cool droplets of moisture traced a pattern on her skin, provoking the fine hairs to stand at attention. "Oh God! You're such a fucken tease."


"Yeah you."

*"Ah, you fuckin love it."

"If I don't already, I'm really, really close."

I held the beer for her to taste and took a swig myself, finishing it. I lit the hybrid joint, enjoyed a nice big hit off it, then leaned in and gave her a very long, very deep shotgun kiss. My head swirled, from the long hours of work, the beer, some good smoke, lack of air, and some really enjoyable sex. Not to mention, a very nice orgasm, a well earned, long overdue one at that.

I straddled her again with my cock nestled in the valley of two radiant butt cheeks. I sat, mesmerized, watching the glow and strobe effects of the candle, paint an even sexier mood, its flickering brushstrokes, playing upon that smooth, velvet skin. I watched the twinkling, waves alighting on the superfine hairs, creating an aura within their translucence.

She was literally, fucking glowing.

I trickled the oil down her spine and over my fullness, letting it flow off me, onto her ass. Her muscles tightened as the cool liquid shocked her overheated skin. I worked the oil up to her shoulders and kneaded my hands into them, searching for those spots that gave relief and the others, that gave something a little different.

My cock slid up to her tailbone and back down, slick and purposeful. It pulsed every time the head passed her wrinkled hole or was met by the heat of her moist welcoming lips. I had to fight back the desire to just slide it in her, as once again I was getting annoyingly hard.

Fuck, I was wanting, but from what? Was it just animal and raw? Was it pent up desires, or maybe, just being me, doing, having done, just exploring without judgement?

Maybe, it was a little bit of all of it?

Maybe, it was, love?


It was NOT about that.

Was it?

I tried to calm my mind and nudge the rudder away from over-think, when I realized, it was something else, something, more free. It was more about just enjoying, than measuring up to some performance curve. Neither of us had any experience to compare this to, anyway. Well that's not true. I had the experience, but not with all the equipment I was playing with here, on the same person, anyway. It's kinda like, if you rode motorcycles your whole life and someone handed you the keys to a jet ski, there's a few nuances to adjust too. The only thing I had, in my favor, was the knowledge of just how easy it was, to tune one of those toys to overdrive and a few tricks on how to get the other there too. Still there was something more here, something… serendipitous.

My hands kneaded into her slowly, steadily downward from her shoulders, firmly massaging into pressure points, tenderly working out the stresses. There was way too many knots, for so few years.

*"Jeez, I thought I was bad."

"What do you mean?"

*"If pain was stone, this would be a mile and half of some really bad road."

My fingers worked further, into the outside of her thighs, down her legs, to her feet, pressing and sliding, then up again. They tactically teased their way, up the inside of her legs, over her ass and back, to her neck. My cock teased into her, it pushed into the flesh of her perineum, and being unyielding to the pressure, it drove in, bent, then ceased its progress, and snapped free and up, and plopped itself down, settling against her, hurriedly.

"Oooh shit, Joe"

*"You okay?"

"mmmmmmmmmm, That was… wow… ummm, fun. I wonder why I never thought to call a masseuse."

*"I wonder why you never thought to call an escort."

"I… it didn't work out."

*"Shit, little one I’m sorry to hear that."

"Don't be I got this instead. You've got amazing hands."

*"Coming from you, that means almost, nothing."

"Hey! What does that mean? Wait, did you just quote Shepard Book? Serenity?"

*"Yes Sir, Captain Tightpants."

"I love Firefly, gotta binge watch it again."

*"I have em both on dvd, I’ll bring em over sometime."


*"Promise!.. Seriously though, you just confessed you never had a massage, you've got nothing to compare it to."

"True. But they do feel great."

I changed my method and just let my finger tips graze her skin, all the way down her back, then all the way around the plump, round globes fixed just above her legs. Circles of feather light touches elicited sounds of carnal awakenings. *"Well you did just cum, twice. Wild boars could be tap dancing on here and that would probably feel great too." When I thought she was calm and ready I slid downward and replaced my cock with my thumbs. They pressed sternly on the tissue and flesh, massaging the outer edges of the ring.

"Mmm, that feels so weird."

*"Good weird? Bad weird?"

"Awesome weird. It’s so, mmmmmm, erot, no, ah fuckit, just mmm."

My middle finger tested her tightness. She reared back to it, gingerly, but with fervor. One almost imperceptible, slow solid push, one knuckle, deeper, deeper, two knuckles, deeper and deeper, right to the web, and it was in her all the way. Her back arched high, lifting her shoulders off the bed. She pushed back on my hand and rolled her hips, gracefully, skyward and back, like a serpent cresting the waves in a loch.

*"Are you okay?

"I'm fucking wonderful, you're fucking wonderful, This! Is!, fucking wonderful. Oh god, that spot, yeah that one, oh that spot, good spot, so fucking good. I can feel it right through all of me." I could feel the glow of the blood rush, blush her face.

I slowed my movements and just let her wiggle. She was moaning vulgar, sweet, nasty, things.

*"Maybe, one day if you need a massage, you call me, then we'll see if it’s just as good or not."

"Soo, massage first, next time? Oohhhh Shit. There, fuck!"

*"Cheeky, cheeky, cheeky. You know what? Yeah, massage first next time."

"Mmmmmmm look forward to it. Do you like them too?"

*"It’s been a while but yeah I do. I like them and sometimes need them."

"I’ll have to pay attention then."

*"Nah, just enjoy, I’m pretty sure you’ll do fine. I can actually talk you through it real easy."

"Joe?" Her voice was soft almost shy.

*"Yes, Alexandria."

Her head cocked passed a comfortable angle, "You know?"

*"About you, your eyes and the myths behind them? Yeah. I caught a piece of documentary, a couple years ago, talking about Liz Taylor and the mythos of Alexandria’s Genesis."

"I saw that too. You sound like you don’t believe in the theory."

*"Well, there is someone who claims they made that up for a sci-fi novel, but there’s others who can trace mentions to different cultures. They gave it different names but most revered them, I like this name. And considering I’m here, right now, with a fair skinned, white haired, purple eyed, intelligent, kind, wonderfully crafted specimen of a human being, who is the epitome of that myth by definition, with extra pieces, I’d have to say it exists, even if the condition, of it’s coming to be, was slightly different than the basis of the myth itself."


*"You don’t mind that I called you that do you?"

"Alexandria? No, it’s cool, it’s actually my middle name, besides you keep doing what you’re doing, the way you’re doing it, you could call me a fucking slut and I’d probably like it."

*"I don’t know about that, not really my thing. Fuck bunny maybe, but I’m not into the humiliation and degradation stuff. Wait, didn’t you want to ask me something, before we got side tracked?"

She got quite and a little bit shy again, before hushing, "Do you like my pussy?"

*"Fuck yes. It’s quite beautiful. And intoxicating. I can’t wait to feel it wrap around me, if you’d still like that."

"Yes, I would. It’s the part I really want to feel."

*"Well I figured, as long as we have all night, I’d play with all the other stuff first, this way if you wanted to save that, you could and we could still have fun."

"Save it? For what?"

*"You know a nice cute boy, closer to your age, that can appreciate you for who you are, someone you can start a family with, grow old with. Who knows who you’ll meet tomorrow."

"Oh you silly, silly man. I can’t have kids. I can’t get or get anyone pregnant. And I don’t care who I might meet tomorrow. If we met yesterday, would this be happening? I don’t know, I don’t even know if we met tomorrow if this would be like it is. But I do know this, you saw the hurt in me and pulled me out. You made me know you, and see you and you made it comfortable, for me, to be me, with you. I want you to be the first I’m with, more than anything, I do, want it to be you."


"Yes, I want to share that, with you. I want it here and now, tonight. If it never comes again at least I’ll have this."

*"Doesn’t change my course, I’m still taking my time getting there. Now just lay down, relax and let me get to work, please."

I started an extremely slow piston like motion, half on, all the way in, pressing my palm firmly into the soft folds of hot flesh between her legs. *"Hey! If you could, would you… A, like to have the ability to have sex anytime you want, with anyone you want, no matter where, it's all good. Or B, have sex, one day a week, for no less than twelve hours, with, someone you like?"

"Mmmmm Would that someone be you?" I pushed in and twisted then stopped, just to get her full attention. "oh shit, shit shit shit"

*"It doesn't matter, it's a rhetorical question, A, could never happen, without some divine, supernatural intervention, but, if there was a genie who granted wishes and, THIS, was the only wish choice they had left, which one would you pick, A or B?"

"B, tota..." I slipped my middle finger almost all the way out, then slid it back in with a little determination, my ring and pointer fingers slid through her overheated lips and brushed up against, a now swollen, clit. Her ass rose up to meet my palm, swallowing everything it could."...fuhhhk...lyyyy."

Long slow strokes, in and out, massaging, searching. I felt her opening, relaxing. In and out, her moans more edgy, in and out.


Each stroke seemed easier than the last and elicited a more desirous, unintelligible growling. I pulled my finger out, she gasped as it left her, her muscles tried to grip and keep it there but they slipped around the tip. "Back, Please? Please!"

*"How about we escalate this ride a bit." I slid up and nuzzled her glistening hole with the head of my cock.

"Unghh, bigger, hot." She turned her head to look at me. "Please be easy."

*"Shhhh, I told you, I'm here for our pleasure, not our pain."

Her body moved snakelike grinding her crotch into the bed. I teased and prodded, letting her come to me. She did, ever so slowly. My head was to the rim in minutes, pushing on the stretched skin inside her. It took every instinct and force of will, to get it there without driving it home. I teased with tiny, soft, push and relax movements, uttering words of relaxation. Words, laced with the details of this, wonderfully, erotic imagery I was witnessing. I massaged her lower back and the muscles, at the sides of her valley, with my fingers, and the ones just around her pussy with my thumbs. I pushed her cheeks, spread them, let them return, then back, then down, then up.

"More please, just a little, oh god please."

I denied her request. Reaching my hand around her to play with her clit. I inched out just enough to hear her gasp, then held myself firm.

Her ass rose off the bed and further onto me, then away, willing her body to achieve her goal. She wanted this, was enjoying this and, heaven knows I was having fun too. I just steadied myself there and fixed my attention to the sight below me. Two luscious cheeks, strained towards the sky, spreading before me, lasciviously. A soft, strong back, now glistening with sweat and oil and afire from the touch of the candle's light. The muscles of her torso, flexing and rippling as she worked herself, ever so slowly, back and around me.

A slender, graceful waist grasped in my hand. Soft flaxen hair moving softly against sexy, succulent shoulders. My cock, hard as an obelisk, pointing its way to a ring of pursing flesh, the head hidden in the freshly stretched skin surrounding it. She was starting to gasp for air and purring as my fingers teased now at her clit and the base of her shaft and my cock was pushing on tender flesh. She was starting to cum. She reached back and grabbed my hip and pulled me into her, then tightened up and moaned and cried out and came.

"Too full, too much."

*"Am I hurting you."

"full too full, no, no, not pain, uncomfortable, full, hot, I’m okay, it’s, ughh."

*"Relax, I won't move."

"Slow, move slow, fuck slow, please, slow."

I moved back a tiny bit and moved side to side gently. Her body took control and she started rocking once again. It jerked and twitched then settled into a rhythm. My gentle probing and releasing continued. Over and over the scene played out before me. My cock stayed hard and true and somehow never lost its steel, through the minutes of delicious, tediously delicate movements. The sights and sounds of her single minded urges excited me and built up in me a need, playing in my blood, keeping me stone.

I felt a release on my crown as it expanded against softer muscle, a sharp grip on my shaft clutched at the nerves just behind it. Her head snapped back, a low gravelly drone escaped her throat, answering the animal grunt from my own.

"Oh fuck Joe."

*"Sorry, little one, you okay?"

"Yes. okay, Just be easy. Oh fuck, you're in me."

Her words were raspy and low.

*"So that's a keep going?"

"Oh fuck, nnnnnnn, yes, yes."

*"This looks so fucking hot. You ready?"

"Please. Fuck me."

I rocked into her gentle yet strong, controlled and steady, testing her levels. She rode back onto me building her motions with almost imperceptible changes. I felt a release of the tension around me. Her final resistance was gone, my cock slid in her deep. I held it there just a bit longer.

"Oh fuck so much, too good, fuck, good dick."

I pushed forward tentatively. She exhaled hard and let out a steady fuuuuuuuuuck, as I propelled myself ever so slowly, feeling for her skin to slip back around me, as mine slid into her.

She pushed back, inching, engulfing, deeper and deeper, swallowing me with greed. One last gentle nudge, my balls touched her warm slick lips. I bore down, grinding into her. My full length was locked in the grasp of her freshly open, furnace. I lowered my chest to her back, letting her acclimate to her circumstance. I sniffed at her hair breathing her in slow and sensual, pressed my lips to her ear and kissed it.

*"Fuck, you feel so good around me. So hot, so tight, so fucking hungry." My words came out airy, barely perceptible, crude.

"So full, so hot, so hard. Fuck so full, so good."

*"Fuck I love your ass, so fucking perfect around me so tight so warm."

"I...might...cum, just like this."

*"Not moving?"

"Just feeling this, heat inside me. Feeling your heat, oh shit so good"

*"We can try that if you want."

"Ohhhh, hmmmm,ummm, Not yet. Later. Fuck. Shit, can't take this, please fuck me, please, fuck, please please me."

*"As you wish."

"Oh Wesley."

We laughed hard, my cock pushed and moved in unison to every contraction. Her humorous crescendo was cut short by the onslaught of my rock hard muscle antagonizing every raw burning nerve inside her. It gyrated and pumped in short solid bursts, touching everywhere in succession, her head sprung back, her mouth found my ear. A loud moan reclaimed my attention and snapped me out of my whimsy, with one long, passionate, thrum of completely overwhelmed senses.

"Oh Joe, fuck me, fuck me good. oh so good this feels oh so...fuck fuck fuck"

I started slowly retreating, just a bit, then back in. I searched her from the inside and slowly found the spots that made her gasp.

They were everywhere.

My cock responded with every clench, spasm and moan, by getting more rebelliously engorged. Agonizingly slow I stroked in her. Sometimes stopping as deep as I could then nibbling her ear, kissing her neck, or grabbing both breasts and teasing them, as much to turn her on as to distract me from cumming.

Sometimes I pulled almost all the way out, holding it, right at the edge then driving back, deep and slow. Her breaths became labored, her back rippled and tightened, Her arm reached to her clit. I grabbed both hands and put them over her head and held her by the wrists in a firm easy grasp.

*"No hands."

"You're driving me fucking me crazy."

*"And you'll be returning the favor soon. Agreed?"

"Oh, fuck yes, I'm gonna drive you, just as, fucking crazy. I want you to feel this. You are mine to tease and fuck and cum."

*"Well for right now you are mine to tease and fuck and cum."

My strokes stayed slow, long and deep, her ass rose and fell to meet my motions. Almost out, all the way in, stronger strokes, her ass started moving faster, up and down. Her hands clenched at mine tightly. I pushed downward and through her, shoving her cock deeper into the mattress. Her words, but mumbles, gave me my cadence.

"I'm fuckin cumming! Shit shit shit, Oh fuck Joe you're making me, uhhhn huh huh cuuuuum. Fuck, fuck, FUCK."

I continued my steady thrusts, one of her hands escaped from my grip, It grabbed at my thigh pulling me in tighter, deeper, and I just kept fucking. She, didn't protest, just kept gasping and pushing herself back on me, pleading me on with moans, her hand willing me in to her.

"Oh fuck, so good," she groaned, "you're make..." I pushed a little faster, she gasped for air. "Cum, cumming fuck cumming. Faster, yes, faster."

I quickened my pace a bit.

*"If I keep this up I'm going to explode, Oh fuck, can't hold..."

"Fuck cumming, yes cum, cum in me, fuck me, cum in, deep, ahh fuuuuck."

I reached my hand under her stomach and fell the rest of the way on her, then reached down with my other to play with her clit and push her further down that road. I could feel the release of her climax soaking my arm as I grabbed her nipple. Her head turned to mine, her other hand reached into my hair and pulled my face to her, her neck strained and contorted for our lips to meet and she kissed me deeply, orgasmically, moaning in my mouth as each spasm ripped through her, up and around my cock. "Ughhhh, fuckmph."

Muffled words I felt in my ears as another moist shot of cum erupted from in her, onto my arm and her stomach and the bed. Her ass gripped me and her trembles tore through my nerves. Her clit droe into my palm. I lunged deep, the world lost to a bright flash, my cum shot into her, making the sensations even harder to bear. Those exotic purple eyes bore into me and tore away any resistance I had left.

*"Alexandria! Fuck, cumming, Oh, shit fuhk!."

Each push into her, pulled more of my juice out of me as she pushed more of her tongue into my mouth. Sounds of her ecstasy forced themselves into my throat, mixing with mine, reverberating in the bell of my skull.

A final push and I collapsed on her, her tongue still probing into me. A hot wave rushed across my skin. I stayed inside her deep, spent and gasping for air.

*"Fuck, I can feel your heartbeat around my cock."

"Yes, I can feel your, oh and mine, around, in, oh, it too.Oh shit." She tensed and twitched with every pulse, and every twitch of her body sent waves through mine. "Oh shit, oh shit shit shit. Feels, feel, ungshit, feels fucking incredible. SHIT FUuhuck. Oh god."

The lewd and tawdry exclamations settled into sighs, and softly spoken fucks. She was kissing me softly moaning in my mouth.

*"Do you want to try and make me feel that?"

"Oh yes, and I'm gonna keep trying until you do."

*"Good, cause now I want you to do to me, what I’ve never had done."

She scrunched her eyes in curiosity.

*"If you, want to be the first person inside me, that is."

She smiled and returned her lips to mine.

"Yes, please. I think I’d like that."

*"Okay, but I'm stuck, can't move right now."

"Good, I don't want that thing going anywhere yet."

*"Good, cause it ain't. For a while."

We just laid there, face down, still merged at the cock and ass. Giggling, like fourteen year old girls at a Ramone's concert.

Well maybe not.

That's a bad analogy.


!No wait! You know what, no, that's not a bad analogy, that's a great analogy, a really fucking great analogy.

So, suck it up buttercup!

She moaned, stretched her arms to the headboard, and wiggled under me. My cock popped out of her with a gusto. "FUCK!" Her body bucked so hard she almost threw me off. "Fuck that was rude. My hearts fuckin pounding now." She laid there as little spasms shot through her, then settled and left her. "Oh shit that was intense."

*"It’s your own fault for being so wiggly. Let's go wash up, I believe you have a thing to do."

"Can we just stay here like this two more minutes? !That, fucked me up! Can't move, can't, don't want to, and this feels, nice. Please? Please, pretty please, please, please please?"




I blew the smoke in her mouth as she drew it in, my cock started getting that feeling again.

"Hey, no fair, you're starting without me."

*"It's not my fault my cock likes being between your legs. Shit it feels like it’s fifteen again." I rubbed it against her thigh for effect.

"Joe???" I tasted the skin at the base of her neck, right where it flowed into her shoulder. "mmmmmm, never-mind. That's, nice too.

This story was taken from one these sites, check them out to find more sex stories:

Pub: 12 Mar 2024 03:43 UTC
Views: 826