Hi, if you're reading this, you might be wondering why you're blocked. And I'll give you some of the reason that might happen (doesnt always mean it's bc of these stuffs)

  1. ur an anti and hates proshippers/proshipping
    -> since im friends with a lot of them, i try to stir out of ppl who hates them!
  2. you're transphobic, homophobic, etc.
    -> my acc is a safeplace for lgbtqia+ folks, and im a member of it also, if you hate us then I'll just block you
  3. I use blockchain
    -> I use several blockchains and im sorry if you dont have any beef with me but get blocked
  4. You potray my oshi that's different from my liking
    -> I'm particularly picky with my ship taste and dynamics so i try to curate my timeline from contents I don't personally like
  5. I just dont vibe with you
    -> self explanatory
  6. You hate on the things i like
    -> also self explanatory


i wont unblock, so dont dm or tag me asking to be unblocked, im sorry!

Pub: 14 Oct 2022 04:21 UTC
Edit: 14 Oct 2023 16:34 UTC
Views: 504