Chapter 8: If you look up at the night sky, you will remember

Yae: Thank you for staying back for so long.

Hana: Don't worry about it, make sure you get home safely. Are you getting picked up?

Yae: Yes. They've just arrived and waiting at the theatre entrance.

Yae: Well, if you'll excuse me.

Hana: Alright. See ya.

Yae: Hiiragi-san...

Yae: (If I want to get Hiiragi-san to come back on stage, I need to hurry up and become a World Dai Star.)

Yae: (To do that, I need to be able to any role imaginable. Not just cute roles, not just singing roles, I need a variety of rol...)

Yae: Let's work hard

Hana: Speak of the devil.

Noa: Good work.

Hana: I guess she wasn't listening in after all.

Hana: Hey, Hiiragi.

Noa: Yes?

Hana: Are you really not going to go back on stage?

Noa: Whats this, all of a sudden?

Hana: The girls decided to switch around the roles for "The Phantom of the Opera".

Noa: How nostalgic...

Hana: Right? It brings back memories for me too.

Hana: Looking at them, it reminds me of myself. Ahh, acting like that back then was fun too.

Hana: The arguing, the struggles and the hard times. Every day, we would always learn something about the roles and the actors.

Hana: All that work and build up to the audience appluading under the spotlight, that was the best feeling.

Noa: Is that so...

Hana: If it were now, what kind of Phantom would you put on? What went through your mind when you saw Kokona's Phantom?

Noa: Who knows, I'm not an actor anymore. If you want to talk about the production, then lets take this somewhere else.

Hana: Gosh, why are you so stubborn.

Hana: Being backstage, its just like Phantom, isn't it. leading the girls that are on stage... just like the music, wouldn't you say so, Miss Angel of Acting?

Noa: Stop it with the jokes.

Hana: But while you're working behind the scenes and making other people shine, and putting on the best performance they can, don't you ever think that you want to do that again?

Noa: ...

Hana: So like, if you were to play Phantom again now, wouldn't it be a different flavour compared to back then, stuff like that.

Noa: Until I've repaid my favour to Sirius, I don't intend to go back on stage.

Hana: So what you're saying is that once you've repaid the favour, there's a non zero chance that you come back on stage?

Noa: ...

Noa: Now you're just putting word in my mouth.

Hana: Ahaha, sorry for teasing you. But its just that I wanna see your performances again.

Noa: That's just the desire for fame speaking.

Hana: You didn't have to sugarcoat it like that.

Noa: I understand what you're trying to say. But this is the path that I've decided.

Hana: Yeah. There is a path forward here. I get you're trying to repay the favour, I appreciate that part of you too.

Hana: But, just remember that its alright to have a change of heart.

Noa: It's not like I'm having a change of heart or anything...

Hana: Right, right, got it. I'm just being stubborn. Well, lets all work hard together shall we?

Hana: And repay the favour. Lets all do our best for the other girls.

Noa: Sure.

Hana: Alright, lets head back, I'll treat to some sake.

Noa: Some Kawauso then.

Hana: Going for the high end stuff are we?

Hana: Egven though you're not a fan of the sweeter stuff, you've grown up~.

Noa: I am an adult now after all.

Hana: Haa~, I guess it can't be helped, I'm treat you to some.

Hana: Alright, Lets go drink tonight~!

Pub: 20 Apr 2024 04:10 UTC
Views: 55