A Man and his Penguin Friend

Dearest beloved mother,

It's been so long since we last met and surely you think I am dead. But alas, I am alive and well. I am currently shackled up in Fort Niemi getting treated for frostbite, might be some time before I make it back to the village but I have a tale to tell that you need to absolutely here!

So as you know, I was out icefishing about two weeks back and never came back right? That's because the ice i was standing on gave way and I feel into the frozen sea. I thought for sure I was a goner but, Petra had other plans for me, as a penguin itself pushed me up to the surface! It's hard to believe in such miracles in life, but it gets even more crazy from here.

As you know, even being returned to the surface isn't much hope and my body shut down from the hypothermia shortly after I entered cardiac arrest. It was like a deep slumber and when I awoke, I found an old man and the very same penguin that saved me taking care of me in a ice cave. I was out cold for a week he said, and I cannot even remember the poor man's name. He looked majestic, like a divinity himself. His beard looked to be made of ice, and he wore a thick sherpa. All i can remember is being feed warm soup and the penguin actually helping him. I don't know if I am imagining things but the penguin caught him fish and everything that he put into a warm pot to feed us.

The next thing I know, I am being taken on the back of a sled to Fort Niemi and I have been here ever since recovering. Thank Petra for that man and his penguin friend. May she bless him for his kindness!

With love


Pub: 26 Dec 2022 16:24 UTC
Views: 113