If You're Cooked, Cook Meat!

Xue: ... Shit.

Xue: Shit shit shit shit!
... UgrAaAaAaAAah~!!!

Xue: Um, your order.
Was shoyu tonkotsu ramen with a half fried rice okay?

Earphone-Wearing Customer: ~♪

Xue: Dear customer, was it shoyu tonkotsu ramen and a half fried rice?

Earphone-Wearing Customer: ~♪

Xue: Shoyu tonkotsu and half fried rice!?

Earphone-Wearing Customer: ... I can hear you even if you don't shout like that. You're being noisy.

Xue: ... Ramen and rice, one serving!

Xue: Here's your delivery. Please confirm.

Picnicking Customers: "Eh~ Wait, who ordered this?" "Wasn't it Senpai?" "Wasn't it Misa?" "It warn't me." "That character is hilarious~!"

Xue: Umm, are you returning it?

「ゴチでーす!」「別にみんなで食えばよくね? あたし嫌~い」
Picnicking Customers: "Hey~ Who ordered this?" "Don't just order with my phone~" "Thanks for the food~!" "Isn't it fine if we all eat it? I ha~te it"

Picnicking Customers: "Misaki, did you order this?" "Eeh~ I don't remember." "Maybe you just did it randomly?" "Honestly that" "lol" "Like, girl. Seriously, the other day, too—"

Xue: ... Um, I have another job to get to, so am I good?

Picnicking Customer: Eh? Rather, why you still here? You can leave.

Xue: ...!

Cermonial Hall Manager: Xue-san, I got your message, but being late is being late.
When you go out into society and start working, that's how it's going to be. Be careful from now on.

Xue: ... Sorry.

Ceremonial Hall Manager: It's already hard to get things done with people calling in sick.
Today you won't just be washing dishes, you'll be doing everything including setup and cleanup.

Xue: Hah? And my payment...?

Ceremony Hall Manager: Eeh? Ask about that once you're working as an adult.
Well, I'll add some, but after removing the portion you were late.

Xue: ... Got it.

Xue: AAAaAAaahh\~~, geez!!
I can't do this, damn it!!!

Xue: Take out your earphones when you're ordering! Hurry up and receive your delivery!
And the manager went too far! UgrAAaAh~!!

Xue: You're there, aren't you, Hikari!
I'll pay the fee, so come massage my shoulders!

Xue: Why isn't anyone here today of all days!?
Even though they're always dawdling around!

Xue: Ey, I won't get anywhere unless I eat something as a distraction!
To the fridge!

Xue: Hikari's chicken salad, sauerkraut.
A zero calorie aloe jelly...?

Xue: How am I supposed to fill my stomach with this stuff!?
Isn't there any pizza or cola or potato chips or anything!?

Xue: Kuuuh... Junk food, give me the junk food!
My body desires calories. Something, anything...!

Xue: Not pickles, not kimchi, either, chewing konbu!?
What of Gingaza's internationality! Isn't this too plain!?

Xue: Do I have no choice but to endure with sauerkraut...?
If I eat Germany's cooking, it will definitely be a pain later...!

Xue: At this point, leftovers are fine, something...!

Xue: ... Hm? What's this box. It's big.
There's a note...

Xue: "Please consume this freely with everyone who participated in the performance"
... Kinda familiar handwriting? Hm~...?

Xue: Welp, I dunno what performance it was, but basically it's for me.
It's just gonna be juice or something anyways, but let's try opening it...

Xue: ... What, it's just an assortment of meat.
Seriously, if you're going to provide refreshments, at least make it something you can immediately eat or—

Xue: — Wait, this is...! Oooh...!?

Xue: (... In the red meat, fine marbling like stiching.
Pork with a good layer of fat, plump bird thighs...)

Xue: (On top of that, lamb chop and domestic horse sashimi?
Even at the ceremonial hall I work at, you don't see this stuff...)

Xue: ... I understand, that this is a ridiculously high-grade gift.
It would definitely be 10 times better than the meat you normally eat...

Xue: *drools*

Xue: ... No good, I accidentally ended up like Hikari.

Xue: Is it really okay to take something like this?
They won't try to collect it later or something, right...?

Xue: "Please consume this freely with everyone who participated in the performance"
... Other than that, nothing is written.

Xue: Hmmmm...

Xue: ... With meat this excellent, leaving it to the others would be a huge waste.

Xue: Expensive meat requires a corresponding level of skill.
It's not fitting of someone who just has a hobby of cooking...

Xue: ... In other words, this is where I, Gingaza's master chef, come in.
I don't know who it is, but this meat is a challenge, huh? Hehehe...!

Xue: I'll boil, fry, and eat every last bit...! For a bad day, you eat until you're full and sleep like you've fainted...!

Xue: Keke, kehehe...! Wahahahahahaahaah!!!

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Pub: 26 Jan 2025 04:18 UTC
Edit: 26 Jan 2025 06:17 UTC
Views: 33