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#===================================== Important =======================================
# This year's #opEDSA will stay away from attacking government websites.
# Rather the ops will focus on the infrastructures of the 1% that deceive and manipulate the 99% of the Filipino people. 
# Because we are tired of being forced to be fans of these squabbling affluent families (political dynasty and oligarchies alike). 
# We are now aware that their personal and petty interests does not represent ours. 
# Everyday we have to worry where to get food and keep our family safe while these parasites 
# throw tantrums when they fail to get hold of the public funds (our money) straight to their pockets. 
# It's about time for the 99% to change the course of this dreary future!
#Hack back with us!
#Journalists reach us out @irc.anonops.com
#OpEDSA Press Release 23 February 2024

Hack back EDSA: End the Destructful Time of Political Dynasties Forever!

Time and time again, ordinary people are always betrayed and manipulated by the
affluent class in society. However, there are moments in time when such abuse is
suspended by the ordinary people themselves. In contemporary Filipino history,
the testament to such an event was the EDSA People Power in February 1986. It
was a weeklong uprising that marked the end of a two decade-long dictatorship of
Ferdinand Marcos Sr.

But the victory of the people was not long-lasting. It was betrayed by none
other than the affluent class. They are the same class that was once allied with
the Marcos dictatorship but quickly jumped ship after the overheating discontent
was strongly felt by the ordinary people.

The momentary vibrant power of ordinary people who practiced their politics
during the uprising suddenly spiraled down towards their depoliticization in the
events to come. Once again, the affluent class firmly holds the practice of
politics exclusively to themselves.

Unsurprisingly, despite the poor social infrastructures, environmental
destruction, mental health decline, unemployment, and unimaginable growing
poverty that ordinary people have to endure every day; the politics of the time
are personal squabbles between competing affluent political families.

Recently, Baste Duterte, the son of the former President and strongman from
Davao, and the incumbent President, who is also a son of a former strongman,
were both throwing personal insults at each other. This is just one among many
cases of such low-quality politics in the country. Their political squabbles are
mostly tied to securing their power and authority to government funds and, thus,
keeping their personal interests secure.

These affluent political families are also backed by local oligarchies and
competing imperialist countries (US vs. China). Together, they keep the
deception alive to secure their personal wealth and interests at the expense of
the ordinary people\'s well-being and the health of our planet.

None of these squabbling affluent families represent the interests of ordinary
people. But can ordinary people change the course of the future away from the
destructive reign of the affluent class?

One has to take a leap of faith to find the answer. And that faith lies in the
spirit of EDSA People Power and similar experiences of power from ordinary
people around the world. By keeping this spirit alive, we aim to reclaim what
should rightfully be ours and finally suspend the destructive reign of the
affluent class forever.

Stop the Time of the Elite Class!

Attack where it hurts, bitlock their infrastructures!

#OpEDSA #EDSA38 #UpholdWorkersRights #EndEliteRule #NoToChaCha #JusticeToEJKVictims #StopRedTagging

Join us @IRC chan #opEDSA


Last year's OpEDSA Press Releases
Shout out to p0tato

Pub: 23 Feb 2024 14:29 UTC
Edit: 24 Feb 2024 12:26 UTC
Views: 301