We Shall Be Mighty

Hikari: Alright, I worked hard at practice today! Thanks for the food!

Koyomi: You really do eat a lot. ......Curry rice, fried chicken, stewed pork cubes, and all sorts of brown things…...

Hikari: It's not stewed pork cubes, it's rafts.

Hikari: ......Gokun! More rice!

Ramona: This is important for Hikari, who is in the prime of her life.

Ramona: All right, eat my wurst too. It's delicious!

Hikari: Yay! Eat with a bang and move with a bang! Big burst of energy!

Lilja: Unthinkable, unusual situation......

Koyomi: I can imagine how you feel. ......People like Lilja only eat salads.

Lilja: No, I don't mean Hikari's appetite. Why is Koyomi here?

Koyomi: That’s what you meant!?

Lilja: Even though she rarely shows up at hotpot parties.

Lilja: .....Suspicious.

Koyomi: That’s true, um.......

Ramona: Hahaha, rejoice, everyone! I invited her with all sincerity. It serves as a farewell party for ‘Snow White’ and a launch party for the next performance.

Koyomi: Where’s the sincerity in that…...? If you call someone 128 times anyone would break down......

Lilja: I think she's secretly happy inside if she's counting every single one of them.

Koyomi: It's because there's a function that counts the number of incoming calls!

Hikari: Haha! Koyomi-san, you smile more than you used to! You think so too, don’t you Xue?

Xue: Yes, I do.

Everyone: .......

Xue: ......What is it, suddenly shutting up. Is it that strange?

Lilja: Normally you would say you’re not interested. ......Suspicious.

Xue: Did you just give a random compliment? What do you think I am?

Ramona: No, it's fine. I can understand without telling everyone.

Ramona: Xue, you’re surely worried right now! Namely, you’ve been scouted by another theatre company!?

Xue: Buh! 

Xue: cough cough

Xue: (What is that pinpoint insight!?)

Koyomi: Xue-san!? Don't tell me you've really been scouted......!?

Xue: ......Yeah, I was scouted by chance.

Xue: But I refused. That's the end of the story.

Ramona: Are you sure?

Xue: If you doubt me, look into my eyes! I'm not upset!

Lilja: Then I'll make sure.

Xue: H-Hey, you’re close, Finland!

Lilja: I have to get close to see it. To the point where I can kiss you with my breath.

Hikari: Waah! This is heart pounding!

Lilja: ......Hmmm.

Xue: Hii......!

Lilja: ......I saw through it. These are the eyes of an upset human being.

Ramona: I knew it!

Xue: I'm upset in a different way, you idiots!

Xue: Look, I refused to be scouted!

Xue: I'm here because I wanted to be! I'm.......

Xue: Not leaving.......

Hikari: Xue?

Ramona: I'm sorry I doubted you. When I was in the theatre company in Hamburg, I saw a melancholy face like yours before.

Lilja: It's obvious when you think about it. There is no reason for Xue to leave Gingaza.

Koyomi: That's right. As a supporting actor, she gives a great performance.

Xue: Supporting actor.......

Xue: (I don't play supporting roles all the time because I like it. That's all I can do. I'm just one of the many.)

Hikari: Yeah, yeah! I'm happy to be on stage with everyone! Thanks to Ramo-san, dinner is fun too!

Ramona: That’s right, that’s right. After all, it is the bonds that create the ultimate stage!

Koyomi: Hah.......you seem to be misunderstanding me as usual, our relationship is based solely on improving each other's abilities.

Koyomi: Yesterday's leading role may become a nameless bit role tomorrow. On the other hand, the nameless other may become the leading actor.

Koyomi: Don't rest on your laurels just because you've secured a role once or twice. There is plenty of talent from all over the world to replace you.

Xue: ......That's right. There’s a lot of other people.

Ramona: Hmm.......

Xue: Thanks for the food. I'm going to the training hall.

Hikari: Me too! I'll get ready for the audition! I want to do plays that people can enjoy even more!

Ramona: This is what I call a friendship that enhances each other. Koyomi, you jump in too, and I'll hold you in my arms.

Koyomi: I'll refrain from doing that......

Xue: (We're all thinking the same thing. We're fighting because we don't want to lose)

Xue: (In that case, the one who wins is the one with the strongest will. I'll prove my determination!)

Pub: 07 Dec 2023 17:39 UTC
Views: 195