🌸 Yen 🌸

23 | She/Her | ENG/CHI | Singapore Bi-oriented AroAce | INFP-T ( Accounts: Main | Enstars | Art )

Pls leave a 'like' on my pinned tweet! Go back


  • if you are only here for my danmei translations, please join suibian subs' discord. this acc is no longer danmei main.
  • i breathe angst and whump for a living so i won't tag them. i may make lots of theory threads. so feel free to unfollow/block me if you're uncomfortable with it!
  • i believe that anyone is free to dislike/hate my fav characters for your own reasons and comfort, but i would greatly appreciate it if i'm not able to see it! most times it's also hard for me to differentiate jokes and actual hatred when there's no tone indicators, especially with εpsilonφ.
  • posts that calls out & explains my faves' problematic behaviours are 100% educational & helpful, but if you are only going to say things like "i hope he dies", i would like you to pls tag it if it's /srs ><
  • i retweet a lot, mainly fanarts and memes, not limited to just aaside as this is my main acc.
  • occasional kpop tweets. because it's been my interest since i was younger, but i'm not in kpoptwt.
  • i have a full-time job, so my time online may be limited. i interact within seconds with tweets/replies whenever i see them. but i may have moments where i'm very active or offline for hours.
  • in most cases, i'm able to feel comfortable enough to interact with your tweets even if we're new oomfs. if this is uncomfortable/i'm overstepping my boundaries, pls let me know!
  • i'm not good with small talks, but my dms are open! although i may seem rlly outgoing and interactive on twt, i'm also shy and get insecure very easily, so pls be patient with me!
  • i do not tag any of my fav characters, but i'm able to tag other things if you need it, just let me know/remind me about it!
  • typing style includes caps, cursing and "?!?!?!" when i'm excited/agitated, it doesn't mean i'm mad!
  • typing style also include words like "bro", "dude" & "mate". i'm comfortable with any gendered terms or pronouns. tho i want to apologise in advance if i accidentally use any gendered terms you dislike as i tend to be forgetful ><
  • i don't usually engage with drama.

Pub: 16 Feb 2022 19:09 UTC
Edit: 30 May 2024 03:32 UTC
Views: 102