What is a civil defense certificate and why it is needed in KSA?

Civil Defense license

ترخيص الدفاع المدني

Country’ safety is important during wartime and after. Civil defense programs are put in places in your country and it is aimed to protect people and property from the hazards human engineered or naturally manifested disasters. The civil defense license uses the rules of emergency operations namely prevention, mitigation, and preparations, emergency evacuation or response and finally recovery.

In Saudi Arabia ترخيص الدفاع المدني( Civil defense license ) regulations have been issued via Royal Decree No. M/10 on 10.5.1406 H, (20.1.1986). It is a set of measures and actions must for protecting the citizens, and property both public and private from hazards like fire, calamities, accidents and wars. It provide relief to the victims, and secure safety of communication and transport, manage public utilities and give protection to national assets during and after wartime, peacetime and emergencies.

Civil defense regulations need to be complied by both public and private establishments so concerned population is always in a state of preparedness in the eyes of war. Concerned parties will also need to obtain the civil defense certification from the government agencies so as to assure safety of people and compliance of the government rules of safety.

This certificate is required the population, public and private properties and the concerned entities can apply for the civil defense license on government portal established online. It is a simple procedure where you will provide details of protection measures you have put in place and the agencies will process it and issue the civil defense certificate to you.

What is the definition of a safety report?

A safety report has been developed by government agencies in Saudi Arabia which is concerning to the safety and security of residential and commercial premises. تقرير سلامة (safety Report) enable concerned agencies to evaluate the safety measures that the concerned organization or residence have taken to protect people and property during calamities.

The certificate will denote the preparedness of the particular entity and identify areas where there is lack of safety preparedness. In this way the agencies will be able to assuage the protection measures taken by the concerned parties and also implement safety measures that have not been taken by the applicant.

What Safety report defines?

Safety report helps identify problem areas and rectify them. The report helps the agencies to identify the hazards that an establishment can be exposed to and take preventive actions by getting them implemented by concerned parties or organizations. By identifying the risks an organization can eliminate the risks by putting in place the required protection measures prescribed by the government agencies.

The safety report for concerned individual or organization is must in Saudi Arabia because it helps identify what is happening at a particular site or organization with regards to public and property safety. You can always seek help from agencies that enable you register for safety report properly and get the certification via online.

Pub: 29 Feb 2024 09:04 UTC
Edit: 06 Mar 2024 08:27 UTC
Views: 45