
[17:37] The woman floated to the front of the church, a few more familiar faces filtering in one by one and taking their respective seats. "Thank you all for coming to this small lesson on Athelios, seeing your faces here makes me happy. It gives me hope that there are still ones out there wishing to learn of his duties and come to believe of the Dogmata left by him."

The kitsune would come to touch down onto the top of the stairs, her sapphire eyes gazing across the pews at all those that had gathered from soldier to Leigo alike and even those that were simply wishing to expand their knowledge.

"The Dogmata are as follow. The Self, The Question, The Civilization, The World, and The Beyond."

A small sigh coming from her for a moment, her composure faltering slightly before she would reach her hand up. It moving her hair back behind her ear as she would feel the flower she had placed in her hair. A soft smile coming from her before she spoke once more.

"The Self all mortals are to expected to value their life and live them to the fullest. Though crusades and pursuing cosmic order is valuable what is more is the development of ones own soul. Whether it is by strengthening one's virtues or exploring the darkness in ones own heart. This can help develop the skills and knowledge the insidious ones have long held a monopoly on. This In turn allows us to learn the ways of darkness and how best to counter act it. This tenet expects followers to explore life it self which lets us be lead to the next tenet. The Question."

A pause coming from the woman as she let her gaze rest on the crowd so that any questions could be asked if any were had.

(Phoenix Altan)

[17:43] Relaxing onto the bench by leaning forward and having his helmet placed under the Pew so it could be known that Phi had his full attention for this, he'd look her way. So the dogmata was five simple things; Self, Question, Civilization, World, and Beyond.

At least he thought it'd be simple. Though once he began to hear just the explanation of Self he had wished he'd brought a notebook to jot down the notes on all this. This just meant he had to pay extra special attention.

He'd try to take it all into heart and understand the things being said as his eyes settled onto Phoenix to listen intently. With the pause he'd quickly think if he had any questions to ask on the Self. One did come up as he would take the pause to ask.

"So... uh... if insidious ones have a monopoly on uh... the dark arts, but the followers of Athelios can as well use it to their advantage. What uh... prevents a follower of Athelios from succumbing to the insidious ones?" It was a genuine question to ask during Phoenix's pause.

[17:44] Every fiber of the fae's effort is spent upon staying focused.

Do. Not. Get. Distracted.

The flames around the room dazzle her. Her eyes are drawn to all the bright colors, the indoor hedges, the potted plants, oh, and the flowers too!

Look. At. The. Priestess. And. Pay. Attention.

She reaches within herself and finds the circuitry she's using to learn the Holy discipline. She is far from there yet. But she can feel that warm candlelight in her heart as she channels what little mana circuitry she has dedicated to it thus far. It helps keep her grounded.

The fairy has no questions. It seems to all make sense so far. Self-searching is an important step of part of self-improvement. One must be aware of oneself, their desires, and their flaws.

[17:47] Her eyes shifted to Nem'Alak as she would ponder his question for a short while thinking of how to best answer it. "I suppose that is why we are to strengthen our own virtues so that we do not succumb to the darkness but to take control of it. If one's faith in Athelios is un wavering and they reasoning for using the darkness is of pure intentions I do not feel this will come to pass. For darkness in itself is not something to be feared it goes hand in hand with light in his grasp. Both are tools for the lord of Duality."

A series of small nods were then given as she would allow the draknite to speak once more.
(Phoenix Altan)

[17:48] Nem'Alak says, "*would let the words resonate in his mind for a moment. Discipline was the short answer his mind decided. He'd give a nod as he had no further question."
[18:04] With no questions being asked she would move on.

"The Question."

A small pause coming from her before she continued.

"A tenet based on the exploration of existence in mortal life, but is often left to uphold by philosophers and scholars of society. The cosmic balance needs correction, yet neither Athelios nor any god that is not part of the mortal cycle can make the ultimate judgment of when it is time to rend a soul from it. This is why the moral followers must explore the question. When is a soul to far gone?"

She paused for a moment looking over those that had come to gather in the hallowed ground.

"What formula can be used to achieve cosmic truth and order? Scholars are asked.. No implored to explore the philosophies, the devout are asked to examine their fellow man and record thy stories."

"The faceless."

A small pause coming from her.

"Are tasked with living our as many human lives as they can, in order to learn more of the mortal experience. Thus in order to discover the difference between would-be marquis of Helheim and a soul that if fit for growth and redemption. Yet the question is not on that can be explored by individual's alone, for many of them still form collectives. Therefore, the Question is to be explored, there is a need to maintain The Civilization."

Her words pausing once more
(Phoenix Altan)

[18:07] The Question, the second of the fifth dogmata of Athelios, this one was very well explained to where he had no questions to ask- the irony. His mind working to easily put together the shortest answer possible from the information given. The Question was to determine judgement of when someone was losing Discipline and going against the greater good. Very simple to wrap his mind around.

He'd remain silent this time around as he awaited to learn the third portion. The Civilization.

[18:09] This time, Meadow does raise a hand. It's very hard to see from up there, so she stands up as well, her outstretched hand reaching a whole... five to six inches off the bench.

"How often is the Question developed? Do the Faceless learn new things often? Are old executions or acquittals revised based on new findings?"

She looks so very young, but has quite a lot more experience than a human of an equivalent age, and she does read quite a lot these days. Her vocabulary isn't so hard to believe.

[18:12] Phoenix Altan says, "They are ever changing as is the civilization."
[18:13] Phoenix Altan says, "New things are discovered every day, and we change our daily lives because of this do we not"
[18:17] She isn't sure how to feel about the answer. "I... I'm not trying to argue. But I mean, if you're deciding how to judge people and decide whether their soul is too far gone, I'm asking how often that formula changes.

It just seems like a very important thing to do right."

The removal of souls from the Lifestream is a problem that gives her great concern. Death isn't so bad to her--what comes beyond, however, can be.

[18:19] Phoenix Altan says, "The deciding factor is simply if they have delved into witchcraft and formed a pact."
[18:19] Phoenix Altan says, "Thus selling their soul."
[18:19] Phoenix Altan says, "At this point, they are considered lost."
[18:20] Phoenix Altan says, "They may try to seek redemption, though it will be one that will have to be graced by Athelios."
[18:20] Phoenix Altan says, "Their souls may forever be lost as they try to redeem their actions."
[18:20] Meadow asks, "Is execution only reserved for witchcraft, then?"
[18:21] Phoenix Altan says, "And those who have comitted great sin, aiding in the culling of the masses and the like."
[18:21] Meadow doesn't feel like the heart of her question will be answered here. She sits down and listens.

[18:21] Phoenix Altan says, "In the eye's of Athelios you are granted the chance at redemption."
[18:21] Nem'Alak would listen to the questions and answers with curiosity. This was certainly food for thought. Though now he had his own question stemmed from all this.

[18:21] Nem'Alak asks, "What about... necromancy then? You mentioned witchcraft which deals with demons, but what about practitioners of unlife?"
[18:22] Phoenix Altan says, "They are two of the same coin."
[18:22] Phoenix Altan says, "Necromancy and raising the dead goes against the natural flow of things."
[18:22] Phoenix Altan says, "It in itself it its own form if witchcraft."
[18:23] Nem'Alak he'd nod at that. That summed it up well enough for him. Necromancers as bad as witches.

[18:24] Phoenix Altan asks, "Are there any more questions before I continue?"
[18:24] Meadow shakes her head.

[18:31] A nod was given to the crowd.

"The Civilization, often not a concern for the hermits and those that isolate themselves. It is still something every participant within it must work to uphold. A collective of mortals is known to be capable of so much more then any individual. Our capacity for good and evil becomes exponential relative to its size and progress. Therefore, even atrocities impossible for one to commit become simple for a civilization to passively enact. Even Helheim under the administration of Athelios fell into chaos, leaving the largest blemish on the cosmic balance since time began. As such, it is the duty of all who participate in civilization to respect order, to work to ensure it never falls into chaos. Hierarchies are to be respected, but anyone that threatens the stability could bring about ruin. It is everyone's role to ensure that something as potent as civilization does not fall into disarray as well, lest threaten the world."

Her words coming to a pause, her feeling that she herself resonated with the third of the Dogmata. Her doing her upmost best to maintain and stabilize order in the church and Aphros since her coming of age.
(Phoenix Altan)

[18:34] Yet another facet of the Dogmata that made sense to him from first explanation. Society as a whole would have to work together to be greater than the sum of its parts. Though that's where he did have a bit of a frown. He's lived in Aphros for a fair bit of time now, but even he was exactly too involved with the civilization aspect, or at least he didn't feel like he was.

Certainly he had his very few friends he wouldn't trade for the world in the city, but even still he felt like a stranger that only managed to wander in and get a squire's badge with no credit to who they really were.

[18:34] The Civilization is certainly new to any fairy. Most fairies never know it.

But Meadow has witnessed humans' propensity for violence. For consolidation of power, or its usurping. It frightens her. But the notion that it doesn't need to be this way is comforting.

She simply listens.

[18:37] Ryobu gave the Fae a thumbs up. He was behind her this whole time, quietly observing and making sure she learned every ounce of information the priestess is willing to give to them. More-so he was concerned whether or not she's paying attention.

[18:39] She has been very well-behaved. She looks behind herself only to glance at Ryobu for comfort, knowing he's there, and sees his thumbs up.

[18:46] Moving on she would begin to explain the fourth tenet of the Dogmata of Athelios. "The World."

"While they inhabit it, it is everyone's duty to stem the tide of chaos and infection of the world itself. Gatherings of evil that have gone to far need to be expunged. Cosmic mistakes can not be allowed to infest and corrupt the living. The cleansing of witch craft and demons is commonly agreed upon. Necromancy is also despised to the point where it can only be practiced in complete secrecy, with some debates springing about regards to occultism. Regardless of ones final judgments, they must act to stem the spread of what they deem to be irreparable evil and chaos. When one works to cleanse the world they also better the beyond."

A small breath was then taken by the kitsune.

"The Beyond."

"At the end of one's mortal life, their soul will be drawn towards the realm that suits them most. Carrying the accumulated sin and virtue of their life times. Followers of Athelios and the Ordinance will be drawn to joining him at the Citadel Upon the Edge. Where they are judged, and either returned to their cycle again once again until they are ready, made to join his court or the greater citadel to aid in judging or even the retaking of Helheim. Or.. IN extremely rare instances the soul is deemed to have crossed the threshold of redeemability with a balance of light and dark that could never be repaired. The fate of those souls remains a mystery. Regardless, followers of the ordinance have the duty to strengthen their souls for the beyond to eventually join Athelios' citadel proper, or at the very least remain honest participants of the mortal cycle. There is a duty to cleanse the beyond as one cleanses the world, but the only way to prepare for this eventuality is through the strengthening of ones self."

(Phoenix Altan)

[18:51] This talk of the world beyond is new to Meadow.

She is a creature of the Lifestream. She believes wholeheartedly in the reincarnation of individuals whose souls are intact and untainted.

The notion that they may be plucked from the cycle for reasons other than to keep it clean is a novel concept. But perhaps it is still pragmatism, just in a different way.

She listens.

[18:51] Then with the World and the Beyond his knowledge of Athelios' Dogmata was fleshed out. Self, Question, Civilization, World, and Beyond. These five things made up the teaching of Athelios it seemed as he closed his eyes and thought on it. Athelios was a god of order then. One who didn't see inherently evil or good magics as such, but more tools to maintain balance and order.

He was against the practice of witchcraft as it summoned demons which broke the Dogmata of the world, as demons always wished to destroy it and humanity. Likewise the god was in opposition to the open practice of necromancy, as such violated the dogmata for the Beyond. It all made sense to him now.

Through Discipline you strengthened your soul to ask the Question for the good of Civilization, to protect the world, and eventually aid in the Beyond. Like a track it all flowed together almost seamlessly in his mind.

Pub: 21 Jun 2023 06:54 UTC
Views: 109